Chapter Forty-four. Flying Kites 101.

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Kota grabbed the remote control, hit the pause button and stared at Sang with a faint air of disbelief on his face.

There was a moment of dead silence before some of the boys couldn't contain themselves any longer and broke apart with laughter. "Sang, sweetie" Luke declared, through gasps of laughter "I knew you were perfect. But this, well this just confirms it. You're never leaving us."

Sang blushed softly. Looking over at Nathan chortling with tears rolling down his face, she reached over with her toe and pushed him gently in the side. "It's not that funny, Nathan."

"Oh, Peanut. It's hilarious. I thought there was something really, really bad in that bag. I was surprised your Grampa let you near it, when all the time it was just sprouts."

"Not sprouts, dude, Goblin Poop." Gabe cracked up again. Even North had a breaking smile on his face.

"Sooooo, I'm guessing that feeding you Satan's Boogers is not an idea that will ever fly, Pumpkin?" Sean smirked, as Owen just shook his head in resignation with Kota.

"There's plenty of other vegetables to eat. Just not those evil things." Sang declared, waving her hand at the screen.

"Well, I don't remember them in Greek cooking, Aggele. Stick with me. I'll make sure that kind of evil never gets near you again." Silas declared as he hugged Sang tightly, making her giggle loudly.

"I'm impressed with your ability to use household items to make slingshots Sang," Owen declared, his eyes glinting in amusement as he heard Victor comment quietly to Kota about Sang's 'Macgyver tendencies.'

"So is this the kind of thing that's on this disc, Sang?" Kota asked, when the laughter finally died down, his eyes narrowing as Sang blushed again and a guilty look flitted quickly across her face.

"Sort of." Sang replied briefly. She already knew it would probably be a good idea to leave the room at one point, and she wasn't above using Xavier to get her out of there when the time came, she decided, as she cuddled the cat before settling him back on her lap as Kota started the video again.


Having finally disposed of the evil sent to their haven from the Dark Side, as Sam declared it, he and little Rose finally went back inside to report to Grampa on the success of their most important mission.

Grampa had heard laughter from the back garden and had been watching the pair of them have the time of their lives. With a wide grin on his face, he turned and took crockery out of the cupboard. If anyone deserved a reward for good behaviour it was Rose, he decided, and promptly put the fruit back in the bowl and reached instead for the chocolate cake and milk. His grin widened as Grammy walked in, her eyebrow raised at the sight of cake set out before him.

"I thought we were having fruit salad, cheese and crackers for morning tea. What's been happening since I was gone to change that plan?" Grammy enquired, as she set down the bags holding the goods needed for execution of little Rose's next big idea.

"Mrs Jones." Grampa declared. As far as he was concerned those two words said it all.

Grammy closed her eyes and sighed. "That woman is a menace. What did she do this time?"

"Sent a gift for you," Grampa confessed, as he threw his hands out. "I couldn't get out of it. I had to accept."

"There are times when I wish you weren't so polite," Grammy admitted. "What was this gift, and where is it now?"

"Well, darling. You don't need to worry. Little Rose took one look and took over," Grampa started, only to stop as Rose skipped into the kitchen with Sam in tow.

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