Chapter Thirty-two. Bonfires and Marshmallows.

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This chapter is dedicated to Shannon (aka readingisamazing) and NorthsBaby1. You made me laugh and made writing a pleasure. I hope you enjoy.

Kota walked into the kitchen of Bob's Diner a week later and greeted Uncle happily. He tied an apron around his waist and headed straight for the sink. Everything was finally getting back to normal for his family and he really couldn't be happier.

Luke walked in with Sang laughing together. Sang's eyes lit up when she saw Kota, together with North, Silas and Nathan working in the kitchen. All they needed was Sean, Victor and the Chief to show up and the day would be complete with everyone here and Gabe out the front of the diner.

"Why are you two smiling like that?" Kota smiled "Are you planning something that's going to worry us?"

"Of course not, Kota" Sang exclaimed looking shocked at the idea "we would never do that, would we Luke?" she asked earnestly, before narrowing her eyes as Nathan and Silas started grinning.

"Of course not, Sugar" Luke stepped in quickly. He turned to Kota and continued "Since we're all here today, we were thinking that we could have a bonfire at our place tonight. Sang's never seen a bonfire before."

"That's right, Sang" Uncle interrupted. "You have to come and name the chickens I bought. Luke tells me you choose the most interesting names for pets. I realise they're not really pets, but they should have names." Uncle grinned as he looked around the group.

Kota's eyes softened. "Sure we can Sang. None of us have plans for tonight. I'll check with Dr Green and Mr Blackbourne and call Victor, shall I?" he asked quietly, before pulling his phone from his pocket and walking off to confirm the evening's plans.

"I only have six chickens to start with little bird. But, depending on how well they lay eggs I'll be getting more in a month or so."

Sang grinned widely. "I love naming pets," she declared. "Do you play music at bonfires?" she asked happily. "Because I'm sure I saw that in a movie once and Gabriel plays guitar, and he and Luke both have wonderful voices."

"We can do whatever you want, Peanut." Nathan claimed, "and cook steaks on the bonfire first."

"Marshmallows." Luke quickly cut in, "It's a rite of passage for any bonfire." He continued.
North frowned to himself before shaking his head and returning to the meatloaf he was preparing. "Have some salad with the steak and bake potatoes in the bonfire and I won't complain."

Sang and Luke grinned at each other happily. This was going to be fun.

Late that afternoon Sang stared at the enormous chicken coop North had built for his uncle. He had even put doors on the back of each nesting bed.

"It's wonderful North." Sang exclaimed with awe. "You are so clever. No fox will ever be able to get to them."

North smiled with satisfaction. Sang's approval meant the world to him, and he just had to pull her to him for a cuddle before they went and looked at the hens Uncle had bought. "Do you want to see if there are any eggs yet?" he asked as he pulled her to the rear of the hen house. "Just unclip each door, and slide your hand in to see if there's anything there." He instructed, before grinning when Sang's eyes lit up and she triumphantly pulled a brown egg out of the coop.

"They're already laying eggs, North." She whispered happily. "Which one laid the first egg? Do you know?" She asked Luke as he joined them, her eyes shining.

"That one." Luke pointed at a little brown hen inspecting the ground seriously before scratching at it."

"Hm. Well, look at how she inspects everything in front of her. I think her name should be Miss Marple" she stated, before looking at the rest and thinking up names for the rest of the girls. "Pity there's no rooster. Sherlock is a good name for a pet, you know."

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