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Once Noah hands out all his presents we go one at a time opening them. First was Greyson. He got a new leather jacket. Callum got a set of cooking pans and a couple cook books. Maddy got a book she's been wanting for forever and a few t-shirts. Nick got a new jacket and some jeans. Ashton got a few flannels and t-shirts. Lastly I got a couple new shirts and a book.

We go around like this for a while then finally it's my turn to give gifts. I started with Nick. He got a basketball signed by his favorite player. Then Ashton got a football jersey. Maddy got a dress she'd been eyeing for months and a necklace that reminded me of her. Noah got a new basketball and watch. Callum got some more cookbooks but these ones were only desserts for me and him to try. Lastly was Greyson. And I was scared beyond belief. He carefully unwrapped the tall gift and looked down at it in disbelief.

"Is this...?" He trails off looking up at me with tears eyes. "yeah." I whisper standing up and walking next to him. We both look down at the painting I've spent almost a yeahr on. It's all of us standing together. I'm on Greyson's back and Maddy's on Noah's, with the others surrounding us. We're all smiling and looking absolutely happy. Greyson turns to me with the biggest smile I've ever seen. "Thank you." He whispers, pulling me into a hug.

"You're welcome." I whisper back, rubbing the back of his neck. "You have no idea how much this means to me." He says pulling back before kissing me softly. I smile into the kiss before pulling away. "I'm glad you love it." I whisper before quickly pecking his lips again. We pick up the wrapping paper and bring our gifts up to our rooms before meeting back In the kitchen. "Who wants to cook what?" Callum questions looking at us.

"I'll make desserts." Maddy and Ashton speak at the same time. They laugh at each other before looking at us. "I can do anything." I say looking at Callum knowing he's the one basically in charge when it comes to cooking. "Ok. River and I will work on the turkey and stuffing. Greyson and Nick can work on mashed potatoes and veggies. Maddy and Ashton can make desserts. Noah can set the table." Callum says, looking at us as he explains his plan.

We all nod and head to where we need to be. Because the turkey takes the longest, me and Callum get to work on that first. We prepare the seasonings and veggies that'll go inside, plus add some broth to the dish before putting it in the oven. We set the timer and clean up our dishes.

Me and Callum soon join the others in the living room where they're all watching a movie. I sit down next to Ashton and Greyson before pulling a blanket over my cold body. "Why don't you change?" Greyson asks, referring to me still being in the lingerie. "I'm ok. Plus I still have to tease you for this morning." I say smirking at him. He chuckles at me and wraps an arm around my waist.

We finish the movie and Callum goes to check on the turkey. Since that would be done soon the others started getting their parts of the meal ready. While Greyson and Nick work on their stuff I cuddle with Maddy on the couch. I'm laying down with her resting on top of me and I'm gently rubbing her back. I trail the tip on my pointer finger up her spin causing her to shiver. I giggle quietly causing her to look up at me. "What was that for?" She whispers, rubbing her finger in circles on my chest.

"Because I wanted to." I whisper back, pecking her lips softly. Apparently she didn't like that because she sits up, straddling my waist and slamming her lips onto mine. She rocks her hips against my waist causing me to moan quietly. I rub my hands up and down her side and thighs. I suck her bottom lip in between my teeth and tug, causing her to moan loudly. I release her lip and pull away, trailing kisses down her neck then chest.

I flip us over so I'm straddling her. She yelps in surprise but that quickly turns to a moan as I pull down her underwear, and rub her clit softly. Her hips buck up causing me to chuckle at her neediness. I slowly trail kisses up her stomach and chest, watching as her back arches. I slide two fingers into her wet pussy and use my thumb to continue rubbing circles on her clit. Maddy gasps and bucks her hips up to match the thrusts of my fingers. Her moans get louder so I kiss her, swallowing the beautiful sounds.

I tug at her bottom lip again and trail kiss down her stomach towards her thighs. Maddy whines as I leave wet kisses and hickeys on her thighs. She gasps, grabbing my hair and tugs on it. "What do you want, baby? Use your words." I whisper lightly, licking her pussy. "I-I need to come." Maddy whimpers as I speed up my thrusts. "Then come." I say removing my thumb from her clit and placing my tongue there instead.

She moans loudly and arches her back as she comes in my mouth. I help her ride out her high before removing my fingers and licking her clean. She whines at the feeling which only encourages me. Once I cleaned her, I trail kisses back up her chest before planting one passionate kiss on her lips. I help her fix her clothes before laying down with her on top of me again. "Couldn't have waited until later?" Greyson questions walking into the living room. I look up at him and smirk.

"Nope. Jealous?" I question laughing lightly at him. "Nope. Because I'm the one who gets to go to bed with you." He replies as he leans down and pecks my lips. I hum in agreement while Maddy just laughs at us. "What?" I ask looking down at her. "You guys are so cute. And if you don't start dating after all of this ima bitch slap you." Maddy says, eyeing me at the 'bitch slap' part. I mock being hurt while everyone laughs at us.

I look up at Greyson and give him a small smile. He smiles back at me before walking into the kitchen. "Everything will be ready soon so don't get too busy." He yells before fully disappearing. Me and the others laugh again but get ready for an early dinner/late lunch. I look down at Maddy in my arms and smile softly as I play with her hair. "Are you excited for later?" She questions softly, looking up through her eyelashes. "Mhm." I mumble smiling down at her. I grab her discarded panties and slowly slide them up her thighs, watching as her eyes flutter shut when I tease the inside of her thighs with light touches.

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