Fights (I)

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"Are you all going to come at the same time? That way, we'll finish sooner," Eldi provoked her again.

He wasn't very sure of himself in this provocation. If both Gjaki and Goldmi hadn't assured him that there would be no problem, he wouldn't have done it.

They hadn't had time to explain the customs of the barbarian peoples, and he didn't know much about them. Only what he had learned during the game, which was rather little.

Barbarians were aggressive and confrontational, but also proud. In a fight, they never went two against one unless it was agreed beforehand, and they were even insulted if anyone suggested otherwise. It was very different in a battle, although curiously, they weren't very common, at least not among the different tribes.

Problems were resolved through blows, but always in equal numbers. They were duels with certain rules and honor. In them, Smashy and Crushy were in their element.

"Three against three. Do you dare?" the barbarian challenged them.

Without a doubt, she was the leader of the subgroup, which meant that she was the strongest.

"Perfect. Who do I have to squash?" Gjaki agreed with a mocking smile.

"Hey! I want two! I want to warm up my fists a bit!" the elf tried to brag as best she knew.

Two brawny, bare-chested barbarians flanked the barbarian woman. Their gaze burned with rage, as they wanted to crush those three weaklings who were humiliating them with words. They were looking forward to smashing them with their fists.

Eldi waved them over, palm up, fingers curling back and forth toward them. He wanted to appear as confident as possible, and forced a smile to his lips.

The truth is that the size and muscles of their opponents were intimidating. Although it is also true that, in the game, they had fought even stronger rivals. Somehow, those experiences were half real to them, which made them feel more confident.

Feeling humiliated by that sign, the barbarian and one of her companions rushed towards Eldi. They believed that he was the leader and the strongest of the group. Physically, he was the most muscular, though far less than a barbarian. The other two seemed rather harmless. One was disguised as a panther-woman, while the other as a scrawny reptilian.

Other fights were also breaking out in front of other tents. While the barbarians generally had a physical advantage, those experienced adventurers couldn't be underestimated either. That was precisely what the barbarians had done.

"Stop dodging and fight like a man!" a barbarian snarled.

In response, the nimble half-elf smiled mischievously, dodged to the side, and hit him in the ribs. At first, the barbarian had even laughed at those flimsy blows, but now he was noticing something. It was the fourth in the same area, and it was starting to hurt.

"Who dares to fight me!?" a barbarian boasted a couple of tents away. She was more than two meters tall.

She looked down on the weak adventurers in front of her. There were two magicians, whose physique was rather puny compared to other adventurers. Not that they were out of shape though. Every adventurer had to at least be able to run out of a disadvantageous situation, and have enough stamina to follow their companions.

There was no fear in their eyes, but rather some pity for the arrogant barbarian, as if they were giving her their condolences. Those gazes irritated both her and her companion, although their irritation soon vanished. It turned into first wonder and then fear.

"Who do I have to fight?" a deep voice asked.

The owner of the voice was the giantess about three meters tall who came out of the tent. It seemed impossible that she could have been inside, but that tent had a spatial enchantment to make it bigger inside.

Adventurers who had tents like this were rare, since it was much more expensive, and they were used to a certain austerity. However, in this specific case, it was a necessity.

"Is there something for me too?" another similar voice asked from inside. It belonged to the twin sister of the first.

The two barbarians took a step back when they saw the two daunting giantesses get out one after the other. Not only was their height much larger, but their musculature was also imposing.

Unfortunately, they had started this, so they couldn't back down. That would be even more humiliating than the beating they were sure to receive. One had to admit that, at least, they weren't cowards.

"Ha, ha! You know how to take blows!" a muscular demihuman with ox features laughed.

"Ha, ha! You're not bad either!" the barbarian he was facing laughed too.

They had both forgotten what this was all about. They were simply enjoying a combat as primitive as it was brutal. Neither of them dodged. Instead, they were taking turns punching each other.

The barbarian's companions were talking while watching the scene with admiration. That adventurer could perfectly be one of theirs.

The adventurer's companions looked resigned, shaking their heads. Their companion had always been like that. He was a lost cause.

"This isn't a fair fight!" a barbarian protested.

She had smugly smirked upon meeting the arachne, while thinking it would be an easy win. She didn't expect to end up wrapped in a cobweb, which completely covered her.

The arachne simply kicked her and sent her rolling towards her people while looking at them, taunting them with her eyes.

"Next?" she asked mockingly.

Those brutes fought head-on, as they thought she was no match for them. Weapons were prohibited, as were offensive spells, although skills were allowed in those types of fights. In case of breaking the rules, it could have serious consequences if the Adventurers Guild found out. With so many witnesses, it certainly would.

The problem for the barbarians was that the web was an innate ability of the arachnid, not a spell. They couldn't forbid her to use it. It would be like telling them not to use their muscles.

Fighting was raging throughout the tents, and the results were far less encouraging than the barbarians had hoped. They had greatly underestimated the adventurers, and they were paying the consequences.

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