Chapter Twenty-Two. Needing North.

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After their break Silas and Nathan jumped in the truck for the next leg of their journey to retrieve Sang's precious books. They looked at each other with a faint air of disbelief.

"I'm not sure this is a good idea, Silas" Nathan murmured, as he watched his Peanut grin across the roof of the car at Luke before hopping in behind the steering wheel and automatically checking her seat.

"Agreed, but it's the only way North is going to realise Aggele is capable of driving a car and so much more." He replied watching North's face as he walked around the car to his seat in the front.

"Yeah, but he's got that whole macho, overprotective shit going on with Peanut, which I totally get, but what happens if he loses the plot with her. He's having problems with the whole fucking deal and let's face it, he's been on the razor's edge ever since she hurt her head, never mind watching her home movie."

"Luke is with them. He'll help keep the peace." Silas replied quietly, only to wince in unison with Nathan when they heard the distinct sound of the car engine revving loudly.

"Fuck. Or not." Nathan said and he and Silas grinned at each other, shook their heads and followed Sang out of the carpark.

Sang sat behind the steering wheel after adjusting her seat and the car mirrors to suit her height. She looked around at Luke grinning in the back seat and giggled softly as he waggled his eyebrows and winked "Show us what you're made of Hot Stuff," Luke smirked at his distinctly uneasy brother in the passenger seat.

"Just take it easy, Baby" North said quietly, interrupting his internal conversation to not lose it and scare or upset his Sang Baby while she was driving.

Sang's smile widened and a mischievous twinkle gleamed in her eyes. "Of course North. I'm always careful," she replied before deliberately revving the engine .... loudly, causing Luke to bust out laughing and North to clench his jaw.

Sang just leant across and rubbed her hand gently on North's thigh. "North, you and Luke are very precious to me. I would never risk your lives by being an irresponsible driver with you in the car with me. If you really don't want me to drive we can swap. It's okay. I understand, honestly." she whispered to him.

Feeling Sang's hand on his leg, North breathed in deeply and slowly exhaled. Ignoring the glare being aimed at him from Luke he looked at Sang and relaxed slightly.

"I'm sorry Baby. I just always thought I'd be one of the ones to teach you to drive. Ever since we met I was planning it. It's a bit of a shock to realise you not only know how, but that you don't need me to help," he suddenly confessed.

Sang briefly caught Luke's eye in the visor mirror, and turned to North. "I'll always need you North. I may not need you to teach me to drive, but there's a whole lot more to us than that." Sang shook her head "Well I thought there was anyway," she continued quietly with a slight frown before pulling away and driving carefully back to the highway and continuing their journey.

Sang was determined to prove to North that she could drive safely, so she pushed her worrying thoughts aside. She would talk to him later about him thinking she didn't need him. She was a little shocked to realise something as simple as her being able to drive made him feel insignificant, because nothing was further from the truth. She had never needed all of the guys more than she did right now.

After two hours of careful driving Sang followed North's directions and stopped close to Silas and Nathan in the truck at a gas station for a refuel stop. Luke hopped out quickly and grabbed Sang as he opened the door for her. "He needs to be needed Sugar. North needs to know, Sweetie. You might have to spell it out for him," he whispered in her ear, releasing her when he heard her sigh and agree.

That evening Sang walked through the adjoining door into the room where North was sitting on the edge of his bed checking his messages. When Sang walked in and flopped face down on his bed he looked up his eyes softened considerably, and he smiled as Silas shook his head and headed into the other bedroom where Luke and Nathan were debating which movie to watch that night.

Laying back and turning his head sideways North looked at the love of his life and smiled to himself. She really had done well driving that day he thought pensively, when he realised that he should be saying that to her not himself. "You are an impressive driver Baby," he murmured as he ran his hand up her arm and leant forward to kiss her neck.

Sang sighed happily. Lifting her face from the bed she looked at North and smiled. "Thanks North." she murmured as she moved closer and rested her head on North's chest. "Can you explain to me exactly why you thought I wouldn't need you though. Because I'll always need you. You're my North Star. I need you more than ever to be honest."

"I've been trying to look out for you ever since we met, Baby. Sometimes it's like you go and do something dangerous without thinking. I know now that you actually think things through in what seems like a split second, but it scares the hell out of me when it happens. I can't bear the thought of something bad happening to you. Not while I'm around to stop it." North admitted quietly. He closed his eyes and just enjoyed the feeling of closeness they shared as he wrapped his arms around Sang and held her close. There really was nothing like holding Sang close like this, he thought.

"Nothing will happen to me North. Well, nothing that can reasonably be prevented." Sang qualified. "Besides, you guys are always here for me. I don't think you realise just how much that means to me. I still have trouble remembering that I'm not alone, even after all this time. So I do understand that at times you think I don't trust you, but I do. It's just that at the moment I'm still coming to terms with everything that has happened lately. My head is a mess. But please don't ever think I don't need you."

North sighed and shifted them until they rested on the bed properly. "I need you too Sang Baby," he admitted softly burying his face in Sang's neck and nipping gently.

Later North finally relaxed and started to doze when he heard Sang talk sleepily "North?"

"Yeah, Baby?" he replied kissing her forehead before tucking her head under his chin.

"Will you please teach me to ride your bike?"

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