Chapter Forty-eight. All Manner of Exercise.

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Owen looked at Sang with distinct pride in his eyes.  "Did you make those GPUs from household goods, Sang?" he asked, ignoring the choking noises from a few members of his family.

Sang grinned happily.  "I did.  Everything was in the garage or workshop. It took no time at all."

"Jesus, Sang.  You were a kid, and you did that by yourself."  Kota muttered.

Sang looked a little surprised.  "I didn't break any of the rules, Kota.  Besides, it was a surprise for my grandparents.  I couldn't really tell them, now could I?"  Looking at him carefully when she heard him snort Sang continued.  "I didn't think it was dangerous, and it wasn't really a big idea.  Besides, Grammy went over all safety measures with me when we made fireworks, and I followed all protocols she set."

"Safety!! Fuck, baby.  You made smoke bombs and trip wires, and your age was a single digit." North almost bellowed.

Sang's jaw dropped.  "That's a bit rich coming from you, North.  You've got your whole place wired and you're yelling at me for a couple of tiny little wires to protect my grandparents?  Geez, double standard much!"

"I think she's got you there, North." Sean murmured, nudging Luke with his foot, trying to get him to stop sniggering.

"I think it would be wisest to suspend disbelief over Sang's age while she executed Big Plans and Great Ideas, gentlemen."  Owen's steel eyes connected with North's and continued around the room gaining silent agreement from them.  They finally landed on Sean and narrowed when Sean mouthed "owned" to him before smiling cheekily.

Sang meanwhile was quietly looking at the frozen screen.  "Apparently, making smoke bombs is a good way to meet cute firemen.  Huh, who knew?" she concluded as she settled a disgruntled Xavier, who had obviously been contemplating hurting North.

"Cute, Trouble?"  Gabe asked, a touch stonily.

Oblivious to a few narrowed glares aimed at the screen, Sang merely shrugged absentmindedly and looked at the front of the DVD.  "I think so.  Must be the uniform.  Not as gorgeous as any of you though," she artlessly replied, before trying to put Xavier down and move.  "This next part is really embarrassing.  Can we skip it?" she asked quickly.

"No way Aggele," Silas grinned, as he hugged her firmly.  "If we have to watch cute firemen, you can sit through whatever is coming up."


Grampa and Rose finally walked into the kitchen and put their bags down.  Grampa sighed with relief as Grammy handed them both a drink, and began to unpack the needed groceries for dinner that night with the Drummonds.  He shook his head and told Grammy about all the annoying red traffic lights that had held them up.  "I tell you Mary, I swear it's like a conspiracy or something.  Every single one was red."

Grammy grinned at Rose as they pushed the vegetables Grampa's way for cleaning and distracted him.  "I'm making dessert for tonight, Grampa.  Have you ever heard of Pavlova?  I haven't.  It looks really yum in the picture.  See?"  Rosie asked, as she held the recipe book in her Grampa's face. 

Grampa's face broke out in a smile.  He loved dessert, and they really didn't have it a lot.  "Looks fabulous, Rosie girl.  Do you think you should make a cheesecake as well?  Just in case it doesn't work."  He tried to look innocent, and failed epically as Rose giggled at him.

"Seriously, Grampa.  It'll work.  Trust me."  Rose looked around to see where her Grammy was.  "But, I'll make you a cheesecake anyway," she whispered, "Just because."  She grinned, as Grampa held out his hand to high five her. 

"That's my girl."

Later that evening the conversation had turned to Rose's exploits.  Mr D eyed the little poppet with interest.  "Did you ever find a use for those game controllers I left with you last year?"

"I did, Mr D, thank you," little Rose said sunnily.  "I'm still working on it, but I can't tell you what exactly. There's a lot involved you know.  I won't get it done this year.  I've only got a few days left.  Besides, it's a secret at the moment," she confided, as she looked significantly at her Grampa, who was studiously eating his dessert.

Grammy, who had been entirely aware of George's supposed dessert subterfuge, grinned at him as she watched him savouring the meringue.

"It's a little annoying that the squash courts are going to be out of action for so long George. Yvette and I will have to find another form of exercise, while we wait for refurbishment.  Does anyone have any suggestions?" she asked, as she sipped her coffee.

Shooting down suggestions of jogging, cycling and other perfectly acceptable forms of staying fit, the whole conversation ground to an abrupt halt when Rose suddenly spoke up.

"You know, Grammy, I read in Grampa's newspaper the other morning that pole dancing is a great way to get fit and stay healthy. The article said it was a good cardio workout too. Maybe you and Mrs D could try that." Rose piped up thoughtfully, while she concentrated on scooping the cream from the top of her dessert.

The adults as one stopped breathing.  Oblivious to the sudden silence that fell over the table, Rose continued "Grampa and Mr D could join in too, I'm sure." Sudden snorts of laughter made Rose to look up at the faces trying to hold the laughter in.

"Rose, sweetie.  Do you know what Pole Dancing is, exactly?"  Grampa enquired, glaring at his wife who was valiantly holding her laughter in with a hand firmly across her mouth.

"Nope, no idea at all, but you like dancing, don't you Grampa?"

"I love dancing with your Grammy, sweetie.  But playing sport is something that Grammy and Mrs D like to do in their girl time."

"Oh, not at all, George.  I'm sure you and Pete would be quite welcome to join us.  Wouldn't you agree, Sangrida?" Mrs D quickly interjected, with a wicked grin erupting.

"See Grampa," Rose smiled happily.  "The article said something about g strings.  I don't know what they are.  Probably some sort of sporting gear, I suppose." 

"The article said sales of g strings have grown exponentially with the popularity of the sport?  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you all 'Exponentially,' well that's the word for the day.

Rose scraped the last of her dessert from her bowl and just continued shocking the adults.  "Do you know what they are, Grampa? Do you have one?  Because Grammy loves to shop and you know she likes to dress appropriately.  So she could definitely get you one, I'm sure.  Right Grammy?" Rose smiled happily, finally finishing her thoughts and drawing breath.

Pete Drummond lifted his head from the table where he had rested it and his shoulders shook.

Rose looked at him with concern brimming in her eyes.  "Are you okay, Mr D?  You look a little red in the face.  Say, you're not thinking about having a heart attack again, are you?"

Mr D took a deep breath, and controlled his mirth.  "No sweetie, it's not on my agenda.  I think you're planning on giving me one though."

"Oh.  Do you think learning pole dancing might be too strenuous for you?  Because it's supposed to be good for the heart, but it didn't mention anything about doing it with pre-existing conditions.  Maybe I could look it up on the internet for you," Rose offered helpfully.

"Do you want me to do that, Grampa?"  Rose asked with a sweet smile.  "I could find out where classes are being held too if you like," she suggested, hopping down from the table, and collecting bowls, left for the kitchen.

"Oh my god.  This is funnier than Rose asking you for gunpowder, Pete."  Yvette choked, and wiped the tears from her face. 

"God, I'm going to have nightmares about this," Grampa declared as he sipped water to relieve his suddenly dry throat.

"Oh come on, George" Grammy started "I ..

"Don't, my darling wife.  Do not EVER put that thought out in the cosmos." Grampa interrupted firmly.

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