Opening a path (I)

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They moved quickly down the tunnel. The rear was blocked for now, so they could use their attack formation. The lynx, Gjaki and Eldi were in front, and the elf behind, with the goshawk on her shoulder waiting for an opportunity.

Eldi had spent quite a bit of mana with the Walls, so he tried not to use spells for now. Goldmi didn't have much to spare either, while Gjaki had a lot. However, she had to watch out not to spend more than what a level 72 was supposed to have. Otherwise, she might lose the bet.

The vampiress had bet she would cook for them, and it wasn't exactly one of her virtues. No doubt, if she lost, she would have to suffer the ridicule not only from her companions, but probably from Diknsa and everyone who saw her. Surely, they wouldn't be few.

"I shouldn't have bet on that," she regretted, as she Bit an ant and Unsettle it.

Seizing the opportunity, Eldi relied on Overload and Perforating Impact to pierce the ant from side to side. It's true that the first skill caused the durability of the weapon to drop, but he had crafted several spears for each level, and it could be repaired later. He just had to go to a Beginner's Village.

The lynx came out from between the ant's legs to attack the next one. That tunnel was narrower, and two ants didn't fit together. She surprised it from below, and Jumped at its neck, exactly to the weakest spot. After so many ants, it would be weird if she hadn't mastered it.

As the ant fell, several projectiles flew through the space it had vacated. They hit the one behind, and blinded one of its eyes.

Gjaki had stepped forward after Biting the previous ant, jumped on the falling one, and launched herself into the ant wounded by the arrows. With the whip, she Grabbed onto the base of one of the antennae, and used it like a vine to get under the ant's head. She slammed into it with a double kick to which she added Surprise Daggers. Therefore, two daggers were plunged into the insect.

She left them there. They were the spare ones, and her assistant would pick them up. She extended her legs to launch herself to the ground, twisted in midair, and landed to leap forward. She passed under the ant, without finishing it off.

Eldi was a little behind. He came across a one-eyed ant, which was injured, and wanted to attack the vampiress, who easily dodged its Skewer. He pulled out the hammer, and jumped with Kangaroo Power to get in front of the ant's head.

It didn't even have time to turn before the heavy weapon impacted on its skull. The battle mage, still in the air, struck exactly where the two daggers had stuck. With Devastating Strike, he caused them to pierce deeper. Surely, the little Gjaki would have to work hard to recover them.

He landed just in time for a cyber fairy to get to him, drop some ant meat in his inventory, and go back for more. The ant fell in the direction of the blow, thus clearing the way for Eldi to follow the vampiress.

The lynx arrived shortly after. She jumped on the dying ant, and dug her claws into it. After checking that it was at death's door, she ignored her and moved on.

"Feathered, I leave it to you. Finish it off," she called her sister.

"Damn four-legged sloth. At least finish the job," the albino bird grumbled.

Goldmi smiled as she ran forward. Despite the complaints, the goshawk landed on the ant, which had its head split open. Just the wind aura was enough to shatter its now exposed brain.

Without pausing, the elf shot a few normal arrows at the next ant before Gjaki got there. They wouldn't hurt it much, but they would distract it.

The ant shook its head to try to get rid of those little spikes, while Gjaki was running under it. She used the two daggers at the same point on each leg of the left row, and continue her way.

Eldi arrived shortly after. He had seen what the vampiress had done, and couldn't help but shrug and pull out the axe. It was what his companion expected of him.

The lynx paused for a moment, while waiting for the high human to finish cutting off the legs. Neither he nor the vampiress had relied on their skills.

As it couldn't be otherwise, the insect fell on its side when it lost its supports. The feline then jumped on it, and closed her fangs until she almost killed it. She left shortly after in pursuit of the other two. The first to arrive had more fun.

"For you, sister," she informed the elf.

Gjaki had insisted that they had to train all the skills, and Goldmi had had no choice but to agree. Among other things, because her sisters had sided with the vampiress.

Therefore, she used Skewer to finish off the ant with dagger and sword at the same time. It wasn't the first time this had happened, and the skill had risen it to 5 an hour before. She got up, sheathed her weapons, picked up her bow again. It took her barely a second to aim and fire three more arrows.

When the lynx got to the next ant, the insect was already falling. Gjaki's attack had been more effective than expected, as her enemy had opened its mouth to Spit some acid. Instead, it had swallowed a Darkball, which had shattered it from the inside.

Eldi saw the feline pass by like an exhalation, and as she Jumped on the next ant, which was looking menacingly at the vampiress. That pushed the ant to the side, thus making it easy prey for the vampiress or the high human. Therefore, the lynx moved on to the next one.

"Hey, don't get ahead of yourself!" the vampiress complained.

Without pausing, the feline looked back for a moment. When Gjaki stuck out her tongue at her, she had already stopped looking.

"They're like children," Goldmi shrugged.

"Seriously..." Eldi complained, after seeing that his companion was chasing the feline.

He had no choice but to finish off the insect, for which this time he used Stand, so a spear was left fixed on the ground. A Rough Arrow in one of the legs completely destabilized the ant, which fell on the spear with all its weight. The weapon pierced it thoroughly.

"She's going to have a hard time getting it out," Eldi thought.

In doing so, her assistant stopped what it was doing, and prepared to dismember that ant, in order to remove the spear embedded in it. The one in charge of collecting the weapon, remained watching, waiting.

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