Chapter Forty-Four: Conversations With My Ex

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“Well?” I ask, Niall and I had gone into the bathrooms, which were thankfully empty due to awards were being given out so everyone was in their seats. I cross my arms, leaning my back on the wall as Niall begins to pace.

“Why the song?” He asks, stopping and watching me.

“Why the song?” I repeat, what is wrong with him? “You cheated on me!” I scream, “You lied about it! You turned everyone against me! Are you saying that you would let me get away with it if I did that to you? It’s your own fault.”

“But I love you!” He whispers, and I roll my eyes. “Listen what happened with Molly... Lennox... please, I don’t know why it happened, I guess... I knew that...”
“You knew what?” I ask, “You knew that I loved you, you knew that I would do anything you? I’m just some dumb girl to you! A girl who fell hopelessly in love with you. My feelings were genuine the entire time through our relationship! So tell me Niall! Tell me why you did this to me!”

He mumbled something that I couldn’t quite hear, and I hummed, still glaring at him.

“I knew that... I knew that Molly liked me-“

“How did you know?” I ask him, and the blush in his cheeks tells me that he had been caught out. “The BRIT nominations party you threw...” I say, and Niall watches me carefully, “What happened with her?”

“She...told me she wanted to be with me.” He admits and I scream out of frustration.

“So you didn’t just play with my feelings, but with her’s too?”

“It wasn’t like that, she came onto me.” I roll my eyes again.

“I don’t want to hear any more.” I tell him, motioning towards the door, but Niall grabs my hand and pulls me back, pushing me against the wall.

“Please, listen to me.” He tells me. “I know I’m coming off as a massive twat right now.”
“More than that.” I mumble, but Niall ignores me.

“I guess, I guess I can only really say sorry.” He lifts his hand and strokes my cheek, “Please Lennox, I know you still love me.”

I shake my head, looking down, our feet are touching and his hands go down to my arm, stroking up and down, goose bumps appearing.

“It isn’t about love anymore.” I mutter, but I know Niall can hear me. “It’s not about that, you...cheated on me, and you were lied about it, you didn’t tell anyone, I had to sing a song about you cheating so that people would know the truth!”

“You love me, you know that we can do this again.” He tells me and I sigh.

“We probably could.” I whisper, and Niall links a finger with mine, but I pull away, “But... I don’t want to.” My eyes meet his, and all I can see is the sadness in his eyes. “I don’t want to be with you Niall.” I whisper again, “You cheated, I’m not going to be seen as that naive girl who can just forgive you this easily. And... then there’s Rob.” Niall chuckles bitterly, moving away from me and running his hands through his hair.

“Rob? That Kardashian? He won’t love you like I will!”

“How do you know?” I ask him, “You obviously didn’t love me enough to stay faithful!”

“He’s American!” He insists and I shrug, “His whole family is about making money and getting publicity! You hate that whole side to being a celebrity! You'll hate it with him! It’s going to be miles times more public with him than with me!”

“He won’t cheat on me.” I whisper, “We actually talk, we discuss topics, we have fun.”

We have fun!” Niall insists, his hands go to the bottom of his shirt, pulling it upwards motioning to my name on his skin. “This was meant to mean something, our commitment, I thought you loved me! Why do you want to be with someone else when you can have me!”

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