SS - Horikita 1

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Everyone else was celebrating getting extra points from Kushida, overflowing with happiness that all of their classmates passed the exam, but I had no interest in any of it.

Firmly brushing off Sudou's attempts to talk to me I made my way out of the classroom and headed back to my dorm. Really, I hope that he doesn't continue this behaviour. It's pathetic and annoying to deal with, and if I have to handle him constantly thanking or even interacting with me, I may snap. What an annoying boy.

But Sudou wasn't the reason for my worries. Normally I would have been happy enough to return, read a book for a while and just relax, my celebration for doing well on an exam, but I couldn't get one student out of my mind.

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

His entire existence was an enigma to me, someone I couldn't figure out.

Smart enough to finish an exam in 14 minutes.

Strong enough to defeat nii-san.

Fast enough to almost break swimming records.

And so indifferent to the class competition despite it being the purpose of coming to this school.

There should be no way a person could be that... that... incredible. It was hard to find words to describe him. As much as I didn't want to, I had been forced to recognise him.

It was infuriating.

Someone with such overwhelming talent, wasting it all just trying to have fun.

The first word that comes to mind is idiot.

To be blessed to be so great, and to not care at all for the gift is the most arrogant, moronic action one could take. It was and insult, if I was being honest, to people like me who had to work hard for good results. To have power and not use it was the most disrespect one could throw at someone who worked hard for even a fraction of the same results.

Ayanokouji, you disgust me.

The biggest question on my mind was Sudou's failure. How did he know? Ayanokouji was certain Sudou would fail. Not confident, not believing it was the expected outcome, there was no moment when he ever seemed unsure about his claim. No, Ayanokouji knew for a fact that Sudou would fail.

Despite him having an unreadable face, expressing nothing, even so in that moment I knew with absolute certainty that Ayanokouji believed Sudou would fail. He expected it. As an inevitability.

And that was something I couldn't understand.

Then there was the matter of the 100,000 points. I had heard rumours he had been winning them from seniors, so that explained how he got them, but why give them to me? He could have just as easily saved Sudou himself. He purchased a point, so he knew it was possible, that's why he knew how many I would need.

But why get me to do it?

Arguably it took more effort, and risk, to get me to pay for a mark than for Ayanokouji to do it himself. Perhaps he had wanted Sudou gone? But why give me a chance then.

The man was inconceivable. His plan made absolutely no sense. There was no logic, no reasoning for the outcome that I could understand, yet he still went through with it.

Nii-san would have understood. He would have figured out the plan, much faster than I would have, and would know the reasoning behind it.

Compared to nii-san I was pathetic.

But I would show him. I would improve, and bring the class to Class A. I could do it. There weren't many students smarter than me, and most of them in my class. I would manage it, without a problem. And then nii-san would see. Then he would recognise me.

But even that was difficult. Because of Ayanokouji. He had no interest in getting to class A, yet I needed his help.

Yes, as much as I didn't want to accept it, I would need Ayanokouji's help. I would find his weakness, find out what he wanted and use it, to get his help. With him on my side, we would reach Class A in no time.

But even so, before I could consider manipulating him, I had to answer one simple question. Ayanokouji was a threat, demonstrated in this exam. He didn't care for the class, just entertainment, which meant that in any situation I had to be wary of his betrayal. Ayanokouji was not someone I could ever trust to put the interests of the class first. And so, I had to answer one simple question, that drove me mad thinking about.

Who are you Ayanokouji Kiyotaka?

Authors Note:

Sorry for the late chapter, I was playing Terraria and lost track of time.

1 of 2 SS for arc one done, the next one coming out tomorrow then on with Arc 2. not much to say, but as always hope you enjoy!

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