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[Carina's POV]
I waited for Casey to join me by the couch, Maya was doing paper work in the office so I figured this would be the best time to talk to the Bambina about everything.
It's not that I'm against her seeing Samuel but I need her to be safe with everything so it's better to talk about it.

"So, what are we talking about?" She asked as she sat down next to me.

"Well I wanted to talk to you mostly about being safe, with sex but also your feelings towards each other. You need to be open and talk to each other about your feelings and that's especially important when you're having sex" I explained.

"I don't think we'll be doing that any time soon, but like what if I say something and he doesn't think the same?"

"Then you will talk about it, figure it out together. That's why it's important to listen to each other" I told her.

"I- what if" she cut herself off.

"You can ask me anything Bambina, I'm not judging" I told her.

"What if I'm not ready to do it but he is, is it weird?"

"No it's not weird at all, it's completely your choice. Never do something you don't want to do okay?" I said.

"Okay, thank you Carina"

"You're welcome Bambina" I told her, pulling her closer to me so I could get some cuddles.

Little did I know Maya had heard our conversation, everything.

"Carina, can we talk for a minute?" She asked, clearing her throat.

"Of course, I'll be right back case" I told her before walking with Maya to our bedroom.

[Casey's POV]
I laid on the couch watching the TV. I started hearing Maya's voice get louder. She was yelling at Carina but I couldn't hear what they were saying. Making my way to their bedroom door I could slowly hear the voices.

"She's thirteen Carina!"

"She isn't capable of this yet!"

Wow, thanks.

"How is she supposed to handle all of this huh?!"

"Maya calm down please"

"No Carina I- I'm!"

Damn it, she opened the door right in front of my face making me flinch back.

"Shit I'm so sorry Casey" she said trying to reach out to me.

I backed away, she was still angry.

Angry is bad.

Angry means hurt.

"Casey sweetheart I didn't mean to" she said.

I shook my head, looking away from her.

Grabbing my backpack that was placed just by the front door. I ran out the house and down the street.
Where do I go?

I needed some time alone, I made my way over to the station to see if anyone was there.
Andy were standing by the front desk so I approached her.

"Hey Casey, what brings you here?"

"I- Maya was upset" I said in a shaky voice.

She guided me over to the bunks so we could sit down.

"Why was she upset?"

I proceeded with telling her a little bit about Sam and how Maya accidentally overheard the conversation I had with Carina and that's why she got so upset. I told her that she were yelling at Carina and how that made me scared.

"I've known Maya since many years ago and she has never cared for someone this much as she does for you except for Carina of course. She has a funny way of showing her feelings sometimes but I think that she is just scared of you getting hurt, she's overprotective of you because she really loves you case"

"I got scared when she was yelling so loud" I admitted.

"I understand that, I can assure you that it wasn't Maya's intention to make you scared. Maybe talk to her and tell her that you got scared so she can think of that and do different next time"

"Yeah, maybe. I should probably start heading home now" I told her.

"Do you want a ride? I'm on my way home now anyways"

"No i think I could use some fresh air, but thanks Andy it was really nice of you to sit here with me" I smiled.

"Of course, it was my pleasure. Bye Casey" she hugged me.

I grabbed my backpack again and started making my way back home. The sky had already turned dark so it was a little scary walking home all alone in the dark.
I stoped to put on some music because I had at least a twenty minutes walk back home.

[Maya's POV]
I messed up so bad, how could I ever do something this stupid. I know how she feels and yet I yelled even tho I knew she was still probably able to hear me.

"Maya, take some deep breaths" Carina instructed me.

"What if she's never coming back, god it's all my fault"

"She is coming back I promise you, she's frightened right now but it's not going to help if you get so worked up okay? Just try calm down Bella" she said.

"She's our kiddo" I said quietly.

"I know and she knows that too, when she comes home you will sit down and talk to her okay? Just explain that you didn't mean to get angry" she said.

Ten minutes later the front door opened and Casey walked in.

"Casey sweetheart, I'm so sorry"

"It's- it's okay" she said.

"It's not, it was wrong of me to yell like that. I just don't want you to get hurt, I got a little too overprotective. I didn't mean to scare you" I told her.

"I know that now, I just assumed the worst when you got angry" she said, wrapping her arms around me.

"Where were you?" Carina asked her.

"At the station with Andy, we talked for a bit and she kept me company" she told us.

"I think we all need some family time right now"

"Can we watch the new marvel movie?" Casey asked hopefully.

"Of course, I'll go grab the blankets while you and Carina get comfy" I told her.

After gathering a couple of blankets I joined Casey and Carina on the couch, letting Casey rest her head on my lap as I stroked her hair. I frowned when I felt her forehead being really warm.

"You're quite warm Case, do you feel sick?" I asked, getting Carina's attention too as she looked at me.

"Uh no not really, just tired. It's probably nothing"

"Make sure to let us know if it gets worse, okay?" I asked.

"Promise" she nodded.

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