Chapter Fifty. Discoveries.

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Sang, who everyone had noticed stiffened half way through the making of the helicopter, suddenly picked up Xavier and handed him off to Owen.

Smiling at the boys' effusive comments over her latest adventure, Sang thanked them and made her way quickly to the large table where Sean had left her tool box. She hauled the tool kit to the edge and opened it.

"What are you doing, Sweetie?" Kota asked, watching her empty the bag, and sounding as confused as everyone else in the room.

"It's been here the whole time, Kota. Right under our noses. I am so stupid. It was obvious." Sang declared, ignoring the scoffing at her stupid comment.

"What's been here the whole time, Cupcake?" Luke asked, as he hopped up from his seat and coming over to watch as she hurriedly unloaded everything from her tool kit.

Sang felt around the bottom of the tool kit, and her shoulders slumped. "Never mind. I thought there may have been a false bottom to the bag. Perfect for hiding stuff. But there isn't." She sighed and started back to the chairs grouped around the TV. Sang had almost reached the boys again when she stopped abruptly, causing Luke to almost cannon into her.

Luke loosened his arms from where he had caught Sang from being bowled over. "Now what, Sugar? Did you have another idea?"

"Yes." Sang breathed. Grabbing his hand she raced back to the bag. Grabbing the little drill she had used as a child, Sang quickly unscrewed all the screws lining the top edge of the tool kit. Carefully she eased the leather away from the inner lining and slipped her hand inside. Her eyes lit up, and nine young men held their breath seeing the glow of happiness in them. "I found it, guys. We've been carting it around with us all this time."

"What, Princess? What did you find?" Victor asked quietly, as he ran his hand down her back.

"The manuscript." Sang whispered, as she withdrew a sheaf of paper from their resting place.

"You're kidding, Peanut." Nathan blinked and then smiled. "That's wonderful news."

Sang grinned suddenly. "Yeah, it is. Just think of all the experiments we'll need to run. Do you all want to help?"

"Fuck yes. We want to help," Gabriel declared, as he looked around. "There's no point looking like that North buddy. I'd much rather be with Trouble than not. If you know what I mean," he declared, nodding his head decisively as North stopped before he started talking and thought about what Gabe meant.

Kota looked over Sang's shoulder at the manuscript. "This is awesome, Sweetie. Do you need a beta reader?" he asked hopefully, grinning across at Silas.

"Sure, Kota," she giggled "the more, the merrier." The boys all chuckled at they watched Sang hug the papers to her chest.

Sang looked around them all. "I'm going to look through this while you finish watching the DVD," she declared.

"Sang. Wouldn't you prefer to finish watching your DVD with us? We can await your convenience," Owen asked, looking carefully at her.

"No, thank you. I'd really rather sit somewhere else and look through the manuscript than watch what's next. I lived it. I don't need to see it."

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