Chapter Fifty-three. Keep Safe.

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It was a peaceful Sunday morning and Kota stood gazing out the French doors leading off the library into the back garden. He smiled softly to himself as he watched the love of his life cut flowers for their home from her beloved rose bushes.

Finally turning away he faced his family as they went about their business. Victor was tinkling on his piano in the corner softly, as he wrote music notes down on the sheet he had started the night before. Owen was settled in his favourite wing back chair near the open fireplace, scanning his computer. Probably checking shareportfolios while there was still some peace in the house, Kota thought idly, his gaze flicking to Gabe as he sketched in his notepad with a serious expression on his face. He recognised the look as well as the rest of his brothers, as he had seen it many times over the years. Gabe was drawing a picture of Sang.

The calm atmosphere was soon broken as Nathan and Silas strolled into the room, still arguing companionably over the outcome of a game they had watched the night before. Kota rolled his eyes as North barrelled in after them, his voice competing with his brothers.

Everything came to a halt and all seven of them lifted their heads when they heard the front door open as Luke and Sean arrived home. "We're in here," Nathan yelled through the door, as he sat down and smirked at Silas.

Sean and Luke poked their heads around the door and grinned at everyone before stepping in. "Look who we found loitering on the front porch," Sean announced with glee, as he pulled a young man behind him.

Everyone stopped what they were doing in an instant and rose to greet their son. "Ling, when did you arrive? We weren't expecting you until tonight, were we?" Victor asked, hugging their son before looking over his shoulder. "Where is Annette and the kids?"

"Bathroom break, Dad, for Alexa. You know what toddlers are like when they're just getting the hang of things. Holden dashed out the back garden to see Mom." Ling explained, before laughing as Gabe immediately bounced out the door to find their daughter in law and youngest grandchild.

"They won't get lost, Gabe. They know their way around," Luke called after him, sniggering as Gabe yelled back. "Fuck you, I want to see our daughter and the little tacker. It's been a few weeks you know."

"I really hope he curbs his language before mom or Annette hear him. He's going to be in so much trouble if Holden learns to curse like he does." Ling smirked.

"Our grandchildren wouldn't dream of speaking like Gabriel, son," Owen asserted.

Ling looked at his dad with a faint air of disbelief. "Yeah, Dad. Okay. I think you might be a little biased here, you know. According to all of you, your grandkids are the smartest, quickest and best looking kids that ever walked the earth."

"Mm. Sounds about right to me," Silas grinned widely, as he and North fist bumped each other.

"Damn straight bro. No one's kids are better than our grandkids."

"Oh man. You two are going to be in so much shit if mom catches you pressuring anyone under three foot to be perfect."

"Don't need to. They already are," North smirked.

"God. We've been here less than five minutes, and you're already claiming my son and daughter are perfect and the best grandkids ever."

"Well, to be fair, two of the best ever. We do have four others you know. They're just as perfect," Sean grinned.

"What's going on in here?" a soft voice asked, from the open doorway. "You boys had better be behaving," Sang exclaimed, as she swung a giggling four year old off her hip, and laughed softly as he made a direct beeline for his Grampy Nathan demanding a 'horsey ride, please."

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