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[Casey's POV]
It has been a week since Elias left with his biological father, I miss him a lot. We became close to each other even tho he's so much younger than me. I do hope that his father treats him right and that he feels safe we're he is now.

Sam and I had planned to go to the movies tonight and also eat dinner together, unfortunately I got my period last night so I'm stuck in bed with cramps that makes my stomach hurt so bad. He's supposed to pick me up in two hours so I need to start getting ready soon or else I'll be late.

I took a shower, then starting to do my make up, having to stop every once in a while because the cramps hurt a lot. Beginning to get frustrated, I threw my clothes to the other side of my room and let out a few curse words.

"Language, why are you upset?" Maya asked, picking up the clothes I just threw.

"Samuel is supposed to pick me up in an hour and I look terrible, my stomach hurts and my back hurts" I complained, my eyes filling up with tears.

"Hey, take some deep breaths. I'll go get you something to help with the pain" she promised, kissing my forehead before walking in to the bathroom.

I did as she said, taking deep breaths until she came back.

"Take these, if it hurts too bad when you're out you can just give me a call and I'll come pick you up" she said.

"Thank you" I smiled a little, now continuing with doing my makeup and getting dressed.

Soon enough Sam arrived outside, the two of us making our way to the movies.

"You look gorgeous, I'm so glad we could to this tonight" he said, paying for our tickets.

"Thank you, you look beautiful as well" I told him.

We sat down in our seats, I leaned against his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me waist.

"Sit here, please" he said, motioning for me to sit sideways on his lap so we could cuddle.

"There's barley anyone else in here" he reassured me, sensing my hesitation.

I did as he said, getting comfortable on his lap as he once again wrapped his arm around me.

"I love you" he said, kissing me.

"I love you more" I told him, smiling.

As the movie came to an end, the two of us made our way out of there and started making our way to the restaurant instead.

"Are you okay with this?" He asked as we walked in to the restaurant that had a good amount of people in it.

"Yeah, having you here helps a lot" I said, sitting down in front of him by our table.

We ordered our food, waiting for it to come.

"How is it at home, now that Elias isn't there?" He asked.

"It's different, he lived with us for a month so we had our routine and we would always do everything together so it feels weird not having him there anymore" I answered.

"Hopefully he's safe with his father now"

"Yeah, I just thought he would've been able to stay" I mumbled.

We finished our food, walking home to my place again.

"I don't think they're awake, you can sleep here" I told him, taking his hand in mine as we walked quietly up the stairs.

I heard the bedroom door open, seeing mom walking out of there.

"What is going on?" She asked.

"Well, it's late so I thought that Sam could sleep here so he doesn't have to walk home alone" I told her.

"Have you told your parents?" Mom asked Sam.

"Yes, I have" he nodded.

"Door open, no funny business" she said seriously.

"Goodnight mom" I said, hugging her before Sam and I made our way in to my room and in to bed.

I changed in to my pajamas, taking my makeup off before I laid down next to Sam.

"Are you really going to sleep in jeans? That's like breaking the law" I chuckled.

"Fine" he said, being dramatic on purpose as he took his jeans and shirt off.

"That's better" I smiled, hugging him.

"Goodnight babe"

"Night, Sam" I said, kissing him Goodnight.

[Carina's POV]

Maya and I woke up early, now making pancakes in the kitchen as we waited for the two teenagers to wake up.

"I told them to keep the door open and not to do any funny business" Maya said, helping me place the plates out.

"Bella, they're teenagers. This is what they do" I laughed.

"No, not Casey" she shook her head.

"I believe the damage is already done"

"What?! She's thirteen, why didn't she tell me?" Maya yelled.

"Shh Bella, I had a talk with her so it's all good" I reassured her.

"Uh, what's going on?" Casey asked, now appearing in the kitchen with Samuel.

"You are grounded" Maya said told her.

"Why? I didn't do anything" Casey said, confused.

"Sam, I think it's best if you go home" I told him gently, not wanting it so seem like I'm angry with him.

He nodded, giving Casey a hug before he left.

"Maya" I snapped, gesturing for her to follow me.

I led us in to the bedroom, shutting the door closed.

"What is wrong with you?!" I whisper yelled.

"I want to protect her!"

"You are not protecting her by grounding her, if you want to protect her you have to let her come to you first and let her talk" I informed her.

"I don't want her to get hurt" She said, almost on the verge of tears.

"I know that Maya, but this is not the way you handle this type of thing" I told her sternly.

"I'm sorry" she said honestly.

"You should apologize to Casey, not to me. I'm not the one being confused on what's happening" I told her, sighing when she left the room to go downstairs.

I followed her, sitting down by the table next to Casey.

She was sitting with her knees pushed in to her chest, picking on her nails.

"What did I do?" She asked quietly.

"I am so sorry Casey, I overreacted when Carina told me about you and Samuel. I just don't want you to get hurt" Maya explained.

"I won't get hurt, Sam would never do anything to hurt me" Casey said, now looking at us.

"I understand that, I was just being overprotective and I'm sorry for that" Maya apologized.

"It's okay, I just don't like it when you are yelling" she mumbled.

"We will try to not let that happen again, but we are not angry with you or with each other" I promised, stroking her hair.

She laid her head on my chest, letting herself relax a little bit from getting so anxious and nervous about what was going on.

I flashed a reassuring smile to Maya, letting her know that everything was okay and that she didn't need to worry.

My sky is fallingΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα