Chapter Twenty-Nine. A little B & E.

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I'm dedicating this chapter to Robin Witten (aka Twinkles). Twinkles you have stuck with me through both stories and have encouraged me all the way through with your kind and encouraging words. I have appreciated your wit, banter and suggestions every step of the way. I hope you continue to enjoy the sequel.

The boys had been sitting down chatting amongst themselves waiting for Sang to reappear. They knew the trip to Illinois had been a success but still wanted to hear all the details.

Kota had just risen to go and talk to her, when she finally walked back in. "Are you okay, Sweetie?" he asked quietly.

Sang sighed and rested her head on Kota's chest. "I'm fine, Kota. I can't believe what happened though. I should have stayed here with Xavier. I'm kicking myself. I wanted to see all of you and relax, and that was selfish."

"No, it wasn't. That cat has issues. That's hardly your fault." Kota tried to explain.

"Well, I want to buy the new furnishings regardless of whose fault it is." Sang started to explain, only to be interrupted by the chief.

"No. Mr Xavier is ultimately my responsibility, Miss Sorenson. I was the one who originally brought him into our family and I will be the one to replace the furnishings," The Chief smiled briefly before continuing "as well as the more personal items the boys lost on his little rampage."

Luke and Sean started sniggering at the chief's last comment. "Come and sit with me Cupcake. We can tell everyone about our adventure together." Luke grinned and held his hand out to Sang and pulled her down next to him on the lounge.

"It was hardly an adventure Luke. Everything went very smoothly." Sang wrinkled her nose as she thought back to their trip.

"Easy for you to say, Aggele. You weren't the one who had to face down the neighbourhood monster dog from Hell. North and I did." Silas smiled and bumped fists with a solemn North.

Sang blinked her eyes and looked a little nonplussed. "It was a terrier, Silas. A little bitty terrier. It wouldn't hurt a fly." Sang blinked again and shook her head.

"Yeah, and that mongrel ball of torment from planet evil is really a sweet little kitten that wants to play with butterflies all day long." Nathan whispered to Victor quietly.

Victor snorted and quickly bit back his laughter "Why don't you tell us all about it, Princess." He suggested smoothly.

"Not much to tell. We went to Illinois, saw Mr Mullany, drank herbal tea. The guys hate the stuff by the way. We had dinner, went for a walk, retrieved my radio and came home."

"And that's it?" Sean smirked.

"Well yeah. Oh hang on. North said he'd teach me to ride a motor bike." Sang exclaimed before grinning "Not really sure where we're going to fit that in with everything else going on, but we'll think of something. Right North?" Sang asked as her smile grew wider.

"We want details, Trouble," Gabe demanded as he watched Luke grin when North's eyes narrowed at her last announcement. "You know, details like how the fuck did you get Captain Cranky to agree to that."

"And let's not forget you being best buddies with the demon spawn of a mutt from next door." Silas added as he remembered the little rodent.

"Perhaps, if you all give Miss Sorenson a chance to think, gentlemen, she can will be able to give us a succinct account of everyone's time away." The chief murmured, totally ignoring Sean's snide comments about it being dangerous to encourage his Pumpkin to think when discussing illegal activities.

Sang sighed and started. "Well, what do you want? A blow by blow description of every second we were away and who chews sweets or swallows them whole? Because all we did was go in the entrance to the cellar, move a few boxes out of our way, open up the wall, grabbed the radio and got out of there."

"I think they want to know little things like there being house sitters and how we had to wait until 2 am to make sure everyone was asleep, and how we had to use the electric drill to take the screws out of the external hinges to open the door because of the steel rods in place, Cupcake." Luke shook his head and then smiled.

"Well, you boys know what everyone wants to hear. I gave my version, now it's your turn." Sang returned smartly.

"Fine Peanut. We will." Nathan spoke up and turned to the others. "I was on surveillance out the front across the road with decoy fireworks in case of emergency."

"I was out the back of the property with North at the tree line waiting for Luke and Aggele mou to give the all clear when this yippy little rat came racing up going berserk." Silas added in.

"Next thing I know Cupcake disappeared and reappeared three minutes later with the mutt in tow and it was acting like she was the greatest thing since sliced bread."

Sang rolled her eyes "He was only pleased to see me because you and North scared the poor little thing and he could smell the doggie treats in your pockets. I don't know why you didn't toss him one straight away. He's totally harmless."

"Probably because we were trying to shut him the fuck up and not get eaten, Baby." North all but growled.

"If you had tossed him a dog treat he would have quietened down straight away. He was just saying hello. I told you I used to see him occasionally when I went walking at night, didn't I?"

"Well Cupcake, you didn't mention anything about Rocket being an obnoxious, noisy dog that liked to chew people's legs."

"Because he isn't. He's quite harmless. And quiet." Sang pronounced firmly as if that settled the matter.

"Yeah, only because the little fucker had his teeth wrapped around a dog treat and it stuck his fangs together." Silas declared quietly to North, much to the amusement of Kota and Victor sitting close by.

"Back on point please, gentlemen." The chief requested not unkindly. He had come to realise earlier that Sang was a total softie when it came to furry creatures of any description. Probably something it would have been handy to know sooner, before he had introduced her to Xavier, he thought to himself before concentrating again on Luke who continued the tale.

"Anyway, we took photos of the owner's layout in the cellar before we moved anything. The radio was exactly where Sang said it was. It took about ten minutes to remove it. Good thinking having the whole thing on three smaller backing boards and not one, Cupcake. You did that so you could move it by yourself when you built it, didn't you?" Luke asked and nodded to himself in satisfaction when Sang nodded and murmured about weights and power connections. He was starting to understand the way she thought. Well sometimes anyway. He was never going to understand her thought processes regarding evil and annoying animals.

"Anyway, Peanut sent Rocket" Nathan smirked a little at North before continuing "my way and I kept him busy until North sent the all clear. Then they picked me up on the way out. No one stirred in any of the houses. Rocket went home and we made a quick and clean exit out of there. Mission accomplished."

"It was fun too. I'm sorry Rocket scared you guys." Sang said a little contritely.

"He didn't scare us Aggele" Silas said as he and North looked revolted at the thought. "We just didn't want any problems getting your radio back."

"Well, you all did brilliantly and I want to thank you again for doing that for me. It was a huge deal to me guys...." Sang started only to be interrupted by a sharp rapping knock on the front door.

"I'll answer it." Gabe announced as he was closest to the door.

"What the flying fuck do you want you miserable prick bastard." Gabe bellowed, bringing all conversation to a screaming halt.

The Sequel.  The Little Rose.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon