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Once the younger boy had made his way back in to the teenager's room again Maya and Carina didn't see neither of them for a couple of hours. It wasn't until they decided that it would be a good idea to check on them, that's when they saw Casey sitting on the floor with Isaac sitting on her lap sideways. The teenager painting on her new canvas while the boy helped handing her the brushes and paints.

The women watched the two of the kids, seeing how close they were together. It was like they were never apart. The little boy put so much trust in to the teenager, they were really like siblings.

[Maya's POV]

Carina and I decided to make our presence known so we made our way in to her room, Casey soon looking up at us and smiled.

"Good morning"

"What is it that you're painting?" I asked, leaning down so I could catch a glimpse of the canvas.

"If you look out the window, you'll see" she instructed.

I then noticed she was painting the big tree in the backyard that had a little swing on it, along with the larger table outside we had earlier used for picnics with the station.

"Wow that's really good Bambina" Carina complimented her.

"I agree, it's wonderful" I smiled.

"Well it's all because of Isaac, he's been helping me all morning" she admitted, the little boy looking up at Casey with a grin on his face.

"Anna will be here any minute now, would you two like some smoothie or anything before she arrives?" I asked.

"I'm good, but thanks for asking" Casey said.

Isaac thought for a moment before he slowly shook his head.

"Are you sure? I'll come with you while you have breakfast" Casey offered him, earning a nod from the boy.

After they had cleaned themselves up from the paint, they joined us downstairs in the kitchen where I now had a smaller smoothie made for Isaac, just as he had finished it, Anna arrived.

"Hello, thanks for coming here" I greeted her.

"It's was no problem at all" she smiled politely.

We sat down in the kitchen, Isaac sitting on the chair next to Casey, remaining quiet but also watching everything we did closely.

"Let's begin with the reason why you called me to come here"

"Well we brought Isaac here yesterday since he had showed up at the station, Casey and Isaac had previously lived in a foster home together a year ago so he seemed the most comfortable to stay here while we waited to call you" I explained.

"We were wondering if our foster license will allow us to foster Isaac too, or is that out of question?" Carina asked.

"Not at all, how would you feel about staying here with Maya and Carina, Isaac?" Anna asked him.

"Stay here with Casey" he nodded.

"Would you feel safe here?"

He nodded slowly after a while of thinking, looking up at me. I gave him a reassuring smile.

"Then I don't think there's so much to discuss, I will send the paperwork over for you so you are registered as his foster parents. I will also give his file over if you would like to read it" she said.

"That would be great, thank you" I said.

Anna gave Isaac's file to us before she left, Carina and I decided that we would read it tonight.

"Isaac, what do you say about doing a trip to the mall, we can get some stuff for your room and toys if you would like" I encouraged.

He nodded before asking.

"My room?"

"Yes, come on I'll show you where it is" I suggested.

He followed me upstairs, the guest room we were going to turn in to his room is in the end of the hall right next to where I keep my gym supplies.

"This is going to be your room, we can paint it in whatever color you would like. And right next to your room is where Carina and I sleep" I shared.

"Really? My own room" his eyes widened and he smiled so big.

"Of course, this is your home now and you need to have your own room to have all of your toys and stuff in it" I reassured him.

He hesitated before he slowly went to hug me, wrapping his tiny arms around my legs.

"So what are you thinking, do you have any color you like?" I asked, pulling away from the hug.

"I like blue, like the ocean" he admitted.

"I like that color too, we should ask Casey if she wants to help painting your room then. I think that will be a good idea"

"Yes, ask Casey" he nodded, holding my hand as he pulled me with him to Casey's room.

"Casey, will you make my room pretty?" The little boy asked, still holding on to my hand as we had reached Casey's room.

She dropped her pencils and looked up at us.

"Absolutely, I can come with you two to the mall so we can pick out some colors and maybe get some ideas" she agreed, beginning to put her art stuff away.

"Alright, meet us downstairs when you're done" I told her.

"Do you think you can wear this for the moment? It's cold outside and we need to get you a jacket" I said, grabbing Carina's hoodie and gently putting it on him.

Surely it was big for him but it would have to do for now, I rolled up his sleeves so he would be able to use his hands and the sweatshirt wouldn't get in the way.

"I'm ready" Casey announced, putting her coat on along with her shoes.

"Let's get going"

I helped put Isaac in the car seat before I sat down in the driver's seat and drove us to the mall. Once we reached our destination Isaac waited for Carina and I before we started making our way in to the mall.

"Is everything alright?" I heard Casey ask him.

He whispered something to her which made Casey smile and then turn her attention towards me.

"Go ahead bud" Casey encouraged him.

"May I hold your hand again?" Isaac asked, sounding a little nervous.

"Of course you can Isaac, you don't even have to ask" I smiled, taking his little hand in mine.

We reached the store, starting with the color he would like to have in his room.

"So what do you think, the darker one or the lighter?" Carina asked him, holding up two different samples of blue.

He choose the lighter one, we proceeded with finding some more things for his room and then moving on to buying clothes.

After a while of walking around, mostly Carina picking out clothes with Casey's help while Isaac and I just followed them around, Isaac began to get tired and a little cranky.

"Let's pay for this and then have a little brake, I think we can buy some ice cream" I suggested.

"Ah that sounds good" Carina agreed.

We paid for the clothes, carrying the bags until we reached the ice cream shop. I ordered three cups since Isaac wasn't really sure which one he liked.

"Come sit here" I offered, helping him sit down on the chair next to me so he could have some of my ice cream.

"It's good" he nodded, smiling widely.


Any ideas for storylines? Bigger or smaller ones, it doesn't matter. I don't have that many ideas right now but I really want to write more.

Thanks for reading!

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