Chapter Eleven. A New Day. A New Attitude.

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Watching Sang saunter into the lion's den I knew things were going to be different today. She was different, and it wasn't her dress that called attention to her. No, it was the confidence that seemed to pour off her.

Over all the months we had known her, Sang had hated going to see Hendricks. Her stress levels had always been palpably high, but she had never backed down. Not once. Her bravery never ceased to amaze and impress.

So watching her stroll into his office with her whole demeanour reeking attitude Sean and I knew that today something had changed. Watching Hendricks' face I don't think he recognised any change in Sang, but judging by the way she sat down, crossed those gorgeous legs and clearly relaxed back into her seat I didn't think it would take him long.

I stood next to Sean as Luke, Kota and Gabriel joined us. When the message had come from Luke that she had been called to the main office just before English I had instructed them to meet us in our office.

"Doesn't she look fucking awesome!" Gabe exclaimed as he caught sight of her on the screen. "Shh. Gabe we need to listen, in case she needs help." Kota said as they all went silent. Their eyes glued to the computer screens. "She asked Luke to ring her about 10 minutes after she left home room. What the fuck does she think she's doing!" Gabe hissed at him.

"Shh. Listen." Sean growled quietly, leaning forward to turn the sound up. We could catch what we missed after from the recording, but we had always promised we would be there if she needed us so we needed to know she was okay.

"Well, Sang. What do you have tell me?"

"Regarding what? ..... Mr Hendricks." I could hear Kota gasp at her bored tone. Sang wasn't rude, but we all noticed the pause before she addressed the Principal politely.

I thought I should regret telling Sang she could say whatever she liked to the man, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. She deserved the right to face her tormenter down. I hadn't thought she was ready, and her safety was always a concern to me, but Miss Sorenson was surprising me again.

I could see both Sean and I relax as the conversation continued. Sang was giving every appearance of being calm, and I could only smile when she waved her hand casually before appearing to notice a manicure problem that required rectification. Immediately apparently, because she produced a nail file and proceeded to do just that. While he was talking.

"Oh my god, look at his face! Oh that is priceless. I think Sang has got this one guys. Just look at her." Sean said, sitting back and watching her use the nail file to point at Hendricks as she spoke.

"He looks like he's about to have a heart attack. His face is so red." Luke whispered as Hendricks started to yell. I noticed him pull out his phone and I nodded at him to make the requested call.

Any other time, any other day, Sang would have cringed at the onslaught. But not today. No. Today she merely raised a delicate eyebrow at him and smiled as if amused.

I closed my eyes briefly when I saw Sang quickly whip her phone out from its hiding spot and answer it. She must be wearing a garter to be able to hide it there! God. It's hot in here.

"Did she just take her phone from under her hem?" Kota asked. A shocked expression on his face, as Luke chuckled quietly before he spoke briefly into the phone. I was pleased he wasn't teasing her. I didn't want anything to throw Miss Sorenson off the performance of a lifetime.

Gabe rolled his eyes. "Yes Kota. Where the fuck do you think she could put a phone in that Kiss My Ass dress?" He asked as Luke finished his call.

"Is that what Cupcake meant by KMB. I wondered." He whispered as he glued his eyes back to the screen.

"Yeah, well Trouble never cusses. You know that, dude."

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