Part Fifteen. Sang's Mission.

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Gabe, Luke and Kota slid silently through the shadows, the moon giving just enough light for them to see their way through the silent, deserted street.

"Thank Fucking Christ Trouble told us to put a silencer on this sucker" Gabe whispered to his companions as he took the potato gun out of the carry bag and held it for Kota to load.

"I know." Luke replied as he scanned the surrounding area again for movement. "I think we would be heard for a five block radius if she hadn't thought to muffle the sound."

"Incredible, actually guys. It took her exactly eight seconds to think of what to use too. I calculate it muffled the sound by 92.8% this afternoon."

Gabe and Luke looked at Kota affectionately. "You are such a math nerd Kota." Luke grinned.

"Whatever. All I need to know is that it sounds like a car backfiring in the distance. I don't give a fuck about percentages. I just don't want to be caught half way up that fucking building okay, and since this is Trouble's plan let's do it. We do not want to keep the lady waiting." Gabe said quietly.

"Besides the sooner we're done the sooner we can go home. We all know this is going to work like a charm. Ain't that right, Trouble!" Gabe murmured into his comm unit, grinning at his brothers when they all heard Sang's soft giggle.

"Thank you Meanie." Sang said. She had been smiling ever since they had started the conversation. She thought they may have forgotten everyone in the Comm Van could hear everything spoken by any team member on the mission. They were all equipped with ear phones and mics, and she knew everyone kept an emergency burner phone hidden somewhere on them.

Sang remembered finding Mr Blackbourne at Victor's place on her birthday and had decided she really didn't need to know the exact location of the phones, especially when Silas had asked if she wanted to see where they were kept and North had yelled at him. Silas had just looked at her winking, and said "Later, Aggele" grinning and waggling his eyebrows much to North's ire.

"Hey Boys." Sang's voice whispered again, and Kota swore he could hear the sound of mischief. "If you fall because you don't have your heads in the game I shall not be sympathetic to your pain. Oh, and Sean wants you to know that broken bones will not get you out of your physicals next month." Sang's voice came quietly over the Comms.

"Don't worry Sweetie," Kota replied, "Luke could probably climb the building without a rope."

"Maybe, maybe not Kota, but this is so much more fun" Luke answered as he watched Gabe ready the potato gun to fire the grappling hook and start climbing.

"I fucking hate climbing. You do know that right, Trouble." Gabe's voice came over the speaker.

"No, I didn't Meanie. I'm sorry." Sang's voice suddenly sounded worried as her voice sounded in all 7 comm units. "Do you want me to swap with you? I could be there in 2 minutes. Less, probably, if Sean drives."

Sang blinked when seven voices rang loudly through the van. "NO."

"I thought we were supposed to be quiet." Sang whispered.

"The van is soundproofed, Aggele, and we are still in our vehicles." Silas said quietly.

"Please don't try and change the plan, Peanut. It's a brilliant plan." Nathan's voice came through clearly.

"Fuck. I was joking Trouble. We've got this." Gabriel said quietly into his Comms unit and rolling his eyes at Luke.

"The guys are right. You stay put Princess. I need you here okay." Victor's voice sounded calm, and Sang realised just how much in his element he was with all the hi tech gadgets he had in the van. They had had a wonderful time going over everything that afternoon, and the best part was Victor knew the answers to all her 5,000 questions, she thought grinning at him as he reached across to take her hand briefly, before kissing it gently and going back to his long range scanners.

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