Shopping (edited)

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We just finished eating lunch and Maddy and Nick are cleaning up the dishes. "Hey, you wanna go shopping with me?" Callum asks, leaning over from where we sat on the couch. "yeah!" I nod happily and jump up. I rub to the door and start putting my shoes on when a throat is cleared behind me. I slowly turn around and raise my eyebrow. "Yes?" I question looking at Greyson and Ashton.

"Change?" Greyson asks, crossing his arms and looking me up and down. I look down at my outfit which consists of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. "Are you asking me to or asking if I want to change?" I question standing up straight. "Do you want to change?" Greyson corrects looking at me. I shake my head 'no' and go back to putting my shoes on. Ashton holds the door open for me before we walk over towards the car.

"Hey! Don't forget candy!" Maddy yells from the doorway as we stand next to the car. "We won't!" Callum yells back as we all hop in our seats. The drive to the store was quick, so soon we're jumping out of the car and grabbing two shopping carts. "Ok. Me and Callum will go grab stuff for dinners and breakfast, while you guys go get snacks?" Ashton questions looking at us. I nod and take off towards the Candy aisle.

"Did they say what kind of candy they wanted?" I ask, looking over my shoulder at Greyson, who is leaning on the cart. "Nope." He shrugs, grabbing something from the shelf and throwing it in the cart. I walk up and down the aisle throwing random bags of candy in before walking towards the snacks. "Do they sell those chips Callum likes here? You know the pops]corn one covered in dark and white chocolate?" I question stopping to look back at Greyson.

"I think so? It would be in the chip aisle." He nods towards the chip aisle. We head over there. I continuously walk up and down the aisle looking for the chocolate covered popcorn. "Hey. What's the big deal if they don't have it?" Greyson questions rubbing my lower back softly. "For Christmas Eve I had gotten everyone their favorite snacks and I got most of Callum's except for a big bag of chips. Everyone has a bag of their favorite candy, two favorite drinks and a big bag of their favorite chips." I explain looking at Greyson.

"It's ok. He'll understand. He's constantly struggling to find it so he won't be upset." Greyson reminds me as he grabs some things off the selves. I nod my head and look around for something else he may like. "Hey! You guys got everything you wanted?" Callum questions walking to stand next to us with his cart full of food.

"yeah. C'mon, I want candy." I say skipping down the aisle. I hear the guys chuckle at me but soon follow. We soon cash out and load the groceries into the trunk. Once we pull into the driveway Maddy and the guys coming running out. "Finally! I thought we were gonna starve to death!" Noah yells, throwing his hands up dramatically.

"So dramatic." I mutter, shaking my head with a small smile on my face. Noah clearly heard me because he gasps lousy and holds a hand over his heart, faking being hurt. "So rude." He says, wiping a fake tear from his eye. I laugh at him and go over to help unload the groceries. We quickly have everything put away and are sitting around the kitchen table snaking on candy and chips.

"So how are we doing things tomorrow?" Maddy asks, looking around at everyone. "What do you mean?" Nick questions looking at her with furrowed eyebrows. "Well we have to do something fun! Maybe we could play another round or truth or dare?!" Maddy yells excitedly. "No!" Everyone yells at the same time. "You guys are no fun." She mumbles looking sad.

"Maybe on actual Christmas. That way we give our bodies a break and we can make it more interesting?" I say looking at my pouting best friend. "Interesting how? I'd say what we were playing was already pretty interesting." Noah questions looking at me confused. "How about..... on Christmas each person can pick only ONE thing they want to do to someone or multiple people. So for example I could pick a foursome with whoever and that would be my turn. It would be like truth or dare but we get to pick what we do and we only get one turn." I explain, looking at my friends.

"I'm in." Maddy says as soon as I finish explaining. "Me too." Nick says looking over at the happy girl. "Same." Noah answers, nodding his head. "yeah." The others all answer. "Ok then. Tomorrow we relax and rest and Christmas the fun starts again." I say plopping a piece of candy in my mouth. 'This'll be fun' I thought while looking around at my friends.

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