Bonus Chapter. Coup de Foudre.

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I'm really not quite sure why Owen felt the need to disrupt my plans for the day, just to inflict the company of these silly, silly boys on me. What was he thinking! Oh wait. He's human. That explains it I suppose. He really needs to sort out his priorities. I shall point that out to him later.

In the meantime I think I need a manicure. Hmm, now which boy shall I bestow the honour of tending to my claws with their legs. Mmm, Luke. No. He's rather sweet for a human. Gabriel. No, not today. I remember he was the one who appreciated my humour when I played with North a few weeks ago. Victor. Definitely not. He serves the most delightful fish fillet, fresh of course, if memory serves me correctly. As of course it does. After all, a superior mind such as mine never fails.

As I contemplate my options I hear the most musical voice I have ever heard trill pleasantly from the other end of the table, and joy of joys, a pair of delicate little feet appear under the table. I really must see this new human I think as I jump onto the table to investigate.

As I go to approach the most heavenly voice I have ever heard I look up into the most beautiful eyes God ever created. Wow, oh wow. There she is. The love of my life. Looking right at me. Smiling. Just at me. Holding her arms out. Only for me. I've been waiting for you for so long, I think as I immediately make my way into her arms.

I have this strange feeling in my chest. I'm really not sure what it is. It's not a bad feeling but not one I've ever felt before. I feel all warm and soft on the inside.

Within blissful minutes of meeting My Sang, such an unusual name but so fitting for such an exquisite creature, has convinced that sorry individual, Owen, to give me a name more befitting my stature in the world.

My Sweet One chose well of course. Mr Xavier. Yes, I like that, I decide, as I rest easy in the arms of my Love. My intimates may call me a simple Xavier if they wish. After all, there's no stick up my derrière, I think as I smirk at the sulking faces surrounding my sweet Sang. Silly boys. Surely they knew that it would be a coup de foudre as soon as we met.

I watch with glee as I see the angry one walk in with the hulk. He really is the most fun one of the motley collection of humans Owen has gathered around him. They're not my personal choice of intimates, but it is of no consequence, they can at times be quite entertaining.

Although I don't quite appreciate the way the angry one is looking at My Sang, so I decide to have a little chat with him. I'm quite sure someone as sweet and precious as my Darling won't see what that silly boy is truly like so I decide to show her.

Sure enough, North, I shake my head at such a name, raises his voice at me. So predictable I think. And really quite rude.

Naturally Sang doesn't appreciate his actions and immediately rushes to my defence. Such a sweet girl, thinking she needed to. And so loyal. It makes me feel funny inside again. So happy and warm...and content. It's a strange feeling and unusual. But I like it I decide as I watch the fool back down.

That's right North. She's MY Sang. Not yours, I think as my Heart and I go to dinner. I suggest you remember that you silly boy. She's MY girl.

Nothing and nobody will keep us apart. I'll see to that.

The Sequel.  The Little Rose.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن