Chapter 5 - Class Familiarity

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Entering the classroom the next day was like walking into a viper pit. I had chosen to come just on time, arriving minutes before classes were supposed to start to avoid dealing with unnecessary trouble, but it seems that was inevitable. Horikita was pointedly ignoring me, still upset after our interaction at the store. Sudou was torn, because as much as he was insulted by my actions yesterday, I had still assisted him in avoiding trouble with the seniors, and he couldn't completely ignore the possibility that I wasn't as harsh as my first impression gave off, along with being forced to recognise my strength. The rest of the class, however, was glaring at me. Obviously, they hadn't forgiven my actions and words yesterday, acting superior and calling them defects had struck a serious blow to their egos.

It wasn't wrong though.

Eventually they would realise, whether it be now, or next month when we inevitably receive a lot less points, if any, that I was correct. When that happened, well, it would be wonderful chaos, a crushing blow to their self-worth. But until then, or until their hatred wears off, I would have to suffer their distain.

One possible solution would be to keep my head down. Yesterday I had made a big impression, one which couldn't easily be changed, but if I kept to myself eventually, they would forget me, and come test time I would, along with Kouenji, prove our superiority to all of them.

Before I could continue my train of thought any longer, I was approached by one of my classmates, the one who had been surrounded by girls. Fit, average height and blond hair. I believe his name was –

"Hirata Yousuke. It's good to finally make your acquaintance, Ayanokouji-kun was it?" He extended his hand towards me, which I grasped and shook. He had a firm grip, and so I responded in kind, matching it exactly. This was the easiest way to hide strength, make it indistinguishable from your opponent and no one could tell the difference.

"Likewise. Since I left early yesterday, I've only had the opportunity to talk to a few people so far, so it's nice to meet another classmate properly." Surrounding us I could hear murmurs, questioning why Hirata would talk to a "stuck up narcissist like him", and wondering why I was acting so differently today. That should be obvious. Hirata was clearly a central figure to much of the class, so his favour would revert some of the damage I had done to my image in their eyes.

"I was wondering if you could explain what you posted yesterday. I read it over with a couple of other members of the class, but even then, we couldn't quite understand what it was saying."

"It meant exactly what it said. There's no point elaborating further on it, since if you didn't understand my post there really isn't a less complex method of explaining the situation. If you still don't understand," I gestured to the person walking through the door, "you could ask sensei, although she obviously can't confirm any of the details." Hirata took notice of what I was saying and nodded. It seemed he was one of the smarter students in Class D. After quickly scribbling on a sheet of paper and placing it on my desk, he returned to his seat and waited for class to begin.

To my disappointment, no one asked Chiyabashira any questions about my claims, and even more so, most of the class wasn't paying attention. Clearly, they didn't take my post seriously or hadn't bothered to read it. Unfortunate, but it's not my place to help them any further. I'd given them everything they needed, but if they refused it then there was no point bothering any further.

Looking at the piece of paper on my desk, it had a name and a phone number. Huh. Maybe he really did want to make friends with me. In any case this would be a useful asset to have.

The moment class ended, I got up from my seat, only to be greeted by several boys in the class standing in front of me. From the constant chatter in class, I had picked up the rest of the names of my classmates that I hadn't learned yesterday (do they not understand how to act in a classroom), especially the boys standing in front of me.

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