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[Maya's POV]
The team and I got called in to a four alarm fire, having to run across the station so we could get in to the firetrucks as soon as possible. The fire was starting to spread fast, I listened to where the directions would take us, soon hearing the address of Casey's school.

"Damn it" I yelled, pushing the gas pedal harder so we could get to the scene faster.

I saw my phone lighting up, it was Casey's number. I couldn't answer it since we were just about to reach the destination so I ignored the call and started to do my work. Gathering the hoses while the rest of them team went inside to search through the building.

"Captain, there's at least ten kids trapped in a room. The roof has collapsed" Miller spoke over the radio.

"I'm coming, I want you to switch places with me. I'll search and you start with the water" I said, now running inside the building so I could reach the room.

The roof had indeed collapsed, pretty much making it impossible for me to get inside the room.

"Think Maya, think" I yelled to myself.

I squeezed myself in to a tiny space, almost getting stuck in the way because of the heavy gear. I soon found myself inside the room filled with scared kids.

"Everyone listen up, I want you to line up. I will help you" I yelled, communicating with Gibson on the outside so he would send up a ladder so we could get the kids down.

"Alright, one by one" I told them, lifting them outside the window so they could start climbing down to where Gibson were standing.

When the last kid had climbed down the ladder I was just about to start climbing out but quickly stopped myself when I heard a voice.


My heart started beating faster and faster, I recognize the voice. It's Casey.

"Casey baby, where are you"

"M-mom" she repeated.

I localized her voice, finding her stuck behind a bench. I flipped the bench over, reaching my hand out so I could help her get up.

"I-I can't" she whimpered.

"We have to get out Casey, what's wrong?"

"My leg" she said.

I looked down, seeing it twisted in a way it definitely should not be. Her pants covered in blood and dirt.

"I'm going to pick you up, it's going to hurt but I need to do it" I told her, picking her up bridal style and starting to climb out of the window and then down the ladder.

"I-it hurts" she cried, her breathing speeding up.

"I know I know, we will get you help soon" I promised her, now running with her to the aid car.

"Get out of my way!" I yelled, placing Casey down on the gurney.

I placed the oxygen mask over her face, cutting her pants open at the place her leg was injured so I could get a better look.

"Hughes, you're driving!" I instructed, jumping to in to aid car so I could sit down next to the gurney.


"Shhh try not to talk to so much sweetheart, it will be okay. It will all be okay" I reassured her,

The drive to the hospital took about five minutes before we could get Casey help, Three doctors immediately standing by Casey's gurney and taking her in to the trauma room.

"You can't be in here, wait outside" a male doctor told me.

"It's my daughter! I have to see her" I yelled, not wanting her to be with a bunch of strangers.

"I understand that ma'am but we can't let you be inside here" he said once again.

I walked away, trying to find Carina since she had helped a few of the injured kids to get to the hospital. She was completely clueless about Casey getting hurt.

"Hey Bella, why are you still here?" She asked.

"Casey is Uhm- she's hurt" he said, biting my lip to prevent myself from crying.

"What?! What happened?" She asked.

"She got stuck under a bench at school and her leg was severely injured, they won't let me see her. I don't know how bad her injuries are" I explained.

"No no no, I-I didn't even think to look where she was or if she was safe"

"Stop, don't blame yourself for this. It's not your fault at all. Let's just see if we can get any information from the doctors soon" I said, taking her with me so we could wait outside the trauma room.

"Bishop-Deluca?" A doctor said, walking out of the room.

"Yes, that's us" I nodded.

"Come sit down with me over here" he said, leading us over to a couple of chairs further away.

"Is she okay?" Carina asked him.

"Her leg is broken in two places which is required surgery, her knee is dislocated and there's seedling on her other leg. She has complained about not being able to feel her left leg but that is because of the pain medication we have given her, her rib is also broken but that will heal on it's on" he explained.

"Does she have any smoke inhalation?"

"A little yes but it's not that severe, you can go see her but I want you to stay calm. If she gets worked up there's a risk that she might have a seizure" he warned us.

"We will be careful" I nodded.

Carina and I made our way in to her room, seeing our daughter connected to a bunch of wires and tubes to her arms and hands.


"We're here now Casey, everything is okay" I reassured her, wanting her to remain calm.

"M-m-mama" she stuttered.

"What's happening" I said confused in why her speech got weird all of the sudden.

Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, her body shaking furiously.

The room filled with doctors and nurses trying to keep our daughter safe and alive. We were once again moved out of the room.

"Did we-"

"No, no that was unexpected. We must've missed something in the CT" one of the doctors said once they had gotten out of her room.

It took another ten minutes before we could go back in to the room, Casey now having a tube down her throat balling her to breath.

Days and days went by and nothing changed, she wouldn't open her eyes.

I watched as her blood pressure evened out, dropping lower and lower. All because of me. How could I be so stupid to not have gotten to her sooner? She's my daughter and now she's laying in a hospital bed almost lifeless. She might die and that is on me, it's all my fault.

"There's barely any chances of her waking up again, the seizure caused sever damage to her brain which could mean she will never be able to breath on her own again" the doctor told us.

"I'm sorry, mommy's so sorry" I cried, holding her hand.

"You'll always be our Bambina" Carina whispered, kissing our daughters forehead.

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