Chapter Eight. Secret Dress Codes.

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Sang was happily looking through things from her personal drawer in the Sunstone Chest when the boys poured out of the office. Grinning to herself she quickly stashed the goods back in the drawer.

"What are you up to out here, Trouble?" Gabe asked grinning. "You look like you're up to something. How much trouble are you planning on causing? When, where and how? And can I play too?" He asked.

"I'm not up to anything bad, Meanie." Sang replied with her eyes narrowed, but the grin still wide on her face."

Nathan plonked himself down on the lounge "Peanut, you definitely look like you're up to something. Speaking of which, awesome plan you came up with. But we still want to know what's going on right here, right now." Nathan said slinging his arm around her shoulders.

"I was just looking at stuff inside my drawer of the chest." She said pointing at it.

"You never did show us how to open it, Peanut. Is it a secret?" Nate grinned.

"No, I didn't, and yes it is." Sang stated firmly. "No one sees what's in there."

"Okay Peanut. We can take a hint. Can't we guys?" Nathan asked the room in general, grinning at Sang.

"Seriously, Cupcake?" Luke asked. "You're not challenging us to open it in a funny girl code kind of way?" He smirked.

"In case you haven't noticed, Trouble doesn't know girl code and, all things considered, no one in their right fucking mind will go anywhere near the contents of that box without protective armour. At least. I think some of the contents are fucking lethal. Ain't that right, Trouble." Gabe grinned, while everyone nodded their heads.

"Speaking of armour Gabriel" Sang said looking over the back of the lounge at him "I've been thinking, and I need a KMB dress for every day this week. I need you to help me pick the right ones out please. If it's not too much bother." Sang's eyes had a glint that they had never seen before. It made everyone gulp. What was she up to?

Walking out of the office with Sean to hear this conversation Mr Blackbourne stood behind Sang and peered down at her. "Do I even want to know what a KMB dress is and what you're planning, Miss Sorenson?" He asked, with a teeny, tiny twitch to his lip.

Sang threw her head back and looked up "No, Mr Blackbourne, you really don't," she grinned and then laughed as that twitch grew. Just a little.

"Sang, what are you planning?" Kota asked with a touch of command in his voice.

"Nothing bad, Kota. I promise." Sang stated positively, her eyes wide.

"That doesn't tell me anything," Kota said eyes narrowing.

"Oh good. You noticed that." Sang ignored his small eye roll and continued. "In my opinion, I'm not planning anything illegal, immoral or dangerous, Kota. Trust me and stop worrying."

Sang stood up and grabbing Gabe's hand said "Come on Meanie, let's check Victor's closet. He assures me I can. I've got stuff everywhere but I think some of it's here."

Watching the pair go into his room Kota sighed and rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands. "Did anyone else see the giant, enormous loophole in what Sang just said? Or am I becoming more paranoid by the day?" He asked the room in general.

"Of course we fucking saw it, Kota." North almost yelled . "Question is, what do we do about it?"

"We do nothing, guys. Nothing at all." Sean stated firmly, eyeballing North just before he started arguing.

"If Sang wants wear a dress to school. She can. So what? She obviously has her reasons why, and she sure as hell doesn't have to explain every single thing to us."

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