Prairie (II)

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The hellish wildebeests were similar to the wildebeests of their original world, albeit with notable differences. Their bodies were more robust, their horns longer and stronger, and their fur a maroon color. Also, they had some pretty dangerous skills, like Communal Charge.

This was a skill where at least eight of them charged at once, though cases of over a hundred had been reported. Not even their fiercest predators dared face them when they Charged.

The hellish wildebeests didn't really have that name, it had been given to them by the players. Furthermore, they weren't real living beings but mana ones, although they were based on magical beasts existing outside.

In fact, the entire first floor seemed to be based in some distant place, which none of the three companions knew about. Though, Gjaki and Goldmi had heard rumors in the past.

What wasn't known was how the dungeon had been created. Some claimed that some god had been responsible. Others believed more in the legend of multiple powerful sorcerers collaborating to make it come true. There were people who even thought that it was created naturally, although they couldn't explain why it was so different from other dungeons.

Furthermore, while those wildebeests were composed of mana, their behavior was analogous to the beings they were based on. As if that weren't enough, it wasn't the only animal on that floor of the dungeon, but rather the entire natural environment seemed to have been recreated.

Nonetheless, they had been the most popular among players. Their number made them ideal for those who were capable of hunting them in groups.

Right now, a group of fifteen was Charging towards them. Their already powerful bodies had been Reinforced, and their speed enhanced with Haste.

The three companions stared at them, unable to move, and were pulverized by that unstoppable stampede.

"I know they're illusions, but it's overwhelming to watch yourself crushed like that," Eldi commented. He was feeling chills when seeing his pulverized image.

"Ha, ha! You're exaggerating! It's only mana!" Gjaki laughed.

"They're stopping. It's like in the game," Goldmi observed.

After obliterating the threat, the hellish wildebeests began to slow their run down. It might be strange that they hadn't felt a real collision, but these beings lacked intellect. They moved by instinct. They weren't even on the level of the actual beasts they were based on.

The three companions stared at them, behind a rock, as they approached. Goldmi had attacked them with arrows that she had controlled to fake they were coming out of her image. Immediately, the mana beings had turned on the illusions and started a Communal Charge.

They had barely cut the speed in half when the ground opened up under their hooves. Some fell into the holes created with Mole's Power, while others stumbled and rolled.

In the game, if they tried to catch them when they're going full speed, it didn't work, and it seemed it was also true in the reality.

"You have to move away the illusions a little more, they have to slow down more. Some haven't fallen," the high human lamented. He was coming out from behind the rock and going towards the holes.

"Take care of them. We'll go after the escaping ones," the elf proposed.

"Count on me. Eldi, don't let them out. We'll be back soon," the vampiress joined.

"I don't know if I can contain them all," he warned.

"I'll leave reinforcements for you," Gjaki added.

After saying that, she summoned three Blood Hounds, and sent a Bat to watch the situation in the holes. That way, she could command the hounds.

While they were talking and distributing themselves, the goshawk Plummeted on one of the wildebeests. She arrived as it stopped rolling and was trying to get up. It was badly hurt, although the beast didn't feel any pain. It is one of the perks of a mana being.

The bird of prey Collided with the leg it was trying to stand on, thus knocking it off balance again. Before it could react, she reached up to its huge head and attacked one of its eyes, as she was enveloped in a wind aura.

While lying on the ground, it could barely defend itself, just move its head. However, that wasn't enough against the albino bird. It even tried to use its tongue, but the cure was worse than the disease. The goshawk used her claws to immobilize it. She didn't let it go back, which totally confused her enemy.

As it was still and unable to react, its exposed neck was pierced by several arrows, which ended its life. Even though the mana being's level was higher than theirs, it wasn't high enough for it to avoid serious injuries when it couldn't defend himself.

A few meters away, another of the wildebeests was getting up, so the goshawk moved her wings to approach and attack it. Since she didn't have enough speed to repeat her previous move, she used the skill recovered upon reaching level 90.

With Grow, the bird's wingspan slightly exceeded that of the hellish wildebeest. Her claws were big enough to grab it and push it to the ground. Her mighty beak plunged into its neck, and slashed what should have been the jugular, though mana was circulating instead of blood.

As soon as she was finished with it, she shrank again, as that form used up a large amount of mana. She jumped and flapped her wings to gain altitude, thus regaining the advantage of acting from the sky. As soon as the bird got high enough, she started looking for a new prey.

The lynx looked at her winged sister with a bit of envy. She would also like to be able to Grow and crush her enemies, but the skill she had restored at 90 was just the opposite, Shrink.

Not that the feline would have changed it, as it was very useful in many situations, but she wished she had both.

Her mouth stopped feeling the presence of the flesh of her victim, the one she had attacked it neck. She had kept her jaw and claws steady, until the mana beast had lost its cohesion and the mana scattered.

The lynx turned her head from side to side, until she settled on the next victim.

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