Chapter Thirty-five. The Drummonds.

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This chapter is for Melissa. Happy birthday my friend. May your day be filled with joy.


Sang and the boys spent their first day looking around at anything and everything they could in the area. But, that evening it was time to finally meet her grandparents' oldest friends. Sang hopped off the last step and started bouncing on the balls of her feet, smiling happily as everyone waited for her near the front door.

"Are you ready guys?" she asked "You're going to love Mr and Mrs D, and I can't wait to see Spotty dog again," she continued, still bouncing on the same spot.

Silas grinned and placed his hand on her head stopping her frenetic movement. "Calm down Aggele. If I didn't know what you ate today I'd swear you had a double helping of bouncing balls for lunch."

Sang stopped bouncing and giggled quietly. "Sorry Silas. I'm just a little excited." She confessed.

Nine pairs of eyes sparkled indulgently at Sang. "We know Princess." Victor's eyes flared again as he grabbed her hand. "Come on. The sooner we get you there, the happier you'll be."

"I'm not really sure Cupcake could be happier." Luke smirked as he and Gabe watched Kota and Victor be pulled by Sang towards the first hire car. "It's like someone gave her red cordial or something."

"You're not fucking kidding." North said, coming up to them and jumping in the driver's seat of the second car. "She's going to crash and burn if she doesn't slow it down."

"Don't be a fucking twat, North." Gabe exclaimed. "She's happy and excited. This is the only place she ever had people care about her, before she met us. Of course she's going to be going off like a rocket."

North rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Just get in the fucking car will you, before that little rocket convinces Kota to drive away and leave us okay," North grumbled. Red cordial, he thought to himself. No one would be so fucking stupid as to give Sang Baby that crap to drink. He'd kill them if they did. Shaking himself out of his musings he tuned back into the conversation between his brothers.

"Trouble looked fucking hot in that dress, didn't she Luke?" Gabe smirked proudly, as he thought of the dress Sang had chosen to wear. "She even got the sandals matched right too." Luke and Silas just grinned at each other as North shook his head.

"She always looks hot, Gabe." Luke smiled, daydreaming a little about Sang.

"Yep. Aggele never seems to realise it though." Silas said thoughtfully. "She's as beautiful on the inside as she is outside."

"That's because those fuckers fed her bullshit all her life, and no one ever gave her a reason to believe otherwise." North almost growled. "So it's up to us to set her straight," he continued.

"We can do that. No problems." Luke looked around with interest as they all parked in front of another large home with beautiful gardens and freshly mown grass. "In fact it'll be my pleasure," he said, promptly walking over to Sang and sweeping her up.

"Just don't drop her, dumbass." North grumbled, as a little dog came tearing around the corner of the old brick house yapping its head off. "What the fuck is that!" he exclaimed, looking in disbelief as the dog started running circles around a giggling Sang and chuckling Luke.

"It's a dog, North" Sang exclaimed, starting to truly laugh as the little pug promptly raced over and tried to bowl him over before jumping on Silas and trying again. "That's Pork Chop to be exact," she continued laughing outright when that failed and he turned his attention to Sean to see if he could at least knock him over.

"Come on, Sweetie. It's time to introduce us to Mr and Mrs Drummond." Kota smiled and pulled Sang to her feet away from the rambunctious pug.

"Grammy and Grampa always walked in the back door," Sang confided to Kota, as they made their way around to the back garden. "Mr D said he expected us to do the same. Do you think that's really okay?" she continued a little unsurely.

"Yes, Sweetie. I think Mr Drummond meant exactly what he said." Kota smiled, and looked up as the Chief walked up.

"Miss Sorenson, I can assure you that both Mr and Mrs Drummond would be most upset if you didn't use the family entrance" he murmured quietly, as he gently tucked a stray lock behind her ear.

"You're right." Sang declared, just as Mr D himself opened the door and peered out hopefully. A huge smile broke out over his face when he finally saw George and Sangrida's little Rose after so many years.

A few hours later Sang sat back from finishing her meal and gently scratched behind Spotty's ears. "It's so nice to see Spotty again, Mr D. I'm so pleased he came to live with you and Mrs D."

"We wouldn't have had it any other way, Rosie," Mrs D murmured. "Of the two dogs, he's by far the better behaved mutt," Mrs D grinned and continued "Pork Chop can be a little monster. He makes a mess like no other and we're not leaving that kind of mess for Mrs Poulos to clean. Which reminds me; I mentioned you were visiting and she would love to see you."

"No problem, I have to talk to Mr D tomorrow about the Trusts and stuff. If Mrs Poulos is here then maybe we can catch up." Sang turned to the Chief who seating nearby chatting to Mr Drummond. "That won't mess with anyone's plans will it?"

"Not at all, Miss Sorenson. We are all here at your convenience."

Mr D grinned to himself at hearing young Rose's most formal of friends. They were an interesting bunch he thought, and it was as plain as the nose on his face that they all cared deeply for her. He wasn't sure what the future held with regard to them and Rose, but if they didn't hurt her he could deal with whatever came up and she obviously trusted them. Although, it wouldn't hurt to give them a little scare, he decided with his eyes glinting.

"Yvette and little Rose need to go shopping for supplies for that salt ritual she wishes to perform," he declared turning to look at Sang he smile widening.

"If you girls do that first thing, we can go over the paperwork next, and after that you can visit with Mrs Poulos. Just watch yourself there, Rosie girl. Old Trudi's eyes lit up like a beacon when she heard you were coming home, and I know for a fact she has two grandsons she wants to see married off in a few years. She always did claim you would be the most perfect granddaughter-in-law for her," he finished with a decided smirk on his face.

Sean who had walked over to the group threw his friend a quick look as he saw him stiffen slightly. The Chief caught the look and relaxed, just a little, as Sang giggled at Mr D's comment. "That isn't going to happen in this lifetime, Mr D. Don't tease me."

Mr D rose from his seat "Don't worry, Rose. I won't let that happen," he said. His grin grew wider as he saw several shoulders relax "I've got my own grandsons we want to introduce," he added, before wandering off chuckling under his breath.

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