Chapter One. Cool Down Boys.

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Sang smiled happily to herself as she finished bathing.  She had actually woken before everyone else for a change and had cooked Gabriel, Luke and herself omelettes and fruit salad and yoghurt for breakfast before they headed off to the diner for the early morning shift.

Thinking she could prepare more omelettes for Kota and Nathan to have when they woke up she danced into the kitchen only to stop suddenly when she saw North at the stove top getting ready to cook bacon.

"Hi North, can I help?"  Sang smiled happily at her North Star.

"I'm good here Baby, thanks.  You can get juice out of the fridge if you want though."  North grinned seeing his girl looking happy and well rested. 

"Do you want eggs with your bacon North?  Or are you having something else?"  Sang asked, with her head stuck in the fridge.

"Eggs, sounds good.  How do you want yours cooked Baby?" North almost purred looking at Sang's butt in her skin tight yoga pants as she bent over taking juice and eggs from the fridge.

"No breakfast for me thanks North." Sang grinned.  "I'll help you cook though.  Is Silas coming here for breakfast?"  she continued only to stop when North's eyes darkened and he growled "You have to have breakfast Sang.  You need to start the day with something healthy."

"I'm not hungry North. I .." Sang began only to stop again when North cut her off.

"Baby you have to eat properly." North yelled.

"Calm down North."  Kota commanded at the doorway.  "What's going on?"

"Sang says she not hungry."  North huffed.  "She has to eat.  Breakfast is the most important meal of the day."

"North is right, Sang.  You need to eat."  Kota commanded.

"Yes, I know.  I do realise that." Sang murmured taking a step back as she tried to explain that she had already eaten not an hour before.  "I'm not hungry because .."

"Not good enough, Sang."  Kota stated walking in and standing beside North with a serious expression on his face.  "You have to rest plenty and eat regularly.  Dr Green stipulated that when he said you could come back here from Victor's place.  It's only been two weeks since you hit your head, Sweetie."

Sang threw her hands up in total exasperation. "It would be really nice if I could get a word in without you two Neanderthals cutting off every word I say." She barked, starting to seethe at their obstinate attitude.

"Fine.  Sorry."  North yelled, feeling his blood pressure rise yet again.  Didn't she realise they were worried about her because they cared so much.  "What was it we so rudely interrupted."

Sang just looked at him "I had breakfast earlier before you guys got here." She quietly told him.

"One of those sweet coffee drinks isn't breakfast Sang."  Kota stated quickly cutting North off before he made things worse, all the time wondering how things had escalated so quickly.  He knew Sang still wasn't back to her usual self because she was never unreasonable, but this was so sudden even he was surprised.

Sang just stared at him. "I didn't have coffee, Kota."  She said even more quietly, and starting to feel even more upset than she had.  Why would they not listen?

"I had breakfast early with Gabe and Luke before they left for the diner." She continued and then started to get angry when North cut in yet again.

"Those two little shits had better not have given you chocolate filled crap for breakfast, Baby.  It's fucking unhealthy.  You know that."  North yelled.

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