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The family of four stayed at the hotel for one more night, making a trip to the mall to buy some new clothes and also took a walk in the park. The spring weather made everything look so much more beautiful, along with the flowers.

[Casey's POV]

I got dressed in a pair of black jeans along with my light blue oversized t-shirt, brining a sweatshirt in case it gets too cold. After putting my hair up in a bun and eating my lunch Carina dropped me off at Sam's house.

"Have fun Bambina" Carina smiled, driving off to work after she had dropped me off.

"Hey Casey, I've missed you" Sam said, letting me in.

"I've missed you too" I admitted, giving him a kiss before we made our way up to his room.

"Was your trip nice? I saw that picture you sent of the boat trip"

"It was really fun, nice to spend some time away with the family" I told him.

I cuddled in to him, resting my head on his chest as he played with my hair.

"Is your parents home?"

"No, why?" He asked.

"Nothing, just wondering" I said.

We put on a movie, ending up watching the new marvel movie since we both like it. Although we mostly made out instead of watching the movie.

"Can I?" He asked, placing his hands on my waist.

"Yes" I confirmed, letting him take my top off.

The kissing became more heated, he stopped for a while.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked sincerely.

"I'm sure, as long as you are too" I said, wanting him to be okay with it too.

"I want to" he nodded, taking my bra off.

[Maya's POV]

It was only me and Elias at the apartment since Carina was at work and Casey was at Sam's house. We are taking Elias to the daycare tomorrow since Carina and I both need to work soon and he can't be home all alone.
I hope he will think it's fun, or at least not hate it. He doesn't really know anyone or any kids at least and I don't know how he is with new people.

"Mommy? Have pancakes for breakfast please" he asked, approaching me dressed in his pajamas.

"Sure baby, you like to be comfy all the time huh?" I said, picking him up so I could tickle his tummy.

"Yeah comfy, coming to mommy's work today" he said as I placed him down on the kitchen counter.

"Yes you are, you're going to meet all of my friends and you get to see the fire trucks and I can show you around the station" I explained.

"I have friends too?"

"Yeah they'll want to be your friends too baby" I reassured him, sending that he was a little nervous.

After making the pancakes I placed them on plates for us, putting some blueberries next to them since Elias really likes berries.

"Come sit here, we can have some snuggle time before we have to leave. I believe we should change your clothes too" I chuckled, helping him to sit on my lap.

"Mommy, sleepy" he said, leaning against my chest as he had finished eating his pancakes.

"Hmm it's not nap time yet bubba, you can have a little nap after we've been at mommy's work later" I told him.

I helped him change in to a pair of blue jeans along with his monster inc T-shirt, I packed his backpack with his fully blanket along with a couple of toys in case I have to go on a call and he has to stay.

"Let me put your seatbelt on" I said, gently placing him in his car seat before I put the seatbelt on.

As we arrived at the station Andy practically ran towards us, more like towards Elias. Picking him up in the air making him giggle.

"My favorite nephew, you are the cutest baby ever" she said, hugging him.

"Good morning captain, and mini captain" Travis said, crouching down to Elias height as Andy had just placed him on the ground again.

"Mommy is boss?" He asked innocently.

"Yeah she can do whatever she wants, she tells us what to do all the time" Travis told him.

"I hear we are having a tour for our mini captain today, is that right?" Vic asked him excitedly, taking his hand in hers so she could lead him in to where the fire trucks are.

I stayed behind with Andy, wanting to talk to her for a while since we haven't had a proper conversation in a while now.

"How is it going?" She asked.

"It's great actually, Casey is still a little frightened and jumpy but she has improved and has opened up a lot more to the both of us. Elias has just started calling us mom which made me really happy of course, how is everything for you?" I asked.

"So and so, you know Robert is like he usually is. We haven't gotten along that well these last couple of weeks" she admitted sadly.

"Ah that's not fun, have you tried couple's therapy? I mean if the talking isn't working that might help" I suggested.

"Yeah that's a good idea, I just want us to communicate like we did before ,you know?"

"I understand, I really hope it solves itself out" I told her.

I went to find Elias, now sitting in the fire truck while Travis stood by the door. I took a picture, sending it to Carina and Casey before I approached him.

"Hey baby, having fun?"

"Yes! Lots of fun" he smiled widely.

"We are best friends now" Travis let me know.

"Wow, I see you're going to be a future firefighter bubba" I told him, ruffling his hair.

"I have toys, see?" Elias asked them, taking his backpack from my hands.

"Sure show us"

"That's so cool, you have your own fire truck and police car" Vic said, encouraging him to show everything.

"Yes, this from mama and mommy" he told them, holding his blanket out so they could feel how soft it was.

"That looks really comfy, I might need to invest in one myself" Travis said, smiling.

After a while I could see that Elias became more tired so I gathered his stuff and led him in to my office. Placing his blanket and teddybear next to him on the bed.

"Mommy sleep too?" He asked.

"Mommy will stay right here, I can nap with you" I reassured him.

He tried getting comfortable next to me at first but had no luck, I guided his head to my chest so he could hear my heart beat which instantly made him more relaxed. His eyes closed and his breathing evened out, his tight grip on my shirt loosened a little bit as he fell asleep.

I lauded as still as possible, stroking his hair as he stayed asleep. It made me feel calm knowing that he was safe here with me and that I could keep an eye on him.

But it also made me worry about tomorrow, knowing that he would be going to daycare for the first time and that he might not like it at all. Or what if he doesn't get any friends?

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