Chapter Twenty. Careers and Bombshells.

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Several days later Kota and Sang walked back into Victor's place. Almost everyone was there and they were almost ready for their road trip to Illinois.

Sang had been pensive all morning. "Are you okay about this Sweetie?" Kota asked quietly as they walked up the stairs. "We don't have to go this week if you're not ready. You can stay here and we can go without you if you want. I know it will be fine if you stay."

"I need to go Kota. I want to make sure Mr. Mullany is okay. Besides, I'm the only one who can show the guys exactly where that radio is."

Kota stopped and hugged her close. "Well, I, for one, will miss you. All of us who have to stay will you know," he said softly in her ear. "But I understand you wanting to see Mr. Mullany, and he is expecting you. But, the plan you drew of the cellar at your old home is perfect .."

Sang cut Kota off "Don't you dare suggest I not go, Kota. I'm going. You know Gabriel took me shopping to buy 'special ninja clothes'. There is no way I'm not going after that." she said using her fingers to emphasize her words

Kota chuckled. He remembered the smug grin on Gabe's face and Sang's shattered look two day's earlier after that little expedition. Victor and Luke had filled him in later about the argument that had ensued between the two over boots. North had gone with them also and had had to intervene after the fifteenth pair of boots had not made the grade. He had been eternally grateful he hadn't gone.

"You know Mr Blackbourne arranged for the owners to win those concert tickets in the State Capital. Talk about forward thinking, considering he thought that one up the day after you found out about the books." Sang whispered as they entered the room.

"You're one of us Sang." Kota whispered back. "We all realized how important those books were. Nathan and Silas announced straightaway that they wanted to get them back for you. None of us would have let this go, including Mr. Blackbourne."

Sang's heart melted. Every single one of them was so very special and they meant the world to her, she thought to herself. She really had to try to show them.

North spotted Sang immediately and walked up and grabbed her up in a tight hug. "Sang Baby, are you ready for this?" He asked concerned. "It's a two day trip each way. We've got you covered if you don't want to."

Sang smiled at her North Star. He may be way too overprotective, she thought to herself, but he had a heart of gold when it came to his family, and she sighed with happiness that he appeared to include her in that very special group of people.

"I want to go." Sang said clearly to everyone there. "I think I need to as well. This is my past after all."

"Okay, Peanut," Nathan spoke up. "Well Silas and North are taking the truck. You and I are going with Luke in your Grampa's everyday car. North says we need to run it regularly and this seemed like the perfect opportunity."

"Feel free to say if you prefer to take your Grammy's car, Sugar," Luke spoke up with a wide smile which grew as Sang giggled.

"I'm up for the challenge of time trials if you really want, Luke." Sang shot back at him, leaning into North and quickly whispering to him that they were both joking as she felt him tense up.

"Not a chance, Miss Sorenson." Mr. Blackbourne cut in immediately. He thought her and Luke were joking, but he didn't really think they should take the chance.

"We're kidding, guys." Luke said quickly shaking his head. His brothers should know he wasn't prepared to take unnecessary chances with his Cupcake any more than they were. Even if it was an interesting thought.

"Back to business, everyone." Kota demanded. "It's a two day trip each way. There's no sense in wearing yourselves out by driving 900 odd miles in one day. You can visit with Mr Mullany and collect your books on the third day. He is expecting you right, Sang?" Kota continued when Sang nodded to him. "Relax the rest of the day and that night you retrieve your radio and start for home the next morning. Drive carefully, guys and come home safely."

"What about me, Kota?" Sang asked seriously. "Can't I have a turn driving too. I'll be careful. I won't speed or break the law or anything bad."

"Yeah, except drive on a fake ID Trouble." Gabriel threw up his hands.

"I don't think I want to be emancipated Meanie. I have career ideas in mind. Being a ghost may have it's advantages. I mean what if I want to travel and be a spy or something? Not existing would be kind of handy you know." Sang asserted.

Eight pairs of eyes just stared at her.

"A spy, Princess?" Victor finally spoke, his eyes practically on fire. "You want to be a spy?"

"I don't know Victor. It occurred to me the other night when I couldn't sleep that I need to think about careers, so I got on my laptop and had a look around various sites and I came across the CIA. It looked interesting. Besides, what's the point of knowing over two dozen languages if you don't use them. But then technology interests me too. Lots of things do." Sang shrugged.

"There's no hurry to decide is there?" she asked innocently. "I'm only 16. I have a little time to decide, don't I?"

"No hurry at all Miss Sorenson." Mr Blackbourne spoke quickly. He could see some of his brothers were shocked, while some others were harbouring strong feelings at Sang's latest bombshell. He was really glad Sean was at work. He could imagine his reaction to this idea.

"I think that so long as you don't drive in towns or cities themselves just yet, it would be quite acceptable for you to take a turn driving. It is a long trip and I'm sure the boys would appreciate a break also. Please don't be offended when I say I prefer you to drive the car only. I know you're a competent driver, but a trip like this is not the place to practice driving a larger vehicle. Would that be acceptable to you?" He asked, smoothly changing the conversation.

Sang smiled with happiness. "Perfectly, Mr. Blackbourne. Nathan and Luke will take turns with me. Won't you guys?" she asked her eyes sparkling. This was going to be fun.

"Absolutely fine, Peanut." Nathan announced.

"Sure, Sang. How about you and I go and get snacks for the trip this afternoon." Luke asked. "After you pack, okay?"

"Oy. No fucking way. I'll pack for you Sang. I'll make sure you have the right gear. Because you're taking those new clothes, and you're wearing them too. I'll know if you don't." Gabe announced.

"Leave her the fuck alone, Gabe. Of course Sang will wear them." Silas finally spoke up.

"It's fine, Meanie." Sang quickly intervened. "Of course you can pack for me. I want to put a few things away in the Sunstone Chest today anyway."

"Do you prefer to be alone while you do so, Miss Sorensen?" Mr Blackbourne asked with an understanding look.

"I'm finally going to look at that letter Grampa left, I've been putting it off for weeks now. So yes, I think so. Is that okay, guys?" Sang felt a little guilty, but she wanted to put some things away in her grandparents drawers also, and she really did want to be alone for that.

"Quite understandable, Sweetie." Kota said quietly. "How about we all go out and get the vehicles ready and the guys can pack as well. We'll be gone for a few hours and we can meet back here, have dinner and you five can make an early start in the morning?"

"Sounds like a plan, Mr. Lee." Mr. Blackbourne nodded approvingly at Kota. "Let's go gentlemen." he continued and waited for them to leave before approaching Sang.

Looking down at her his eyes softened and he tucked a stray curl behind her ear. It was such beautiful hair, he couldn't help touching it. "If you need someone to be with you Sang," he said softly "please ring me. I won't be far away. Will you do that? I promise you will not be a bother."

"I promise Mr. Blackbourne," Sang whispered "If I need you I will call."

The Chief simply nodded, leant down and kissed her on the forehead before following his brothers quickly out the door.

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