Chapter Thirty-three. The Game.

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This chapter is dedicated to SilasAggeleMou because well ..... Silas. I hope you enjoy it SA.

Sang bounced happily out of her chemistry class with Gabe and raced to where Kota and Silas were waiting for them on the grass.

Plonking herself down Sang threw herself backwards and looked up at Kota giggling. "Hi guys. Class was wonderful today. I really like our lecturer. He's so kind and funny."

Gabe just stared at Sang with a faint air of disbelief before communicating with Kota and Silas silently. "Of course he likes you Trouble. He's never had a student memorise every chemistry textbook in existence before the class begins." Gabe shook his head "You're the teacher's pet. You know that Trouble. If anyone else had asked about RDX components and started an in depth conversation about cyclotrimethylene-trinitramine they would have been fucking arrested or put on a watch list or some shit like that. But, because you're so cute you get away with all kinds of shit."

Silas threw his head back and chuckled. "Aggele mou is no terrorist, Gabe. Anyone with eyes can see that."

Kota pushed his glasses back up his nose and tried to look stern. It was hard though. He had never seen Sang so happy and relaxed, and he knew she was just curious about, well, everything really. "Sang. Please tell me you didn't ask if your lecturer could show you how to make a PBX.

"Of course not, Kota." Sang replied to his relief. Only to dash his hopes when she continued "I already know. I was just curious if he had access to really interesting stuff and whether he'd ever tried making something like that."

Gabe jumped to his feet and ran his hands roughly through his hair. It was a fair indication of his current level of stress. "Fuck. Mr Blackbourne is going to kill us if Trouble finds trouble here. You do realise that right Kota."

"Relax Gabe." Kota started before Gabe interrupted again.

"RELAX. Are you fucking kidding me! Trouble bounced up to the old dude after class and practically started grilling him on his experiences outside the College and what kind of explosions he liked to make." Gabe almost yelled causing Silas to roar with laughter.

"Meanie. That's not fair. He was very interesting during his lecture and he didn't mind me talking to him afterwards. He said so. He said it was a pleasure to meet someone so well informed about certain things, and I told him my Grammy used to lecture in Chemistry and I had read all her books. Which I have. He was very kind. So there. Besides I'm the perfect person to find stuff out. I don't exist remember. Who're they going to arrest?" Sang finished huffily.

"Gabe, calm down." Kota spoke firmly. "Victor ran a check on all the Science Department personnel here before we all came. Everyone was cleared. No one is going to be arrested for asking questions."

"Yeah, well you go to class with Trouble here after lunch and see what it's really like." Gabe announced firmly.

Silas continued chuckling loudly as he jumped up and pointed Gabe in the direction of the cafeteria. "It can't possibly be that bad, Gabe. Besides, it would have to be a buzz to see Aggele mou not freaking out with all the crowds and being in a new place like she did on the first day here."

Gabe stopped and looked back at Sang as Kota hauled her to her feet and brushed the grass off her. "Fuck. I'm an asshole. I didn't remember that Si. You're right too. I'll have to apologise for jumping all over her and make it up to her somehow."

Silas followed Gabe's line of vision and saw Sang giggling with Kota before waving at them both as they turned and ran to catch up. "I don't think it's a problem Gabe. But tell me, did she really ask about RDXs?"

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