Christmas movies and mac n cheese (edited)

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"River. Baby. Wake up." I hear someone whisper as they nudge my body. I groan and roll over. "Go away." I mumble pulling the blanket over my head to hide from the intruder who's bothering my sleep. "Don't make me drag you out of bed." Another voice threatens tugging the blanket. I look out from under the blanket and see three very hot men, shirtless and all in sweatpants hanging dangerously low on their hips.

"Eyes up here sweetheart." Ashton says snapping me out of my day dreaming. "What do you want?" I whisper, still really tired. " You need to shower and eat breakfast. After everything we did this past couple of days your bodys exhausted." Greyson walks over to my side of the bed and kneels down. He pushes my bed head out of my face and kisses my forehead. "Come on." He murmurs, pulling the blankets off my body. He picks me up, having my legs straddle his waist and my arms wrapped around his neck.

He walks into the bathroom and sets me down on the sinks counter. He turns the shower on and walks back towards me, standing in between my legs. "I'll let you shower. Meet us downstairs when you're done." He says and pecks my lips before leaving. I quickly strip my clothes and jump in the shower. After washing my hair and body I jump out and wrap a towel around my body. I quickly brush my hair and teeth before changing into sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

Once dressed I walk down to the kitchen and sit at the table with the others. "Good morning." I mumble, rubbing my eyes with the heel of my hand. "Good morning!" Maddy replies, too happy for how early it is. "Shhh." I whisper as Greyson walks towards me and gives me a kiss on the forehead before taking a seat across from me. Everyone chuckles at my laziness and Callum places eggs and bacon in front of me, as well as a glass of orange juice.

"Thank you." I say giving him a small smile. He smiles back and pecks my cheek before sitting down next to me. Breakfast is fairly quiet with small talk and some talk about Christmas but Maddy has other plans. "So what should we do today?" She questions looking around. "Watch movies." Noah answers tiredly. "yeah" everyone says, answering her question.

After breakfast the others go into the living room and clean up from last night while I help Callum clean up the dishes from breakfast. "Thank you." I say still putting the dishes in the sink while he washes the counter. "For what?" Callum questions, turning around to lean against the counter. "Everything." I respond, giving him a small smile.

He smiles back at me and we continue to clean up. "Hey." I look up and see Ashton walking into the kitchen. "Hey." I responded. "Maddy wants to know what everyone wants to watch. Any ideas?" Ashton questions jumping up to sit on the counter. "Dude. Off. I just cleaned that." Callum groans, whipping a wash cloth at Ashton. He throws his hands up in defense and jumps off the counter and walks over to me.

"I'm ok with anything." I say responding to his earlier question. "Come on." He whispers, putting his arm around my waist and pulling me into the living room. "No! We should watch a Christmas movie! It's Christmas Eve tomorrow!" Noah yells looking at Maddy. "I don't care! We should watch a Disney movie!" She yells back, stomping her foot for effect.

"No! Yes! No!" They continue back and forth. I walk over to Greyson near the movies and start looking through them. "Guys?!" I yell, grabbing their attention. "Why not a Christmas Disney movie?" I question holding up a few in my hands. They look at each other and nod their heads and look down at their feet. I quietly laugh at them and hand Maddy the movies to look through.

I walk over to the couch where Ashton and Callum were sitting and sit in between them. I grab a blanket from the back of the couch and huddle under it, getting ready for the movie. Just as they put a movie on Greyson walks in with two bowls of popcorn. He hands one to Nick and brings the other towards us. I go to scoot over but he grabs my hand and lifts me off the couch. He hands Callum the popcorn and sits down in my seat, then pulls me onto his lap.

"This ok?" He whispers in my ear as he holds my waist, rubbing his thumbs back and forth the bare skin where my shirt had ridden up. "yeah." I whisper back, nodding my head lightly. I lean back and cuddle into him as the movie starts.

~~~~~~~~~1 hour later~~~~~~~~~~

So far we've been watching nightmare before Christmas. I know, I know. It's not a Christmas movie, it's a Halloween movie. It's both in our opinions. Right now I'm leaning back into Greyson, my head buried into his neck. Callum has his hand on my thigh, rubbing his thumb back and forth while Ashton's holding my hand. At first I was confused but now I'm kinda just going with it.

My eyes flutter shut for what feels like the thousandth time and I bring my hand up to cover my yawn. "Are you tired?" Callum whispers leaning near my ear. I nod my head and snuggle into Greyson more. "Get some rest, love. You've had a long couple of days and tomorrow's not gonna help." Ashton whispers, bringing my hand up to his lips where he places a soft kiss on my knuckles. I yawn again and huddle into the blanket before finally drifting off.

"Should we wake them up?" Nick asks, looking around. "No you idiot! Let them sleep." Maddy snaps looking at him. "What are you guys fighting about now?" Greyson groans quietly trying not to wake me up. "Nothing. Just this idiot wanting to wake you up." Noah explains looking at me and the guys cuddling together. "To late assholes." Ashton groans sitting up. "yeah." I whisper rubbing my eyes with the heel of my hand.

"Sorry." Maddy, Nick and Noah say at the same time. "What time is it?" I question yawning. "A little after 1:30." Noah answers, checking his phone. "Oh wow." Callum says standing up. "What do we want to do for lunch?" He questions stretching. His shirt rides up showing off his abs. "River your drooling." Maddy jokes, snapping me out of my day dreaming to glare at her.

"So? I'm allowed to stare." I say looking back over to Callum. He looks down at me and just shrugs his shoulders before walking into the kitchen. I got up off Greysons lap, which he protested to, and followed after Callum. I watch as he takes out things from the fridge and cupboards, before setting them down on the counter. I walk over to him and roll up the sleeves on my sweatshirt.

"What are we making?" I question looking up at him with a small smile. "Mac n cheese?" He questions looking at the little food Maddy has. I nod my head and grab a pot from him to start boiling the noodles. "we're definitely gonna have to go grocery shopping later." Callum comments looking at everything Maddy has. "Definitely." I respond, shaking my head at the very little food in the house.

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