Chapter Six. Sang Interrupts.

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Sang grabbed the envelope full of paperwork that Mr D had sent to her, and left the guys to go and look in the Sunstone Chest. They were discussing a mission they needed to go on the following weekend, and she knew Kota at least didn't want her to know what they were up to. She still wasn't sure how to get him to see that she really didn't feel a part of the family, not completely, and especially since she knew he didn't trust her. That had been made painfully obvious to her that morning. And it hurt. A lot.

Her head was starting to ache, with all the thoughts racing through it, but she really didn't want to interrupt Sean to tell him. Not when they were playing catch up on their Academy work.

She sat for a while with her eyes closed before she felt a little better and opened the Chest. Sang sat there for a while grinning over the to do list she had found inside. It would be fun to do some of the things on it she thought, but she didn't want Kota to get mad at her so she put it back with a twinge of regret. Maybe sometime in the future she could use it. She hoped so anyway. They were good ideas. She thought to herself as she absentmindedly stroked a purring, content cat.

When she pulled out the disc with a personal message from her Grammy and Grampa she stopped dead. She tried to tell herself she could wait, but she really needed to see their faces and hear their voices again. Looking around she couldn't see a laptop anywhere. What were the chances of that happening, she wondered. There were always laptops around. She didn't want to go searching through Victor's bedroom, it felt too much like snooping, no matter what they all said. So Sang thought briefly and sent Victor a text.

Victor frowned to himself. They were all in the office going back and forth about an upcoming mission to shut down an illegal operation in an area being reclaimed by the Academy. Anything further than that his team didn't need to know. They just had to stop them on Saturday night in particular. Feeling his phone vibrate he lifted it out and rolled his eyes at the message, sighing softly.

"What's up Vic." Kota asked quietly.

"It's Princess. She would like to borrow a laptop, but she doesn't want to be a bother and interrupt us, because she's knows we're busy. She's wondering if there's one in my bedroom she could borrow without invading my privacy and she's sorry to be a nuisance." He recited the message.

Luke and Gabe looked at each and groaned, while the rest of the boys just sighed. Mr Blackbourne pinched the bridge of his nose, and rested a hand on his hip "Miss Sorenson's confidence in her abilities is an absolute pleasure to see, even if at times it's a little disconcerting. But remembering the abuse she received from her blood family has, I believe, further damaged her self esteem. It's time to put our money where our mouths are boys, and be patient and gentle!"

"That means no yelling at her." Sean added eyeballing North. "It takes time. You know that."

"Are you saying you're actually okay with Trouble making false IDs and shit like that, Mr Blackbourne?" Gabe asked.

"I'm saying Sang's abilities are an unknown quantity. I think we have only seen the tip of the iceberg, and we owe it to her to let her extend herself and grow as she wants and needs, Mr Coleman. Although, I confess, I prefer for her to be safely away from Ashley Waters before she attempts that kind of activity. Hence the laminator malfunction. We'll fix it in a couple of weeks. Or ask Miss Sorenson to," he said before turning to he turned to Victor. "Ask Sang to come and join us please, Mr Morgan. Let's see what she makes of this mission."

Kota nearly choked. "Mr Blackbourne, do you think we should involve Sang in Academy business?"

"She's part of our family Mr Lee. She has been introduced to members of the Academy. They know about her and they are interested in her. You know that. We are not hiding her, and if she doesn't start to feel a part of the team again, our team, soon, we stand a very real chance of losing her."

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