Chapter Two. Driving Miss Sang.

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Leaving the car at the diner Sang noticed Uncle's rose garden and stopped to admire it. "Grampa grew dozens of different roses for Grammy you know. He was partial to lilies, but the roses were for Grammy. I really hope they're still okay," she murmured as she bent down to examine some bushes, looking sideways as Mr Blackbourne bent down with her. "Uncle has a little problem with scale."

Mr Blackbourne stood and held his hand out to Sang "He does indeed, Miss Sorenson. I take it you know something about gardening?" he asked, helping her to rise and keeping her hand in his as they entered the diner.

"Of course she does, Owen." Sean grinned as he threw his arm around her neck. "In fact she probably knows more than you."

"Girl genius, remember," he said, watching Sang move ahead to greet Gabriel quickly before he moved back to the kitchens. "All we have to do is keep it together and she will stay with us. Let's hope the boys calm down soon," he sighed to his best friend, as Sang wandered ahead again to say hello to Luke at the counter.

"I remember perfectly well what's at stake here, Sean. It's why I suggested breakfast together. We need to make sure she wants to stay with us. Not one of us will cope if she decides to leave us, and this morning didn't help."

Watching the growing smile on his best friend's face Owen continued. "You know full well that I've known for the longest time that I'm just as much in love with Sang as the rest of you, Sean. I simply feel it inappropriate to act on those feelings while I'm in a position of authority at the school." Owen started to smile happily at the thought of nearly having completed their assignment, shocking his friend at the display of emotion in a public place.

"Mm, not to mention you feel a sense of responsibility because of her home circumstances and this whole plan to keep her with us," Sean murmured quietly. "I do understand Owen, but you've got some catching up to do now," he continued, quickly changing the subject as they caught up to Sang and Luke grinning together at the counter. "Morning Luke. You do have a nice secluded table for Sang and I, don't you? Oh, alright. Owen can sit with us if he must," he smirked as he watched his best friend glare at him.

"Don't tease Sean," Sang said, grabbing Luke and Owen's hands. "Besides I have to talk to the Chief about gardening, but I want to talk to Uncle about the garden first and I may need to get some things," she grinned at Sean over her shoulder as he laughed loudly at her comment.

"The Chief! Where did that come from, Sweetie," Luke chuckled, leading the way to a booth near a window, as Sean simply laughed further at his friend's raised eyebrow and followed behind.

"Well he is, isn't he?" Sang said turning around to look up at him as she sat down. "You are, aren't you?" She asked, smiling sweetly.

"As you wish, Miss Sorenson." He replied softly, his eyes then narrowing at his two smirking brothers. He didn't need to read their faces to know what those two reprobates were thinking.

"Now, are you going to have something to eat?" He quickly held up his hand to stop the comments he could see forming on Sang's tongue. "I know you ate breakfast earlier, but you have to admit you did just expend a lot of physical and emotional energy assaulting my brothers," he said with his trademark smile. Sang could definitely see the smile reach his silver eyes though. She sighed to herself. He really did incite her to want to do everything perfectly.

Luke grinned at the comment and grabbed Sang's hand before she could say a word. "Come and see Uncle with me, Cupcake. We'll see about special pancakes while you ask about the garden if you like," he said, sliding his phone onto the table with a smirk before he left.

Sean quickly grabbed Luke's phone and scrolled through the photos Nathan and Silas had sent, starting to laugh uproariously as he showed Owen the photos of a drenched North and Kota staring in disbelief at Sang on the roof. "She doesn't do things by halves, does she Owen," he said, handing the phone back to Luke as he came back with menus and a coffee pot in hand.

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