Arc 6 Chapter 11 - Festival Part 6

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Class D was fired up.

Our allies, Class A, were suffering an internal combustion, and had been languishing the entire day, but we were beyond the point of worrying about them.

The boy's victory at the four-way tug of war, along with our success in the scavenger hunt, had brought morale back up, and everyone was ready for capture the flag.

After this, only two events would remain for the first years, and then the day would end. Only three chances to make a comeback, and I intended to win every one of them.

The entirety of Class D headed over to the capture the flag arena, even the girls, most of us bouncing around excitedly. Even with our missing members, there was an air of excitement, and it was hard to find a classmate without a smile.

In the end, it was a sports festival, and people had had fun. It wasn't just a competition for Class Points, but a day out on the field to compete purely athletically. Even for the most physically incapable students, it was something different from the norm.

The girls followed along with us, intending to line the side and cheer. They had finished their events for the day, and although they hadn't won anything, it didn't mean they were going to just relax and not care anymore. We had our own personal cheerleader Kikyou, and I could see plenty of boys' enthusiasm being boosted by the constant compliments from her and the other girls.

Class A was a different matter.

They trudged over wearily, tired of the day. Nothing had gone right for them, and like us, they had lost significant numbers to Ryuuen's ploy. Their leader had been exposed as a traitor. It was hard to find any good in their day.

And it was with reluctance that Kanzaki walked over to Hirata to come up with a strategy for Capture the Flag.

"We're here, but don't expect great things," Kanzaki frankly stated. Clearly, he had no hope of winning, which was fair enough viewing the uneven odds before us. In his mind, this would be a repeat of the tug-of-war.

"Let's just do our best. The odds aren't in our favour, but I'm not going to give up," Hirata stated.

"We aren't either, but it's true that we're lacking in motivation. I don't know, Hirata-kun. I could understand if you want to give up." There was a noticeable depression in Kanzaki's voice

"Haa, don't worry about it, Kanzaki-kun. Class D will do their best to win, even if we don't have great chances." Sighing, Hirata turned to face me, where I had been standing somewhat off to the side listening in. "Ayanokouji, as loath as I am to ask you, do you have any ideas?"

"Put everyone on defence," I suggested.


"Protect our flag, both Class A and D. Do that and we can win."

"Ayanokouji, there's no time limit on the game. And even if we all defend, we're down too many people. The numbers alone are too much for us," Kanzaki protested.

"Don't worry about it. I'll get the flag," I explained. "Defend ours for long enough, and I'll make sure we win."

Shocked faces stared back at me. Finally, Shibata was the one to speak.

"I know you're good Ayanokouji, but even you can't take on a class alone. They'll probably have one defend and one attack. I don't think you can get through everyone."

"Oh, I won't be alone." Turning, I spoke to the person flirting with a girl from 2-B who had come over to watch. A crowd had been growing even with upperclassmen here to see us compete. "Kouenji. Do you think you can get their flag before I can?"

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