Cave assault (I)

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The assassin watched the group from afar with interest. One of them was using a spear and hammer. If he also saw him use an axe, then he would warn the rest. While he wouldn't be 100% sure it was him, it would be worth the risk to capture and interrogate him.

It was true that he didn't look like his target, but artifacts to change appearance weren't that strange. The assassins knew it well.

He was concerned about what he had observed from a distance. The group, although small, had a high combat ability. In fact, he didn't think that it was their limit.

"If it's him, we'll have to come quite a few, better if we catch them by surprise. Hmm? Is anyone else chasing them?" he muttered to himself.

He had been following them from a distance, but never walking the same path as them. It was a precaution that assassins always took, in order to avoid possible traps. Some of their targets were extremely cautious, so they created them as they travelled.

However, the other group didn't take such precautions, they were following directly behind them. Therefore, they had been located quickly by the elf's Alarms, and then the goshawk hadn't had much difficulty spotting them.

What the assassin didn't know was that he too had been partially discovered. The goshawk often landed for just a moment. Through her, her sister placed Alarms at other points, to locate possible beings from the dungeon that could be stalking them. Scarlet lions could be dangerous when attacking by surprise.

He continued to watch his targets, and the group that followed them, without intervening. If, as he believed, that group of eight attacked the group of three, he was sure to find out more.

He didn't care much if they were killed. He knew that, by declaring his belonging to the assassins' guild, those petty criminals wouldn't prevent him from taking the corpse. In fact, they would surely be terrified by his presence.

If he was his target, they would have done all the work for him. If not, they would have helped him not to waste any more time. If the criminals lost, he was sure that he would discover something during the confrontation. Whatever the outcome, it was best not to intervene.

So, with some disdain for the group of raiders, he set out to enjoy the show.

"Those fucking pampered guys are well-prepared. That barrier is expensive. Heh, heh, they're a wonderful prey," one of the lamias boasted.

If it weren't for the fact that they were following them, the hideout surely wouldn't have been discovered. They had reached a rocky area, thus making the trail difficult to follow. In addition, their prey had entered a cave, where an artifact concealed and protected the entrance. Now, it looked like just another stone wall, with no trace of the original entrance.

These types of artifacts were common among adventurers who ventured there, although they were generally not so refined. Even at this distance, and knowing that this was the place, they could barely see any difference.

"Remember, if possible, don't kill them yet. Especially the male," another of the lamias warned.

"Yes, yes, you've already said that. It's a pity they're fluffy. They could have been cute elves," lamented the man-centipede.

The three had kept their wolfish disguise. They had discussed whether to take it off or not, but knowing that they were being followed, it didn't seem wise. Therefore, their pursuers didn't know their real appearance.

"Tsk. You're too picky," the arachne criticized, in a bad mood.

They had raffled the order with the only male, and she had gotten the last place. That made her irritable, even not caring too much if he died.

"What can you know!?" the other man-centipede reproached.

"Sshh. Silence. It's time to start. They must be asleep by now," another arachne warned.

They all nodded and began to approach in silence.

"Another Alarm. I have them more or less located," Goldmi informed, while she watched her friend.

"We'll take care of whatever they are later. First, let's see what those who're following us want. They seem to be crying out to be killed," Gjaki threatened, as she filled with mana a strange artifact that she had taken from her inventory.

"It is really spectacular. Too bad that profession wasn't in the game," Eldi appreciated and lamented.

A barrier of mana rose in front of them. It took the shape of stone and the color of the rest of the mountain, thus hiding the cave. Its protection wasn't very high, but its camouflage ability was undoubtedly spectacular.

Gjaki had obtained it from one of her enemies in the past, she had found it interesting, and she had kept it. These types of devices were created by craftsmen called artificers, a profession in which Eldi was interested. Along with the study of runes, of his own mana and skills, of the deeper understanding of his other professions, of the structure of spells...

They could have simply used Gjaki's Shadow Protection, Goldmi's Vegetable Home, or Eldi's Sleepyhead's Shield. However, that was more normal among adventurers, and they wanted their stalkers to be confident.

With the help of the artifact, they entered the cave, and came out a while later. They had chosen that place because it was protected from the sun, thus creating a shadow that favored them. Otherwise, it wouldn't have been so easy to slip away with Darkness.

The vampiress enveloped her two companions and the lynx, and led them to a nearby cave. Meanwhile, the goshawk and some Bats watched their enemies, and tried to locate their invisible stalker. However, the assassin remained motionless. He was hidden under his magical cloak.

As long as he didn't move very fast, its effect was similar to Darkness, with the advantage that it worked even during the day. The main drawback was that it took a long time to activate. Also, if there was a change in the terrain, he had to move very slowly and very carefully, so that the camouflage would adapt.

He couldn't know that they hadn't only discovered him, but that they knew his approximate position. With the goshawk's help, Goldmi had placed many Alarms, each within a few meters of the other. Furthermore, once they had stopped, she had also cast Natural Perception to confirm that there was only one and his position.

However, they had to deal with the immediate threat first. After that, they would take care of finding out the intentions of their other stalker, although they supposed that those intentions weren't too good.

They hid in the adjoining cave, and waited patiently for their stalkers to spring into action. When they drew their weapons, their suspicions were confirmed. What they weren't sure of was why. They needed at least one alive.

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