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(Trigger warning, Self harm and suicidal thoughts)

[Maya's POV]
I woke up, making my way downstairs since Carina wasn't in bed with me. Smiling as I saw Casey curled up right next to Carina, both sleeping peacefully.

I made myself a cup of coffee while I waited for the rest of the family to wake up. Not long after, I heard someone walking down the stairs. Laughing slightly to myself as I heard Elias slow down his pace because he knows that I told him not to run down the stairs.

He had my work t-shirt on, it almost covered his knees as it was so big for him.

"Good morning bubba" I picked him up, placing him sideways on my lap so I could cuddle him.

"Where's your pajama pants?" I chuckled, knowing that I put his pajama on before he went to bed last night.

"Wanted to have your shirt" he explained, spinning with the ring in my finger.

"I can make you a sandwich if you want" I offered, knowing that he would probably be hungry.

"No, thanks maya" he declined.

"How about pancakes? You need to eat some breakfast buddy or else you'll have no energy" I told him.

"Can have fruit?" He asked.

"Sure I'll get you some fruit" I agreed, removing him from my lap.

I cut pieces of mango and strawberries up and put them in a bowl, placing it in front of Elias along with a glass of water.

"Good morning Bella" Carina pulled me in for a quick kiss before pouring herself a cup of coffee.

"Morning my love, is Casey okay?" I asked.

"So and so, she couldn't fall asleep and she was really scared" Carina explained.

"Poor thing, she looked content with you at least"

"Yeah, I'm happy she got some sleep" she said, sitting down next to me.

We finished breakfast, Casey had joined us and ate a little bit too.

"What do you want to do today kiddos?" I asked.

"We go to park, please" Elias suggested.

"Are you okay with that Casey?" I asked quietly, knowing that she hadn't been outside since all of it happened.

"I-I'll be fine, you're staying with us right?"

"Of course, Carina and I will be there the whole time" I reassure her.

We walked to the park, Elias holding tightly on to Casey's hand.

"We'll go over to the swings" Casey said, letting Carina and I sit on the bench.

"Don't push too hard sweetheart, just so he doesn't fall off" I reminded her.

"I know mom" she smiled.

"How do you think she's actually holding up? I feel like she isn't telling us everything" I sighed, placing my arm around Carina's waist.

"Mmhm Bella I feel the same, perhaps she'll come to us when she's ready? But if she struggles too much than we can talk to her, sì?" She said.

"Yeah, I just don't want her to become overwhelmed"

[Casey's POV]


I smiled widely, looking at Elias who were currently playing in the sand.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"We get ice cream?" He asked, brushing the sand off of his hands.

"Why don't we go ask Maya and Carina, I'm sure they'll allow us to get some" I said, taking his hand in mine as we made our way over to the bench.

"Ice cream, please?" Elias said as soon as we approached Maya and Carina.

"Sure, why don't you and I go get some ice cream while Carina and Casey wait here" Maya said, taking Elias hand and started making their way over to the ice cream shop.

"Come sit here with me, Bambina" Carina patted her lap for me to sit on.

"You can talk to me, I'm here you know" she said softly.

"Is this about last night? Because if you really want to know I can tell you. It might change everything" I told her.

"I'm not pushing you in to saying anything, I just wanted you to know that I'm here"

"The day after my birthday I had planned to Uhm"

"Take your time Bambina" She comforted me.

"I had planned to take my life, I had the plan that I would take the blade I had in my bedside drawer and do what I'd always done before, cut my thighs but this time I would let them bleed without stopping it. Because I knew that I had no one and it wouldn't matter if I was found dead on the bedroom floor because my life didn't matter to anyone"

"And I guess that i still feel like that sometimes, I feel alone even though I'm not. I absolutely hate the feeling, it creeps up on me when I go to sleep or when I wake up the time doesn't matter. All of the sudden I just feel alone and the-the thoughts that I've had before just comes back and I can't stop them"

"I-I won't do it, but it's hard to keep the thoughts away when I know how easy it is to slip back in to old habits. I'm scared mama"

"Oh Casey, thank you for telling me" she whispered, pulling me closer to her chest.

"You are never alone, your mom and I will always be here for you. I'm so proud of you for telling me this" she said, placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

"If you hadn't talked to me that day in class- you saved me mama"

"I'm so glad I did, you should never have to feel like that again. I want you to always come to us when you feel alone or just want someone to talk to" she told me.

"I will" I agreed.

"I'm so thankful that you are my Bambina, you're everything" she smiled, wrapping her arms tighter around me.

"Hey, here's ice cream. I know you don't eat one by yourself so I thought you could share with Carina" Maya said, handing us ice cream.

"Here" Carina said, scooping up some ice cream and feeding it to me.

"Thank you, it's really good" I said, looking over at Elias who had his mouth full of ice cream.

"What do you think about going on a road trip, just the four of us" Maya suggested.

"Where would we go?"

"Wherever we want, I did think about a boat ride we could do. I think we could all enjoy that" she said.

"I've never been on a boat, I think it's going to be fun"

"See fishies?" Elias asked, now joining the conversation.

"We might see some fishes, hopefully the weather is good too" Maya answered.

"I sit in the front" he stated.

"You can't do that bambino, you have your car seat in the back" Carina explained.

"Hey, I'm sitting in the back with you" I reminded him, seeing the sad look on his face.

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