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"She's coming for me! She's coming for me! Help! Someone help me! Aaaaaaaahhhh!" the shadow was yelling while fleeing in terror.

It could feel how the distance that separated it from the presence that was chasing it was decreasing. The fairy was faster than it.

"No, wait, she's just a fairy, and this's full of miasma. If she's come this far, she had to be weakened. I can face her!" it tried to reassure itself.

Despite this, it kept flying, without stopping, without looking back. The corrupted spirit didn't even have time to think why the presence that it feared so much had suddenly appeared.

For the first time in years, it wished there were other shadows close. However, its very nature had prevented it. They were individualistic, competitive and very distrustful.

The presence was getting closer. Barely ten meters separated them. It was then that the shadow heard a sweet voice, which would have chilled its blood if it had any.

"You betrayed your brothers, you betrayed life, you even betrayed yourselves. As if that weren't enough, you keep attacking us, you keep trying to destroy what we care for, and create nothing in return. Your sole purpose is destruction, and we can't allow it," the fairy repeated the same words she pronounced before each shadow.

As in the other times that she had faced one of her enemies, the normally innocent fairy wore a solemn expression. At the same time, her small hands began to glow.

The shadow turned around with hate and fear. It was trying to strike by surprise. The corrupted spirit had gathered all the miasma before turning around, and expelled it in front of her. It was an attack that could harm even a fairy.

"Ha, ha, ha. I've killed her! Ha, ha," it boasted, for it could no longer perceive the fairy.

It was then that the corrupted spirit felt something that it had forgotten long ago. There was a warmth feeling on its back that engulfed it, that purged its corrupted essence.

"No! Wait! Nooooooooo...!"

The distortion produced by the massive miasma attack was what had prevented it from sensing the fairy. She had dodged the attack thanks to her agility and experience. It wasn't the first time.

As on other occasions, Pikshbxgra stared at the now empty space sadly. That being had been a spirit in the past. Her victory ended what should never have been, but it didn't eliminate the fact that it had been. Furthermore, she was surrounded by miasma and corruption.

The fairy turned, and focused on a comforting presence in the distance, in the place from which she had left.

"Aunt Omi..." she murmured.

The memory of the shadow was left behind, as she hurried back to meet the elf again.

Goldmi shot an arrow at the nearest lost. She wanted to aggro it. If it came alone, they could deal with it slowly. The idea was to attract them one by one while possible. The more their numbers decreased, the easier it would be.

"Auuuuuu!" the corrupted panther howled.

"Since when do panthers howl?" Eldi complained.

"It doesn't matter. It's alerted the others. Get ready. Many are coming," the vampiress warned.

"How many are they?" the drelf asked.

"I'm not sure. About thirty, probably," Gjaki estimated.

"Thirty? Wouldn't it be better to run away?" Maldoa was scared.

"It'll be a bit hectic, but there shouldn't be a problem," the vampiress smiled, more excited than worried.

The drelf looked to the others, seeking help. She found that both the elf and the high human were concentrating on their tasks. They didn't seem overly concerned. Much less the lynx. She sighed.

"Here I thought that Goldmi was more reasonable. They're all crazy! Me too for staying with them!" she mumbled, as she prepared herself for battle.

Both she and the elf were somewhat diminished by not being able to use their connection to nature. It undoubtedly made them uncomfortable. Nonetheless, there was no time to worry now.

The first to arrive discovered the feline, who quickly fled from them. Without thinking twice, they followed her, while ignoring the rising Earthen Walls. They only saw their prey.

There were half a dozen of them which followed the lynx between the Walls. They threatened to reach her, but they couldn't quite catch her. Although a few levels below, she didn't have to deal with the Wind Abysses that her enemies were forced to cross.

Gjaki served as bait for many others. She had Disguised her level, and was using Blood Overload, as well as being helped by some Tentacles. If necessary, she would raise some threads to make them stumble.

Eldi, while using Rabbit Spirit, managed to attract the next group. He raised Earthen Walls behind him that his enemies had to cross, thus wasting time. Those which tried to jump them received several Rough Arrows that pushed them back.

The last to arrive went straight for the drelf. She was far away, but had activated her presence as a half-dryad. The aura of life that she exuded was deeply hated and longed by the losts.

Goldmi was in charge of lending a hand to all those who needed it, such as the Rough Arrows. She cast also some Wind Traps, which did little damage, but got in the way of their enemies. It wasn't only necessary to prevent them from reaching her companions, but also from arriving at the same time.

The lynx Jumped to reach her sister and the drelf. An instant later, Eldi arrived, by using Pole Vault to bridge the distance to his three companions. He had planted the spear on a marked point, a safe point.

Gjaki was last by just a few seconds. Although they also followed her more closely. The smile on her face clearly indicated how amused she was. With Blood to the Feet, she leaped towards them, and Glided over the last few meters.

The losts pounced on them, but found some invisible threads that blocked their way. They caused them to crowd.

It was then that Eldi launched several Fireballs towards the ground, thus causing the ice supports to melt. Along with the weight of the losts, the ground gave way, and revealed a huge pit several meters deep and many meters wide. Eldi had invested a large amount of mana in Mole's Power to create it.

As they fell, Light Abysses began to trigger one after another. They filled the huge pit with light and purifying power.

"Shall we throw the stones?" Gjaki asked.

"It doesn't seem necessary," Eldi observed.

He was casting Gravity against those which seemed able to escape, while using some normal and Fire spears too. Furthermore, he had placed a Frozen Prison, and Gjaki was prepared to extend her threads.

When the light went out, there was nothing left, except some spears that a cybernetic fairy was busy picking up. The difference in level wasn't enough to counteract the large number of Light Abysses placed on top of each other. Furthermore, their power was the nemesis of the losts.

"It's been easier than I expected," Maldoa acknowledged, relieved. "It's a shame we can't do it more often."

The three companions looked at each other and smiled.

"It'd really be a shame not to take advantage of it a little more," Goldmi expressed what the three of them were thinking.

"There're still many losts around here," the vampiress smiled.

"I'm going to fix the hole a bit," Eldi intervened.

"Oh..." the drelf was stunned for a moment. A smile appeared on her lips.

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