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[Maya's POV]
I groaned as the light shines thru the curtains of our bedroom, feeling a weight on my chest as I tried to sit up. I opened my eyes properly, now seeing Elias almost laying on top of me with his arm and leg around my body. Smiling at the sight, also the fact that he was doing so great with the sleeping that Kelly had told us he had a hard time with. Maybe he just needed a safe place, so he could relax.

I scrolled thru my phone, waiting for Carina to wake up. It only took about ten minutes or so before I felt her hand searching for my body, soon opening her eyes.

"Good morning my love" I smiled.

"Mmm good morning Bambina" she said, yawning.

"I'm going to check on Casey and make you some breakfast" I said, gently guiding Elias off of me.

"No it's okay, I'll go check on Casey" Carina insisted, putting her clothes on before she walked to Casey's bedroom.

"Maya?" Elias called out, soon appearing in the kitchen.

"Hi bubba, are you hungry?" I asked.

"Little bit" he answered, leaning against my leg.

"Maya!" Carina yelled, running in to the kitchen.

"What is it? Why are you yelling?"

"She's not here, didn't she come home at all last night?" She asked me, immediately trying to get a hold of Casey on the phone.

"She texted me that she would be on her way home, and then both of us fell asleep. I thought she made it home. Maybe she changed her mind and stayed at Sam's house?" I said.

"No no that's- that's not like her at all, she would've called us" Carina told me, sighing in frustration.

"I'll call Samuel to see if she's at his house, you eat breakfast and make sure Elias eats too okay?" I said, not wanting her to freak out if this was all just a misunderstanding.

After some signals Sam finally answered, sounding rather tired.

"Hey Sam sorry to be calling you right now"

"No worries, what's up?" He asked.

"Is Casey still there with you? She didn't come home last night" I asked.

"What? No she left, saying that she would walk home" he told me, his voice changing as he got stressed.

"And she hasn't texted you or tried to call you?" I asked.

"No, nothing I haven't heard from her since she left" he answered.

"Alright, let me know if she reaches out to you" I said before hanging up.

I walked back in to the kitchen, a frown on my face.

"She's not there, and she hasn't tried to reach out to him" I informed her.

"What are you going to do?" She asked hopelessly.

"We'll drive around the neighborhood, see if she's there and if she's not we will have to contact the police" I told her.

God everything had just started to work out perfectly.

I need to find our girl.

[Casey's POV]

I was locked up, something preventing me from moving my body. My hands tied together behind my back, my feet tied together and the thing over my mouth preventing me form making any sounds.

I heard voices outside of wherever I was tied up, sounding like two people arguing. One of the voices was a lot more darker and sounding like it had authority so I'm guessing it's a male so that makes the other person a female.

I don't remember anything at all from when I went home last night, the only thing I can recall is walking out of Sam's house but then everything is just blank.

A drop of blood trickled down my face, followed by another and then another one after that. I didn't feel any pain coming from my head or face, it was like my body had gone completely numb.

Suddenly a door opened, followed by a light being lit.

Now I could clearly see the two persons standing in front of me.

Tom and Karen.

How did they get out of prison?

"How does it feel? Being tied up" Tom asked me, smirking.

I turned my face away, not wanting to look at either one of them. That was clearly not a wise decision as I got a hard slap across my face.

"Did you really think that you would be able to get rid of us that easily? We will always come back to haunt you Casey. Giving you what you deserve" He said, Karen now stepping forward no longer cowering behind him.

"Remember these?" She asked, holding a lighter followed by a package of glass bottles of beer.

"I came up with a game, how about each beer you can drink I get to smash the bottle. Maybe it ends up on you maybe it doesn't, doesn't that sound exciting?" She asked, smiling widely.

I could feel my body shaking, it felt like I was about to be sick just from being so frightened.

She approached me, ripping the tape off my mouth before she opened the beer bottle. She held it against my lips, smirking as I chugged down the bottle.

"Now let's see, I think I'm going to stay here" she said, backing away a couple of meters.

Aiming with her hand before she threw the bottle, it landing right above my head. I felt the glass shatter and the tiny pieces now in my hair.

"One more, come one" she said, opening another bottle.

This time, she stood a little bit further away. Aiming before throwing it so the tip of the bottle hit right above my eye. I cried out in pain, soon feeling the blood dripping down my face.

"Oops, just four more to go" she said, opening another bottle.

After throwing all of the bottles, it felt like my face was covered in blood. The wound right above my eye hurts a lot but the one on my lip and forehead hurts even worse.

"This is the best part, open your eyes" she said, squeezing the lemon juice in to my eyes.

"Don't get your hopes up about someone finding you down here" Tom smirked, closing the door after they both left.

The room was once again pitch black, smelling like beer.

Maybe Tom is right, perhaps they wouldn't find me here.

[Carina's POV]

After the third lap around the neighborhood, Maya and I drove back to the apartment. I tried to remain calm is I carried Elias in to his bedroom as he stayed asleep. As soon as I walked out of the room and joined Maya in the bed I broke down.

"Where is she?" I cried.

"I'm not sure baby, but we have contacted the police now. She might've gotten lost since it was so dark outside yesterday" Maya said, stroking my hair.

"They are going to find her right? I-I need our Bambina"

"They are going to find her Carina, we will continue looking tomorrow too I promise" she told me.

"I should've picked her up, she shouldn't have walked home alone" I whispered.

"Do not blame yourself okay? This is not your fault Carina, we will find her" she told me sternly.

I just need to hope she's right about finding her.

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