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Greyson starts setting stuff on the counter and getting ready to start cooking. I stand up and walk over towards him. "So what are we making?" I ask, pushing the sleeves of the sweatshirt up my arms. "I was thinking of fried ham, mashed potatoes and green beans." Greyson answers, opening the packaged ham. I grab some potatoes from the counter and a pot and start getting everything ready.

"Is this enough?" I ask, pointing towards the now mashed potatoes.. "yeah." Greyson nods, putting the finished ham on the table. Ashton finishes putting the silverware on the table and yells to the others, letting them know foods are ready. Soon we're sitting down eating and talking. Once the food is gone or everyone's full we start to clean up. Since me and Greyson cooked, the others are washing the dishes and wiping down the table. "We should pick a movie before they come out." Greyson whispers in my ear as he eyes the kitchen.

I nod my head and quickly grab the tv remote and turn on Netflix. I scroll through Christmas movies and look to Greyson for advice. He feels me staring and looks down at me. "You pick." He whispers looking at me like he's studying and trying to memorize every little detail. I give him a small smile and shift to lean my head on his shoulder. He immediately wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me closer, causing my smile to grow.

"What are we watching now?" Nick questions looking at me then the tv. "8 crazy nights." I tell them pointing to the dvd case. "Yes! I fucking love that movie." Ashton cheers as he sits next to me. We all sit down and climb under blankets. I shiver still cold from being outside even though I'm in sweatpants, a hoodie and under a blanket. "Are you still cold?" Ashton whispers trying not to interrupt the movie. "yeah." I mumble curling into the blanket more.

Ashton gently grabs my waist and lifts me onto his lap. He then reaches to the back of the couch and grabs another blanket and lays it across us. "Thank you." I whisper cuddling into him. "You're welcome." He murmurs as he kisses my forehead. We continue to watch the movie with me on Ashton's lap and Greyson holding my hand. I slowly start to feel my eyelids grow heavy but I try to fight back sleep.

Apparently Greyson noticed my small battle because soon he's whispering in my ear. "Get some rest, love." I nod my head softly and soon let sleep take over my body.

"Baby." I hear someone whisper next to me. I bring my hand up and softly swat them away but only feel air. I hear a few chuckles which causes me to open my eyes. I immediately meet Callum crouching down in front of me. "It's time to get up baby." He whispers, pushing some hair behind my ear. I nod my head and go to sit up but I'm pulled back down into a warm body. "No." I hear groans from underneath me. I look down and see Ashton sleeping.

Apparently we moved so he's laying on his back and I'm on top of him. "Ashton." I whisper, shaking his shoulder lightly. He ignores me and his grip on my waist tightens. I hear the others laugh again, which causes me to shoot them a playful glare, instantly shutting them up. "Ashton. We need to get up." I whisper, leaning up so my face is in front of his. "No." He whines rolling us over so we're side by side.

"Yes." I say louder this time. "Why?" He whispers pecking my shoulder. "I- I actually don't know. Callum? Why do we have to get up?" I question looking over Ashton's shoulder to him still crouched next to the couch. "It's getting late and if you keep sleeping tomorrow you'll be grumpy." He says, looking directly at me. "No I won't." I say acting offended. "yeah you will." The others say at the same time. I scowl at them and turn back to Ashton. "They're being butt heads." I whisper against his neck.

"Want me to kick their butts?" Ashton questions, finally opening his eyes and looking at me. I nod my head and smirk as he goes to get up. Maddy, Nick and Noah instantly take off as Callum stands up and goes next to Greyson, who's just shaking his head laughing. Ashton takes off after the others and I turn to Greyson and Callum. "What time is it?" I ask snuggling into the blankets again. "No, no, no. Up." Greyson says, picking me up off the couch. I whine but instantly wrap my legs around his waist.

"So mean." I groan, burying my head into the crook of his neck. "I know. But we don't want to deal with a grumpy River tomorrow." He explains walking into the kitchen. "Can we order take out?" I question looking back at Callum who's following us. "yeah. I was thinking the same thing since we'll be cooking all day tomorrow." He says nodding his head and walking towards the take out menus. Greyson sets me down at the table still wrapped in blankets and walks towards the Keurig.

"I'll go find the others." I say, going to stand up but Greyson stops me. "They'll be back in a minute." He comments before turning back to what he was doing. I give him a confused look but he either ignores it or doesn't see it. I eventually shrug my shoulders and cuddle into the blankets again. "Are you feeling ok?" Callum says after a few minutes of silence. I look up to see him looking at me, worried etched onto his face. "hm?" I question, confused about the sudden question.

He walks over to me and places his warm hand on my cold body. "You're burning." He mumbles while kneeling in front of me. "I'm fine." I say looking at him. "You're paler than normal but your nose and cheeks are a little red." He comments more to himself than anyone. Callum looks over towards Greyson whose attention is now on us or me. "I'm fine guys. Really." I say standing up. "I'm gonna go find the others." I turn to look at them before walking out of the room.

I look around the house trying to find everyone but have no luck. I eventually walk back into the kitchen and see an out of breath Noah, Nick and Maddy and a smirking Ashton. I raise an eyebrow at them but then rethink that and just shake my head, laughing softly. "You're sick." Is the first thing Maddy says to me when I sit down in between her and ashton. "No I'm not." I say looking at her confused. "Yes you are. You're paler than normal and your nose is red. Plus I heard you sniffle." Nick comments looking at me concerned.

"I'm fine." I groan, throwing my head back in frustration. Greyson walks over towards me with a coffee cup in his hand. I raise an eyebrow at him as he sets it down in front of me. "It's chicken broth. It'll help with the cold and warm you up." He explains as he picks me up and sets me on his lap. I nod my head and grab to warm up before bringing it to my lips and taking small sips. "So what are we doing for dinner?" Maddy questions breaking the silence.

"I was thinking take out since we'll be cooking a lot tomorrow." Callum explains, walking over to the table with menus. We all nod and look at everything. "We should get pizza." Noah says, looking at everyone. We all groan and say 'no'. "Why not?" He questions looking confused. "We always have pizza. We should get something we haven't had in awhile." Greyson explains from behind me. "Fine. What about Chinese food?" Noah questions looking around. "Yes!" We all yell happily.

We all write down what we want so Ashton can call the order in. "You wanna go back in the living room?" Maddy asks from next to me. I look over at her and nod my head, standing up from Greysons lap. "No falling asleep." Greyson comments. "I won't." I say looking back at him and giving a small smile. He smiles back and stands up walking to the fridge. Me and Maddy make our way into the living room and sit down on one couch while Noah and Nick occupy the other.

"What are you watching?" Maddy questions looking at the tv confused. "A scary movie." Both boys speak at the same time. "Guys it's Christmas, we should be watching Christmas movies." Maddy says standing up and grabbing the remote from them. They both groan but know there's no point in fighting her. What Maddy wants, Maddy gets. She scrolls through channels and finally settles on a random movie. I sink into the couch still balled up in my blankets, sipping on my broth.

About 30 minutes later food is here and we're all sitting in the living room again. We ordered a bunch of stuff so we could kinda just pick different things. I'm sitting in between Callum and Maddy while Greyson is on Callum's right and Ashton sitting on the other couch. Soon we finished eating and now cuddled up together watching more Christmas movies. Maddy and Ashton switched seats after eating and I'm now on callum's lap.

Again I'm slowly nodding off but try to fight it. "Let me see her." I hear Greyson whisper to Callum. I'm soon cradled in his arms and we're moving. I look up confused and see Greyson smiling down at me. "Go back to sleep baby. I'm just bringing you to bed." He whispers, kissing my forehead. I nod my head and mumble incoherently which causes him to laugh softly. 'God I love that sound' I thought to myself. Soon I'm being gently laid in bed and I feel another blanket being pulled over my body.

"Good night love." Greyson whispers, pecking my cheeks, nose, forehead then lips. I whine softly when he pecks my lips worried he'll get sick but he just coo's and pushes hair from my face. "I'll be right back." He whispers before walking to the bathroom. I smile happily and before falling asleep.

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