Spells, skills and conspiracies

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As for Eldi, at 73, he had recovered the Blessing Area spell. It was very convenient when it was needed to apply blessings to many allies. Once an area is set up, it can be infused with blessings, so they are applied to everyone who is inside for a few seconds. Additionally, the blessings cost 25% less mana per individual. However, the cost of the spell means there is no gain until at least a hundred or so blessings are applied. He had it at 10, since when used with many, it leveled up very quickly.

Next up was Extend, which allows doubling the duration of a spell in exchange for tripling its cost.

Blend allows combining different mana affinities, although not all of them are useful. For example, fire and ice are opposites, which causes a mana burst. Gjaki and Goldmi had gotten quite a laugh the first time he had tried it. However, if there is a layer of earth mana in between, that explosion can be delayed depending on the thickness of the layer. He had it at 10, because he loved to experiment with it.

In 76, Mana Compress wasn't very useful except as a requirement for the next spell. Since said spell was at 10, so was this one.

Canned Spell opens up a wide range of possibilities, that are only limited by the imagination and the available companions. It consists of Canning a spell, either from the canner or from an ally who provides it, as long as the level isn't higher than the canner's level. After that, said spell can be given to any ally, who can use it as if it were its own. The biggest restriction is that the mana decays, so after five minutes, the spell loses half its effectiveness.

Mana All or Nothing allows for a brutal offensive, since spells cost half as much for ten minutes if at 10 affinity. However, it must be used with care, as its trade-off is no mana regeneration for two hours. In-game, there was the trick to use it right before logging out, as absent time also counted. That is the reason because it was at 10.

At 79, Curses at me? was identical to Goldmi's. It was also at 10, thanks to Gjaki.

Weightlessness allows to reduce or eliminate the weight of the caster or others. In the game, they found it quite fun, so it was at 10.

Burn Yourself was similar to Burning Aura, though instead of a protective aura, it is the opposite. It causes the enemy to continuously burn, though it takes a second of contact to apply it. The spell is very effective against certain types of enemies, such as ice bosses, to whom it was applied whenever possible. Raising it to 10 had been the consequence.

Finally, at 82, and also at 10, there was Freeze Yourself, which is similar to the previous one. It chills and slows instead of burning.

In terms of skills, in 73 it was All Alike, for axe. It was useless to him, so it was at 2.

Symmetrical was just as useless as the previous one. The skill can be used with a spear, with which it can create symmetrical holes, at the same distance.

The useless hammer skill was Flatten, although in the game, he had found some uses for it. For instance, he had created skating rinks. Therefore, he had it at 6.

In 76, Energy Compress was the equivalent of Mana Compress. Similarly, Canned Skill was the skill equivalent of Canned Spell, and Physical All or Nothing to Mana All or Nothing.

Overexertion, at 79, doubles strength and defense for ten minutes. It causes the caster to remain almost immobile for half an hour after that time. Because of this, it was common to use it along Physical All or Nothing and Mana All or Nothing for a terrible offensive, right before exiting the game. It was also in 10.

Eyes in the Back is a terrifying blow to the rear with the bottom of a spear against someone trying to attack from behind. The damage is bludgeoning, and its use situational, so it was only at 4.

Mortar crushes stones with the hammer until turning them into fine sand. It is useful for finding some alchemy ingredients, as well as destroying fortifications or burrows. It was at 8.

Spearaxe is a curious skill that, in exchange for some energy, allows using an axe as a spear without having to change weapons. It is useful for certain situations, and it is necessary that the handle of the axe ends in a pointy blade, much better if it is a metal one. Because of this, many of the axes that Eldi had made after reaching 82 had been like it. It was at 7.

"And now what? You've leveled up too fast! We have to redo the leveling plan!" the vampiress complained, although with a huge smile.

"I think we can rest for today. I want to try the Mattress with the girls," Goldmi suggested.

"I'm going too!" Gjaki said without thinking much.

"Didn't you have to design a leveling up plan?" Diknsa reproached her and sighed.

"I'll do it on the way!" she assured. "Write down your suggestions for when I come back."

"You're leaving to have fun and, on top of that, you give us your work..." Coinin complained. She had just arrived, accompanied by her grandchildren.

"Come on, I know you love it... Just don't think anything too evil" Gjaki asked.

"Mmmmh... We'll see..." the rabbit-vampiress threatened with a mischievous smile.

"You better... What will you do, Eldi?"

"I'll stay. I have to prepare weapons for various levels. What a pity, we haven't been able to use some of them..." he lamented.

"Oh! We left you materials in the crafting room. If you need more, say so, and we'll ask for them. Maldoa assured that she would get them for us in exchange for the weapons when we don't need them anymore," Goldmi intervened.

"Perfect. I'm going. Have fun."

"That's what we'll do!" Gjaki exclaimed, cheerful.

Thus, Golmi and Gjaki returned to the former's house, and dragged Coinin and her grandchildren with them. It didn't take long for everyone to be jumping on a wind Mattress, including Elendnas. Suddenly, the elf looked seriously at her friend.

"We should've brought Eldi. We need a skating rink."

"True! Next time, he won't avoid it! Ha, ha. How will we get him to skate?" the silver-haired vampiress began to conspire.

"I don't know, but we'll think of something," Goldmi smiled mischievously.

"And there I thought you were kind and innocent," Coinin accused them while laughing.

"Look who's talking..." Gjaki returned the accusation. "Do you have any good ideas?"

"Well, now that you mention it..." she smiled mischievously, while looking at the young twins

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