Arc 7 Chapter 3 - Conversations and Commiserations

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I sat across from Manabu in silence. Neither of us spoke, instead staring at the other, analysing and trying to understand our goals.

Out of everyone in this school, Manabu was definitely one of the most interesting. I had a difficult time pinning him down.

He was rather straightforward, at least on the surface. He had the brains and physical talents to face his problems head on, to take on any challenges and come out ahead. I was sure he was capable of duplicity, but from what I had seen he had no need of it. He stared down his problems and dealt with it.

That was reflected in the way he handled Horikita, from the very beginning of the year. Right when they first met again, it almost came to blows when Manabu tried to force her out of school.

And again, this afternoon, there was the complete distaste, the lack of any familiar affection shown towards his sister. Manabu was willing to let her lose, to have her forced out of school to protect his reputation here. The cold, uninterested look in his eyes when the concern was brought up, when Horikita's older brother said he didn't care.

And yet, I didn't quite believe that. Because I didn't believe that he truly had no regard for his sister.

In fact, I felt it was quite the opposite.

I lifted my teacup to my lips and took a sip of the high-quality drink he had bought us.

Manabu had invited me to a tea house, which almost exclusively catered to third years. In fact, looking around, I could only see one group of second years here. Even in my explorations of the school, I had been unable to find a reason to enter without seeming suspicious. There was no rule against it, per se, but this place was the metaphorical property of the third years, a reward of sorts for surviving in the school for so long.

First years who had tried to come in uninvited had found themselves having issues not long after. The message spread fairly quickly.

Of course, I now had an excuse, an almost guaranteed pass. Coming in with the Student Council President himself was almost a waive-all-issues pass, that I would most certainly have no problem using. Along with not being concerned by any repercussions of visiting.

Perhaps Sakayanagi might enjoy visiting. She certainly had the grace to fit in, and it would make for an interesting change in conversation venue.

"Why did you want to speak, Ayanokouji? My time is rather valuable." Manabu finally broke the silence.

I mulled over the possible conversation topics, before deciding on where to begin. Hopefully, it would lead to answers to my questions.

"Your sister is going to lose the bet," I declared bluntly.

Manabu's eyes narrowed slightly, before he took a sip of tea himself, gently placing the cup back down on the saucer in front of him.

"You seem rather confident in this outcome."

"That's because it's true. I cannot imagine a world in which she wins."

Again, Manabu took a moment to consider his response. Clearly, he was uncomfortable with the territory the conversation had moved into.

"And why are you telling me this?"

And we reached the purpose of the conversation already.

"Because I want to know if you intend to interfere." His eyes widened slightly at this, but I continued on before he could respond. "I promised to not intervene, and I have no intention of doing so. But there are plenty of other people capable of interfering. You, for instance."

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