Chapter Forty-two. Water Fights and Motor Bikes.

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This chapter is written for Choosypix. Choosy you started with me on this journey on the forum, and always had positive and funny things to say. I appreciated every single time you made the effort, and I'm so glad you're back

A day or two before they were due to fly back to Charleston North was still happily messing around in the workshop on the old Triumph and chatting in general to Silas and Nathan about their time in Massachusetts.  He had almost finished and the bike was looking good and sounding even better, he thought to himself. 

"Have you told Aggele that she has to have a proper jacket and all the rest of that shit if she's on a bike by herself?" Silas asked, grinning at his friend.

"Not yet.  You volunteering, Si?"  North asked, looking up from checking the rear wheel.

Nathan and Silas looked at each other and snorted. "No fucking way.  Although, I want to be there when you do tell her."

North huffed.  He knew what Silas was getting at.  "Just because I took Sang Baby for a ride with a helmet and jacket only, doesn't mean she shouldn't wear a neck roll at least while she's learning. I know a place in Charleston that can fit her properly.  She's smart.  She'll understand my reasoning."

"Hah.  What reasoning?  Dude, you're a little overprotective at times."  Nathan snorted, and held his hands up.  "Don't shoot the fucking messenger, alright.  We're just saying she might see the hypocrisy you're spouting.  I doubt Peanut has missed the fact that you don't wear a full protective suit every time you get on a bike."

North narrowed his eyes "It'll be fine.  You watch. Bikes can be fucking dangerous. She'll see my point. "

"Well she didn't see your point when you tried to ground her ass for her little shopping incident, and we all know how that ended.  So, I wouldn't miss this for the world." Silas replied, fist bumping Nathan as they laughed.

North huffed loudly.  Owen backing Sang's actions was never going to sit well with him.  He could not believe Sang Baby had got off scott free for that one, and the explanation that Sang saw safety differently because of her fucked up life with those miserable bastards really burned.  'Understanding my ass' he thought to himself.  He was looking into a nice, big bubble as soon as they got home, and in the meantime she wasn't getting on the bike without the right goddamn gear.  No matter what.

While these thoughts were streaming through his mind Victor, Kota, Sean and Owen were seated on the back patio surrounded by sweet smelling wisteria and talking in a desultory fashion while they read a little and drank sweet tea. 

Their quiet time came to a screaming halt as Sang came tearing around the corner of the house laughing.  Sang spotted them as she raced past and headed for the huge tree just beyond the pond.  She grinned widely and quickly threw a large water gun in their general direction with instructions thrown over her shoulder to "arm yourselves guys, there's a hit squad right behind me."

Jumping quickly to catch the gun from the wild throw Sang had made, Kota promptly sat and grinned as Sean showed the large guns he had stashed under his seat.  "Victor and I bought them the other day, when Gabe was dragging Sang to yet another dress shop," he explained, chuckling when Luke and Gabe rounded the corner just as Sang's legs disappeared from view up the tree.

"Trouble ambushed us, guys."  Gabe declared looking around. "Where is she?  I'm going to get her," his eyes narrowed, as he drew a hand through his soaked hair. Luke doubled up laughing and whipped his soaked shirt off.

The guys grinned, "How, exactly, did Sang get the jump on you both anyway?" Owen asked, with his eyebrow raised.

"Buckets over the front door.  Hidden by the beam." Luke confessed ruefully.  "Sang saw us and pulled a rope.  Simple execution of a plan, really."

The Sequel.  The Little Rose.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora