Chapter Twenty-three. Grampa's Letter.

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The following morning Sang and the boys continued their journey to Illinois. Sang sat in the back of her Grampa's car chatting idly with Nathan and Silas for over an hour, before resting her head as she looked out the window without really seeing the passing scenery.

She cast her mind back to two nights earlier when she had put her grandparents' rings in their rightful place in the Sunstone chest. She had picked up the letter her Grampa had left her and finally started to read. She had only managed the first sentence when she had stopped and called the Chief. He must have been outside in his car, she suddenly thought, because it had taken him what seemed only two minutes to reach her.

He had held on tight, silent and simply letting her be until she had gotten it together enough to read it aloud.

Sang could recall every word. She realised she always would as the words ran through her mind again.

My darling, sweet Rose,

If you are reading this then I have joined your Grammy in the next stage of our lives. I am so sorry to be gone Rose. It was certainly not my intention or desire to leave you alone.

Both Grammy and I had wanted you with us always and it is important that you know just how much we loved and valued you as the brilliant, funny and loving little girl you always were. Not once did you show this world anything less than a brave and caring heart.

The money this message was wrapped in is for you to use as you see fit to keep yourself safe. There are two trusts as you know, but you might need ready cash until you are able to access the accounts.

I am sorry to have to tell you this, but I need you to know everything so you can decide what you wish to do. I have been trying to obtain your records Rose, but there is something very wrong. I can find no trace of you anywhere. I cannot understand why this is so, but I think you may need to work on the assumption that your parents in fact did not ever register your birth. For what reason I cannot fathom.

I think it would be best if you do not let them know you have this information until your plans are set. I would suggest you seek legal assistance if it is your desire to know exactly what happened. Hide the money Rose. Remember Dante's Inferno. That is a good place to keep it safe until you need it. Mr D will help you darling. Contact him as soon as you are ready. He is waiting for your call.

I want you to know that you brought joy and happiness to our lives every single moment you spent with us. Every day was an adventure with you and it was one of life's greatest pleasures to watch you grow.

You made us both so proud to be your Grandparents and it was a title we held with pride. You brought out the best in everyone, and you never realised how you touched so many lives in your own unique and special way.

I can only say God Speed my sweet Rose. Wherever you go and whatever you do have faith in yourself. Your Grammy and I always hoped that one day you would find a family worthy of your love and I pray now that they will ove and care for you as you so richly deserve.

May all your dreams come true my darling.
Your loving Grampa,
George Sorenson.

Silas looked back at his Angel and gulped at the single tear rolling down her cheek. 'Shit. I've should have been paying more attention. Mr Blackbourne warned us she may become upset if left to her own thoughts,' he said to himself as he nudged Nathan and sent him a silent message, before pulling out his phone and sending a quick prearranged message to Kota.

Nathan's eyes widened after glancing in the rear vision mirror and acted quickly, "Hey Peanut. You okay back there. You've gone quiet suddenly," he exclaimed before continuing "Do you want some of the secret Luke stash, Sweetie? We hid extra under the seat so North wouldn't confiscate it."

Sang blinked and looked up with a watery smile. "Oh. Um, no thanks Nathan. We only just had breakfast," she said softly quickly brushing a stray tear away and pulling herself together.

"You sure Aggele?" Silas asked with a grin as he reached between his feet and pulled out a large bag out from under the chair. "I could eat." he continued as he delved into the contents and pulled out peanut M & Ms.

"Hey Aggele, What do you call candy that was stolen?" Silas asked with a grin as he ignored Nathan groaning. "Hot chocolate." he declared, his grin widening as Sang giggled softly and reached across to take a few nuts from his outstretched hand.

'Mission accomplished,' he thought to himself as Sang continued to chat to the both of them before a group call from Kota, Victor and Gabe kept her smiling as they chatted happily until the last scheduled stop before Sang drove the last leg of the trip to her old home town with Silas and North with her.

Sang and the boys booked into a motel on the edge of Sang's former home town, before they crammed into her Grampa's car and drove around on a little trip down memory lane for her as she showed them her school, Mr Mullany's house, before driving slowly past Sang's old house.

"Well it looks empty. There's a security system though. That's new." Sang murmured as she leaned over Luke and peered out the window.

"It's fine, Sang Baby." North murmured in reassurance.

"Oh I know." Sang asserted happily. "We were never going through the front or back doors or window anyway. Were we?" she asked looking around at the boys.

"Exactly how did you expect to get in Aggele?" Silas asked curiously as Luke chuckled softly.

"The harvest door straight into the cellar, guys." Sang looked at them blankly. "That makes the most sense. I doubt they've removed it. We can check anyway if you like. I know lots of different ways into the woods behind the house."

"Of course you do Sweetie." Nathan sighed in resignation.

North just barked a laugh "Sang Baby, whatever you think is best. It does make sense. Easy in, easy out and hopefully good coverage."

Sang smiled delightedly. She just knew this little job would be a piece of cake. "No problems, guys. I've got it all worked out."

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