Truth or dare (edited)

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"Hey guys! Let's play truth or dare!" My best friend Maddy yells. Today's my birthday, plus it's also winter vacation and Maddy's parents are out on a business trip; So Maddy decided to throw me a birthday party. At first I was against it but now I'm having a blast. Luckily though it's only my closest friends so it's not too crowded.

I make my way to the living room and sit on the couch with Callum and Greyson on either side of me. "Happy birthday." Greyson whispers, looking down at me. "Thank you." I whisper back, giving him a small smile.

"Okay! Now that everyone's here, let's get the real party started! We're going to play truth or dare!" Maddy yells, getting excited. "That's a kids game mads." Nick says, sighing. "Not the way we're playing it." Maddy smiles as she points a finger at nick. " I'm in. So how are we playing." I ask, leaning towards my friend. " Wait, you're in?" Noah questions, looking surprised,

"Yeah why not? It's time we have some fun." I reply and take a sip from my cup. "That's what I want to hear!" Maddy yells, walking towards me. She grabs my hands and pulls me up so I'm in the middle of the circle. "Okay, so this is how we're going to play. "

"It's like normal truth or dare, but the questions.... Have to be kinky!" Maddy explains, jumping up and down. The guys all choke on their drinks and look around wide eyed. "What?" They all ask in unison. "The tasks or questions have to be kinky." Maddy explains like it's the most basic thing in the world.

"Look, I'll do an example. River, truth or dare?" Maddy questions, turning to me. I hesitate but then think 'why the hell not?' "Dare." I say, quickly finishing my drink. "I dare you.... to cock warm Callum."  Maddy smirks as my eyes go wide and I choke on my spit. "What?" I ask dumbfounded. "You have to sit on Callum's cock-'' Maddy starts to explain but I cut her off. "I know what cock warming is, but I'm not doing that." I explain, looking at her like she's crazy.

"Why? That's what the game is!" She throws her arms around my shoulders and pouts. I look around the room and half the guys have smirks on their faces and the others look confused. "Maddy you're drunk you're not thinking straight-" Maddy cuts me off by slamming her lips against mine. I gasp and jump back looking at her wide eyed.

"What. What was that?" I stutter, confused as to why she just kissed me. "The reason why I wanted to play this game. I know I'm not the only one that wants to kiss you and I'm sure the guys want to do stuff to Lily and me too. This is the perfect chance. We can finally do what we want with each other. With consent of course." Maddy explains, grabbing my waist to pull my body against hers.

My breath hitches when she grabs my ass and squeezes it. I look around and see everyone's eyes filled with lust and desire. I look back to Maddy and hesitate for only a moment then slam my lips onto hers.

I grip her face, bringing her impossibly closer and trail my hands down her neck, to her shoulders, then down to her waist. I pull her waist against mine and slowly grind against her. Maddy lets out a soft moan which I use to slide my tongue into her mouth. My tongue explores her mouth and I grab her ass, massaging it in my hands.

I eventually break apart gasping for air. I lean my forehead against hers, us both try to catch our breath. "You're right. There are things I want to do to you. And the others." I murmur and quickly peck her lips before walking over to my previous seat.

"Wow." Maddy gasps, shocked by what just happened. "So we're really doing this?" Lilly questions. "Only if you want to." Nick answers, looking around the room. "No offense guys but this isn't really my thing, so I'm gonna leave." Lilly says, slowly standing up. Maddy goes to say something but I cut her off. "It's okay, Lil. Not everyone likes this kind of stuff." I reassure, giving her a small smile.

"Happy birthday River. I'll see you guys later." Lilly says, walking out the door. "And then there were seven." Ashton jokes, looking around. "So we're doing this?" Greyson asks, looking at me then Maddy. "Yea." I say, looking at everyone. A chorus of yeah's are heard as we all sit in a circle.

Truth or dare (18+)Where stories live. Discover now