Chapter Three. Mr. Xavier.

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I sat on my lounge just glaring at him as he finished his "important phone call" to his friend. Did he truly think I had forgotten what he did last night. The fool.

I really think someone needs a lesson in ownership and I'm just the right one to deliver the message.

I rose carefully, stretching my muscles, as I watched him adjust his tie. If I could roll my eyes I would, but I'm not sure he's worth the bother.

It's time someone learnt their place in the order of this world. My world. You don't keep me from what is mine. Ever. And that beautiful, sweet girl is mine. All mine. I'm not even sure I'm willing to share her with any of them any more. Not after HE sent her away with those other ingrates and, took me back to my place. Imagine, not being able to see her all night. I barely survived.

I think about gifting him with one of my special sneers, but decide he really isn't worthy of my efforts in this matter, and I doubt he would understand the honour of my attention.

So, as I watch him gather his 'precious' briefcase and place his even more 'important' phone in his pocket I casually place a paw on the back of my lounge and rip it. Mmmm, that felt gooooood. I'm going to do it again. And again. And again.

Until I hear him raise his voice.

Did he really think he could raise his voice to me in my own home? I think as I pass my paw across the cushions one last time. Well, I wanted a new lounge anyway, I thought as I glanced at it carelessly.

Yes, that's right Owen. I have your attention now. Why it wasn't directed at me in the first instance I really don't understand but you won't make that mistake again. Will you, Owen! No, I didn't think so either. I smirked quietly to myself.

Now, I suggest you pick me up as you should have in the first place and take me out to my car and then take me to see my girl. RIGHT NOW. I miss her and I need to see her.

I settled myself on the back seat of my car as Owen chauffeured me. I really don't know why his jaw is clenched so tightly. I allowed him to collect his annoying friend on the way to see my Darling. What more does he want!

I close my eyes and rest, only to open them when the car stops and I hear that annoying Sean start ranting. Deciding it may possibly be worthy of my attention I realised he was angry because my Sweet was on the roof of the house.

I blink in disbelief at his ignorance. I knew Sang would be as sure footed as a cat, I really don't understand why he didn't also. After all she is the most perfect human I have encountered. Just quite lovely.

However, it is no matter I think as my Love enters the car and I prepare to greet her. Although I do make a note in my mind to deal with Sean later. How dare he stop her from sitting with me. It was obviously what we both wanted.

Mmmm, I purred happily as we greeted each other after such a long time apart. She missed me too. That makes me feel so good. Knowing she returns my feelings.

She is so warm and soft. And she smells so good to me. I feel happy and content as she strokes my fur delicately, and I sigh blissfully as she rubs my ears and talks softly to me.

Although, I'm not very pleased with what I'm hearing. The fact that I need to spend a little time teaching some very silly boys how to treat My Darling occurs to me, as Owen takes me inside and I find two of the horrid beasts fawning all over my Sang.

I think the lesson can begin as soon as Owen and Sean take her to breakfast. I hear her give careful instructions for my care while she is gone, and I note that of course she is more concerned for my welfare than her own. Bless her gentle heart.

I decide to start with the idiot called North and quickly move on to include the biggest one in my sight. Yes, that's right Silas, you should be wary. You know what I'm capable of. Upset My Sweet and you will pay.

I decide not to involve the one with the unusual colored fur on his head. He appears to be innocent and I quite like that colour so I'll leave him for another time. Well, unless he annoys me, then he's fair game.

I sniff the bacon presented to me by the one called Kota. Such a silly name. Dakota is much more dignified. I notice it's not quite the fine china I'm used to at my place, but I'm not a snob and benevolently accept a piece of bacon from that young Victor. He really isn't too bad for a male human. I have noticed he treats My Perfect Sweetness as he should and she deserves.

That annoying North starts squawking again. Hmmmm. Obviously, he has no sense of humour. He really needs to work on that, I think as I go to assess the lounge for comfort.

Curling up comfortably I check to make sure I am perfectly groomed for when My Heart returns and I decide I want to play with the boys now. Well, mess with them really, because I'm not sure they've learnt their lesson not to upset My Darling.

I wonder how long it will take them to understand that it's my game, my rules, I think as the angry one tries to make me do what he wants.

Phht. Really! If it wasn't beneath my dignity I'd laugh, but it is, so I settle on gracing him with a genteel sneer.

Yes, that's right you idiots. Every time you raise your voice or try to touch my perfect fur I will flex my claw muscles. It's game on.

For the next little while I lead them on a merry chase. I think I understand why My Sweet One keeps them to play with. They are actually quite entertaining. Particularly the angry one. I think I like playing with him the most. Such fun reactions I can draw from him.

But, soon My Sang will return to me and I think it would be jolly good fun to hide. There's a nice bit of space I can get into in the kitchen, so I casually make my way in there and settle in comfortably.

It really won't hurt these silly human males to understand that I am the most important being in Sang's life now. As she is in mine.

I remind myself that it would probably be polite to let Owen know I appreciate him introducing the light of my life to me. So I make a mental note to gift him with my presence on his knee later. Much later. I want to be with Sang right now. Besides, she is much more fun and softer than he is.

Once My Precious returns I feel happy again. It was good to see North beg for mercy from her and so very entertaining. Of course she would forgive them. I on the other hand don't need to.

I'm so glad I'm a cat, I think as I smirk at the poor, mere male humans over My Sweet Sang's shoulder as she takes me to my car and I purr contentedly. She's back and I do love my Sang.

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