Chapter Thirty. Knock Knock. Who's There?

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This chapter was written for Isa.  You've always been good for a laugh whenever I swing an idea past you and you made time in your busy schedule to make covers for my stories; something I will always appreciate.

At the sound of  Gabriel's outburst there was a split second of dead silence before the boys charged for the front door.

Kota and Nathan reached their brother just before the Chief and North joined them.  Their tempers all hit boiling point when they saw Gabe with his hand wrapped around the neck of Sang's father.

Luke dodged quickly around everyone and laid his hand on Gabe's shoulder.  "Don't do it mate.  He's not worth the trouble it will cause you." He whispered quietly as he reached for his brother's wrists and kept talking softly.

Finally, loosening his hold Gabe took a deep breath and stepped back "You're not ever getting close to Sang again, you sick motherfucker" he snarled as Kota and Owen stepped in front of everyone.

"Gabe, go inside with the others.  Mr Blackbourne and I will deal with this." Kota spoke firmly and waited until he saw all the boys move back towards the door.

"Actually, I think perhaps I need to deal with this, don't you think?"  Sang spoke softly as she dodged North and Sean, as they tried to stop her approaching the man who had caused her so much grief for so many years.

"Sang.  Sweetie.  Please let us handle this for you."  Kota almost begged.

"Who do you people think you are.  I am Sang's father and I have the right to speak to my daughter."  her father started to speak.

With a look of total disbelief Sang just stared at the man who was as a stranger to her.  It was as though her vision was taking a reddish tinge about it, but she kept enough clarity with her thoughts to realise she had better make it quick.

She ignored both Kota and Owen, stepped around them and faced her father head on.  "Oh really!  You think you have rights?  Regarding me?  I certainly don't.  Why would I?  For my entire life you have neglected me.  You allowed your wife to abuse me in many ways.  You have never cared what happened to me, so long as your dirty little secrets didn't get out.  You knew what she was doing to me and you never once tried to stop her.  All you ever cared about was your own miserable skin.  It stops here and it stops now." Sang continued as she drove her nail into her father's chest and snarled at him.  "As for who these people are, well they are my family.  Not you.  Them!"

The chief placed his hand gently on Sang's shoulder and quietly signalled to Sean and Victor behind him.  "Miss Sorenson, if you will allow Mr Lee and myself to handle this from here on in, we can settle this permanently.  None of us are comfortable having you anywhere near one of your life long abusers," he continued and Sang looked around to realise no one had actually left and were staring at their group with mixed expressions of anger, hatred, stress and worry crossing their faces.

"What do you mean, abuser?  I never ..."  Sang's father started to speak again, before Kota swung around and threw his fist onto his jaw as hard as he could.  Before Sang could so much as gasp North and Silas lunged for Kota, to stop him from continuing what he so clearly wanted to do. 

"Not the time and not the place, Kota" North said quietly as he kept a firm grip on his arms.  "No matter how justified and how badly I wish we could, Sang baby will worry about us being in trouble if we do any damage.

Kota took three deep calming breaths before nodding at North to let him go.  "I'm okay North."  He turned to the chief "I'm sorry Mr Blackbourne.  It won't happen again."

"It's fine Kota.  I quite understand in this instance." The chief looked up from where Sang's father lay and turned to Sean communicating silently.

"Come on Pumpkin.  Please let Owen sort this out." Sean spoke softly and he clasped Sang tightly to his chest, before he and Victor led her back inside with the others following behind.

Sang sat on the sofa looking shocked and dazed.  "I keep bringing trouble to you all." She whispered with a scared look entering her eyes.

"No you don't Princess.  Don't ever think that, please." Victor begged as he anxiously wiped the tears that started to flow.

"Mr Blackbourne won't let him harm anyone else, Peanut."  Nathan said as he ran his hands up and down her arms trying desperately to warm her up.

"Please don't cry Cupcake" Luke begged anxiously.  "Everything will work out just fine.  Mr Blackbourne won't let anything happen to you or any of us."

"Oy, they're right Trouble.  He won't take you away and Mr Blackbourne will make sure you're with us and safe.  So please, please stop crying."  Gabe added his pleas to the growing group of stressed guys.  Fuck he hated seeing his Trouble cry.  Well they all did, he knew that, but this was killing him.  He knew he should have strangled that fucker while he had the chance.

"I'm not just worried about me Gabriel." Sang sobbed into Sean's shoulder.  "What about you and Kota?" she asked, choking up again at the thought.

"Sweetheart.  Trust us okay.  Silas and North are there to keep everyone safe.  Mr Blackbourne and Kota are ready to sort everything out and have been for a while.  He just brought the situation to us and not the other way around.  Saves us quite a bit of trouble really."  Sean murmured, frowning as an anxious Xavier marched into the room glaring around him, before jumping onto Sang's lap and continuously butting his head on her chin miaowing softly.

"I don't want to see him again.  Ever."  Sang confessed as she clutched Xavier to her chest.

"You never will, Princess.  Not if you don't want to."  Victor sighed softly as he saw Silas enter the house quietly. 

Silas knelt down, his eyes widening as he looked at Sang carefully.  "Aggele, Kota and Mr Blackbourne are going to be a while.  They suggested you go with Victor to his house for the night.  The rest of us can come too.  Would you like that?"  Silas spoke gently and nodded happily as Sang rose up with Xavier in her arms.

"Victor, is it alright by you if Xavier comes with us, please?  I've caused enough trouble.  I think I need to keep him close for a little while."

Victor smiled softly "Anything for you Princess."  He knew full well not one of them would refuse Sang's request.  Not that night.  Not ever.

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