Chapter Forty-Three. Satan's Boogers.

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This story is for MMuse. Marilyn, you started Rose's journey this time last year. Thank you for your support all this time. I hope you enjoy the return of Little Rose.

Back home again for several days now, Sang was at Sean's home. She flopped onto the lounge in the living room and cuddled a still clingy Xavier. All the boys were off on various jobs, and Sang had decided to look at some of the interesting sites she had found on the internet while she had a little bit of time. Trying to decide exactly what to check out first was the hard part.

It was a pity they hadn't found the third manuscript yet, she thought to herself. That would have provided lots of things to check out. She hoped the boys would enjoy trying things out to see if they worked. She knew she did.

Still, they wanted to look at that disc Grampa had left in the Chest too, and she wasn't quite convinced that was a good idea. The first one had upset them and there was at least one thing on the second that she was certain would cause some drama.

Frowning briefly to herself Sang put Xavier down on the seat next to her. She picked up the old book her and Victor had extracted from the library they had retrieved, and selected the old USB drive from amongst the collection of goodies hidden in the hollowed out centre. She didn't know whether to destroy it or not. It wasn't as if she couldn't duplicate the information it held, but Grampa had dropped the whole laptop in a bucket of water when he found out what she had done that summer, hoping to destroy all the evidence. She had meant to destroy this last remaining piece of her activities that day, but she really hadn't had a chance before everything fell apart.

"What do you think, Xavier?" Sang asked the cat, as he determinedly climbed back onto her lap and settled down with a stubborn gleam in his eyes. "Should I find a hammer and totally destroy this too?"

Xavier blinked once at Sang, which she took as an agreement to the idea. "Well, let's go find my tool box. I know it's here somewhere, probably in Sean's closet. Just for good measure we'll burn the remnants as well." Sang rose with the cat firmly ensconced in her arms. He was determined that his beloved Sang wasn't going anywhere without him any time soon.

Five minutes later Sang was in Sean's kitchen with her hammer in hand as Xavier looked on benignly.

"Exactly what is it you're planning to do with that hammer, Pookie?" Sean enquired from the open doorway.

Sang froze. Moving away from the chopping board she had been reaching for she turned around slowly and smiled a little guiltily. "Hi Sean. I wasn't expecting you back so soon."

"Clearly," he replied, with his eyes sparkling. "I rather think we have excellent timing. Wouldn't you agree, Owen?" Sean grinned, looking over his shoulder as the Chief came into view.

Sang's head dropped forward briefly and she sighed. "Busted," she thought to herself.

"Indeed, Sean" Owen returned, taking in the whole scene at a glance. If the open tool bag didn't tell its own story the guilty look on Sang's face certainly did. "I confess, I'm rather curious myself Miss Sorenson."

Sang started to reply and stopped. "Miss Sorenson?" she thought to herself. "Did you forget my name, Owen?" she replied, attempting to divert the conversation.

"Don't try and deflect, Pumpkin." Sean smirked, as he reached Sang and took the hammer now hanging loosely in her hand. "What was the hammer for? Don't try and tell me I need household repairs either. Because we all know I don't?"

"Would you believe secret girl's business?" She asked hopefully, her eyes wide.

"No, Sang. I rather think we wouldn't." Owen spoke clearly, with emphasis on Sang's name. "However, you are under no obligation to explain your actions to us. Providing, of course, that those actions don't impact in a negative way on our family."

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