Chapter Seven. Now that's what I Call a Plan.

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Because she had promised Sang quickly whispered in Sean's ear that her head hurt, just a little, she could deal with it and please don't make a fuss as she went past him. Seeing him nod briefly, Sang sat down and listened while the boys explained the problem with the job.

"There are two people watching the front doors of the building at all times. Our real problem is we have no exact idea how many are inside and no way of gauging it either with all the cars that go in. We believe there would be a minimum of fifteen men inside. Armed and dangerous."

"It is a chop shop. Therefore there are a lot of tools, welders etc in use. Our Intel is that there is a large job occurring this weekend. The optimal to disable them is after midnight, but no later than 1.30 am. We need to catch them in act. We are to disable all members of the business inside the building, photograph them with the stolen vehicles, and leave for a recovery team to take care of them, with the authorities. The windows are too high for a surprise entry to work and we know they are armed." Mr Blackbourne quickly explained.

"Huh." Sang said looking at pictures of the building. It was like a warehouse, brick and very well sealed. "Why don't you disable them before you enter the building?" She asked tilting her head as she thought hard.

"How, Sang baby? There's only one entrance and it's guarded. How are we supposed to get in there unnoticed. It's a huge rolling door. It's not quiet you know." North narrowed his eyes at her.

"Mm. So you have a plan for opening it?" Seeing Kota nod at her, Luke and Sean smiled as she muttered under her breath 'Can't make it go boom then. Pity.'

"Victor, do you have some graph paper I could use please?" Sang asked then looked at Nathan as he suddenly choked on his drink.

"Are you okay, Nathan?" Sang asked and then blinked when Silas slapped his back. Hard.

"He's fine, Aggele. His drink just went down the wrong way. Right Nate!"

"Yeah, sure. That's it." Nathan croaked, refusing to look at anyone.

"Okay, well Gabriel you're the family Chemist. Can you get your hands on this stuff and two canisters by Saturday."

Seeing Gabriel look at the list she grinned when he looked at her "You're fucking awesome Trouble. I see what you're thinking."

"Would you care to enlighten the rest of us Miss Sorenson. We're all very interested."

"Sure, and this is just rough, mind you. I'll ask questions as I go through and work it out. Is that okay?" Sang's eyes started to gleam.

"Perfect Cupcake. Hit us with it."

"Okay. Are all nine of you going to be available?" Seeing them all nod, Sang knelt on her chair and started drawing. "This isn't to scale, but we can work that out for distances and stuff later."

"This square is the building of interest. What's here, here and here?" She asked.

"Roads Princess. There's an alleyway behind it and another building one storey higher right here." Victor said, standing next to her and looking over her shoulder.

"Uh huh. One storey higher. That's perfect. What about street lights? Can you mark them in too please, Victor? Make them a circle. Are there traffic or surveillance cameras anywhere?" Seeing Victor nod Sang marked them with an X where he pointed.

Thinking while she was writing notes Silas jumped when she said "Silas, can you access plumbing pipes and stuff like that?" "Mm, I thought you could. Good, that's good." She muttered to herself seeing him nod. Causing North and him to look at each other and grin.

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