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A week had passed since the surgery, Casey had recovered quickly. She had now gone back to school and back to her regular routines, however Maya was a lot more protective over her daughter now. Not that she wasn't before but now it has come to a point where it's kind of extreme, she would text at least three times when Casey was at school and if she was at home she would go and check on her every once in a while to make sure she was okay. No closed doors allowed.

Of course the teenager knew her mom did it out of love and protection but it was starting to feel hard on her. She didn't want her moms to constantly worry about her just because of this, yes it was scary but it was nothing she could've prevented.

Casey of course didn't want to tell her moms that she felt guilty for making them feel scared and making them feel like they constantly had to be on edge to make sure the teenager was okay.

So she decided that she would go over to Samuel's house right after school so her moms could have some alone time without worrying so much. Samuel's school day ended a lot sooner than Casey's so he would be home before she got there.

Casey had worked on a piece of art for quite some time now and she was going to bring it to Sam's house today, as a gift. She was happy with the outcome of it, so she hoped he would be too.

[Casey's POV]
I closed my locker after getting my backpack out, making my way out of school. I texted mom that I was going over to Samuel's house now and that I was okay.

I made my way down the street, crossing the road before turning left. Soon enough I was just outside of Samuel's house, knocking on the door.

"Hey, come on in" he said, gesturing for me to go inside.

"It's kind of a mess, I promised dad that I would take care of Josh and Leon today" he said, sighing as he led me to the living room.

"I'll help you" I reassured him.

We walked up to Sam's room, immediately met by the sight of Leon and Josh sitting on his bed looking bored.

"Casey!" Leon yelled, hugging me before Josh did the same.

"What are you guys doing?"

"We wanted to go outside but Sammy said no, because it's raining. So now we have nothing to do" they whined.

"Well, how about we find a movie to watch together? You can go pick one" I told them, watching as they ran away to their rooms.

"I have seriously spent the last hour trying to make them happy, i think they love you more than they love me" Sam said, sitting down on the bed next to me.

"This one please" Josh said, handing me a cd.

"Let me guess, Spider-Man?" I asked, laughing a little bit.

"It's so good!" Leon said, joining us on the bed.

[Maya's POV]

Carina finished off at work later than I did, which meant that I would have time to prepare dinner for the two of us. I had been dreading wether I should talk to her about this or not, but I decided that I will talk to her tonight since it's just the two of us.

I don't know if she's ready for this, I know I am and I also know that Casey would like this too. But of course I'm not going to pressure on Carina if she don't want to do this just yet.

I grabbed Carina's cookbook, looking for a specific recipe that she usually cooks.

Just as I was about to start boiling the pasta, Carina walked in the apartment.

"Bella, I didn't think you would cook dinner tonight" she said, wrapping her arms around me.

"I wanted to try the pasta you always make so good, for you" I said.

"Do you want some help?"

"No, you can just go get comfortable in the living room while I finish this" I told her, feeling a little proud of myself for not burning the kitchen down in the process of making this food.

I placed the pasta on two plates, brining to glasses of wine along with me in to the living room.

"It smells so good"

"Don't get your hopes up before you taste it" I reminded her.

I took a sip of the red wine as Carina tried the pasta, she's not good with hiding her facial expression so I would've been able to tell if she thought it was bad.

"It's delicious Bambina, you used pasta from the box sì?" She asked, smiling.

"I didn't know how to make the pasta from scratch, sorry" I said, my cheeks flushing red with embarrassment.

"No it's okay, I'll teach you. But it was actually really good" she reassured me.

"Thank you, I would love for you to teach me how to make pasta. I want to be able to cook for you more" I told her.

"That can be arranged" she said, smiling.

Later on, when we had finished dinner, I placed the dishes in the sink before sitting down on the couch again with Carina. Preparing myself on how I would tell her this.

"Maya? You zoned out"

"Oh sorry, it's just that I want to talk to you about something" I said, placing down the glass of wine on the table.

"Go on, what is it?"

"This is a big deal for me, so hear me out first" I said, taking a deep breath.

"Well, ever since Casey told me she wanted to have a sibling-"

"She told you that?" Carina cut me off.

"We were talking about Mason and how our relationship was when we were younger and then she said that she wished that's he had someone like that too" I explained

She nodded for me to continue.

"I would- I want to have another child with you"

"Is this what you were nervous about telling me?" She asked.

"Yes, I didn't know if you thought the same"

"I do want to have another child with you" she said, bringing me in for a kiss.

"Do you want to foster again?"

"Yeah, I would like to do that. If that's what you want too of course" she said.

"Yes, I think that's the best option. I think that we should reach out to Hannah again then. To talk to her about this and see if she can help us" I told her.

"She might already have someone who's in need of a home, but we will need to prepare for home visits and home checks again. Since we won't know for sure what age he or she will be in"

"Mmhm, and rearrange the apartment a little bit. I think I can move the thread-mill in to our office so we can make that a bedroom instead" I said.

"Yeah, we can fit all of our stuff in to the office, we can talk a little bit about it when Casey comes back home form Sam's house" she told me.

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