Opening a path (II)

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Gjaki and the lynx stopped and stared at each other, thus launching a challenge. Nonetheless, neither of them advanced. They had reached the exit of the tunnel, which led to a wider one. Therefore, they waited for Eldi and Goldmi, who didn't take long to arrive.

They looked for a moment at the immobilized ant that was blocking the exit, and preventing more insects from approach.

"The side where we have to go is full of ants. They come out of another tunnel. If we seal it, we'll have a free path. The other side is empty. There's a weird ant, but I don't know exactly what it is. In the game, they all looked the same to me," the vampiress informed.

"Well, I'll take care of the rear, just in case," Eldi offered.

He was the best fit for it. While Gjaki could take on any enemy, she could be surpassed if there were multiple enemies which didn't want to face her. She could easily survive, but she couldn't guarantee to stop them. In the game, Eldi was always in charge of protecting the rear.

"I'll cover you," the elf assured.

She could easily attack the ants in front of them, and at the same time be prepared to support the rear if necessary. After all, she had eyes in the back of her head. Rather, on her shoulder.

"I'll let you know if something happens from behind," the goshawk offered.

"Let's go. Tell your cat to cover me," Gjaki advanced, somewhat challenging the feline.

She looked at her, while expecting the feline to stay a step behind her, but the lynx had already passed her. For an instant, they stared at each other again.

"She says you cover her," Goldmi transmitted her sister's message, almost unable not to laugh.

Eldi glanced at them sideways and smiled. He had to protect the rear, but first they had to get out of the side tunnel. So, unexpectedly, he stepped forward and impaled the immobilized ant with a spear. Immediately, he took out an axe.

"Cover me!" he exclaimed with a mocking grin.

"Hey! That's cheating! Wait!" the vampiress reacted too late.

"That's not fair!" the lynx exclaimed, only for her sisters.

"That's happening because you're too slow!" the goshawk mocked.

"Pffft," the elf couldn't contain her laughter anymore.

However, she soon recovered. She took a deep breath and raised the bow. Soon, the arrows came out again, although she only shot the used ones. Eldi had made five hundred of each level, which was more than enough if she kept reusing them. However, despite being of higher quality than normal ones, they were also broken down by the strong impacts. It was worse if there were skills.

She kept the most damaged ones to repair them later, while the usable ones but not in perfect condition were used to distract the ants. The others were reserved for when she used skills and spells. To get the most out of them, it was better to have a pristine arrow. She could also use mana arrows if she weren't rationing it.

Eldi took the lead in the next two ants, and gave the other two no choice but to follow him a few steps behind, grumbling. Then, he stopped and let them pass, to take up his position at the rear. He and Gjaki stuck out their tongues at the same time. No one would say that they were close to a hundred years old, neither from their appearance nor from their attitude.

The truth is that they were delighted to fight together. They had missed it a lot, which was the main reason why Gjaki had decided to limit her level.

However, the feline took advantage of that little moment of distraction to jump on the next ant.

"Damn!" the vampiress cursed, and hurried to follow her. At the same time, several arrows whispered over her head.

Eldi stood a few meters behind the elf, and looked into the distance. It was a long tunnel, the emptiness of which was its main characteristic. As they were accustomed to seeing them crowded with ants, it was an unusual scene.

"It's approaching. Isn't it going too fast?" he murmured.

He relied on Sharpening Senses to better distinguish the approaching ant. Goldmi had sent a pair of Light Arrows to illuminate the tunnel a bit, so the silhouette could be seen. It was going fast, faster and faster.

"A rhino ant!?" he was alarmed.

They were unusual ants. They had a horn on the front, and they rammed their enemies in the tunnels. Those ants waited for their kin to die to have a clear path and start their race. They also ambushed at the exit of some forks, like now.

They were heavier and more robust than the other ants. Besides, it was almost impossible to avoid their attack, unless there was a side exit.

Eldi pondered for a moment about going into the side tunnel, but he didn't think he could warn them in time. Therefore, the battle mage prepared to stop it no matter what.

He thought of creating a Rock Wall, but it wouldn't harden fast enough. It could barely hold. Luckily, he had already prepared a hole with Mole's Power out of habit beforehand.

Several Rough Arrows hit the ant, slowing it down slightly. Goldmi knew that even if she could mortally wound it, it wouldn't stop its dangerous run. Nor would a Wind Trap have much effect, since it was going too fast. Therefore, she had focused on supporting her companion in what she could. Unfortunately, the elf couldn't ask the forces of nature for help at that depth.

Eldi created a pair of Lightning Spears, and placed them just behind the hole with Stand. He expected them to stun and pierce the ant, though he knew its run would continue. It should be at least a little less difficult to face it.

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