"Hey wife-to-be." I say before pecking Kehlani's soft, plump lips. I put down her favorite flowers onto the table and she smiles harder than before.
Unfortunately our vacation was cut short because Ajani fell sick. Even though he was fine by the time we came back, Kehlani made us leave.
I know this would make our next getaway hard, her trust issues went all the way up after she saw how Ajani looked over the facetime.
It was just a cold though, nothing major and was treated immediately.
Our wedding was in a week and I was scared as hell. Lani and Adora made sure everything would be ready. She told me that I could always make a suggestion but I decided to leave everything to her because I honestly didn't care.
If it were up to me we could've got eloped a long ass time ago and got this over and done with. I just wanted her to have my last name.
"Thank you my love." She replies before kissing me again. If she wasn't in the middle of changing Ajani lord knows her panties would be down by now.
"You nasty as hell." I say to Ajani who was trying to squirm out of Kehlani's hands. He couldn't keep still at all.
"Next time you're changing him, I don't know what he's been eating." She chuckles as she cleans him.
"It's that breast milk, he gots to get off it. It's time for me to start getting that treatment." I say with a smile.
"I'm not even going to reply to that." She replies. She literally just did.
"Your son stinks." Aidan cuts in, walking into the living room. They were on their school break so Aidan would be staying with us until our honeymoon.
I thought Kehlani would mind but I could tell she really loved Aidan and so did he. I liked how close they were.
She wanted the same with Sadè but she was much more antisocial than Niyah and Aidan so we all told her not to take it personally.
Sadé would be lively one minute then go to her room and not talk to anyone else for the rest of the day. She was just like that and she has always been like that.
"Not too much on my son," Kehlani replies as she dresses Ajani back up. Aidan takes a seat next to her and Ajani starts jumping up at him.
He couldn't even walk but had all this energy for stuff.
"He loves me, that's really my son at this point." Aidan replies and I hit the back of his head. "Ow!"
"You're like ten, talking about kids. Matter fact- you ain't had your first kiss yet have you?"
"I'm 15, of course I have." He replies in a 'duh' tone. Maybe I was just a weirdo, I lost my virginity mad late.
"I had my first kiss at like 11." Kehlani cuts in which wasn't helping my case.
"Nah you just a hoe," Aidan laughs and I hit the back of his head again. "Ow damn! I was playing." He huffs.
"You didn't tell me you had such a beautiful friend." Aidan walks over to us, acting like he isn't literally dying.
Aidan and Amir were playing basketball in the garden and for once, Amir was actually winning. Aidan was all sweaty and panting like a dog a minute ago but now that Adora was here, it was a different story.
"Nuh uh, she told me all about you. Didn't you have a crush on her like a week ago?" Adora chuckles and so do I.
"That's old news," He waves me off and I jerk my head back. "What's up though, let me get your number."
"You're way smoother than your brother, my girl 'Lani had to make all the hints." Adora replies.
"I'm straight up with my women." Aidan licks his lips, folding his hands together. Amir slaps the back of his head again to which he pushes him back.
"Trynna impress the ladies huh," Amir replies, shaking his head. They were fighting all the time anyway, it had nothing to do with us.
"Who you guys think is more handsome? Aren't I better looking than him?" Aidan says, wiping his face with his hands.
"You are literally 13." I say and he sucks his teeth before walking away, back onto the court.
"Can I have my baby back?" Amir asks Adora who has been hogging Ajani for the past 20 minutes.
"No go play with your brother,"
"I really don't like your fat ass bruh." He replies before I burst into laughter. It was so unexpected, like why would he say that.
"You know what- i'm playing, i'm playingggg." He cuts in with raises arms. He knew to stop that quickly because Kehlani would cuss him the hell out.
"Your wedding is really in a week," She turns to me, ignoring Amir's presence. "How do you feel?"
"I'm excited, as hell. I got everything I want basically, this is like the last chapter for me." I tell her.
"I want another baby so go ahead and make another one on that honeymoon." Adora says causing me to laugh.
Kehlani was so heavy on waiting on marriage and she hasn't found her partner yet even though she wasn't too fond on finding one.
She wanted her future husband to find her and that would be perfect in her mind. So for now, my babies were her babies until she had some of her own.
"I'm telling you, you and Kasey but youn' wanna listen to me." I shrug and she rolls her eyes.
"I'm not blocking my blessings or anything, we talk and we go on dates but that's been it for now. He's scared of commitment and i'm not wasting my time on no nigga like that." She replies.
"Watch in a year," I say with a smile and she starts smiling too. She knows i'm right. They're too cute for them to not be a thing in the future.
"Damn that's Kyrie!" Aidan shouts out, pointing out Kyrie Irving who was practising a few shots. He gave Aidan a smile and a nod.
"He smiled at me! You see that? He smiled at me!" He repeats which makes me smile.
Yesterday we were talking about our favorite basketball players and Aidan told me his was Kyrie's so I decided to find last minute tickets for him.
I could only get two but Amir insisted that I go with Aidan instead of him. I was stressing myself last night over these tickets so I was glad he was enjoying himself.
"Yeah I saw, we can go meet him up front later and take pictures and stuff." I tell him and his smile widens.
"You don't understand how grateful I am for this." He says and I shrug. I was happy he was happy. This was the type of bond me and Kieron had so it was kind of beneficial for me too.
"In a week we're going to be family, i'll always have your back." I reply to him.
"You've been family." He says which warms my heart. I don't think he understands how much that comment meant to me.
"Aww- Okay don't make it all gay damn." He cuts me off which makes me laugh. He wasn't affectionate, unlike his brother.
The more I spent with Amir's family is the more I wish I could've met Ajani. I wondered how similar they all were.
"The game's starting." Aidan taps me repeatedly as if we weren't watching the same game. "Oh my God, it's starting." He says excitedly.
We were in the front rows so some of the players could hear him. Jayden Hardy looked at Aidan who was pouncing in his seat before chuckling slightly.
He was the one who hooked me up with the tickets in the first place.
"How you been 'Lani, how's Kieron?" Hardy asks me, giving me a slight hug. I made sure not to get too close because the media would somehow turn this into something it's not.
"Well, you know Kieron.." I trail off, not knowing exactly what to say there. "Congratulations on your game today though, you guys did real good."
"Thank you thank you, who's this?" He asks with a smile, looking down to Aidan who's smile hadn't left his face since we came here.
"My fiancés little brother, he's a big fan of you guys." I introduce and Aidan sticks his arm out. Hardy puts his much longer arm out before they shake hands.
"It's nice to meet you, i've been watching your highlights since you were in highschool." Aidan says.
"I appreciate that man, most fans of my team only really look at Kyrie so I really do appreciate when I get a lot of love from people." He replies. "You want a picture?"
"Hell yeah." He says which makes me and Hardy laugh.
"I'll take it." I say before taking my phone out of my purse and they both pose next to each other. I take a couple before switching my phone back off.
"Nice to meet you again." Aidan says to him and be daps him up before Hardy walks away. He turns to me and pulls me right and back by my arm. "I just met Jayden Hardy!"
"Now, Kyrie next," I say before walking over to Kyrie who was talking to a couple interviewers. He catches my eye and says a few more words before walking towards me.
"If it isn't Miss Kehlani Iman," Kyrie chuckles before shaking my hand. "I'm sorry to hear about your father, I didn't get the chance to send my condolences personally."
"Yeah..." I say before taking a deep breath. "This is my fiancés little brother, he's a big fan of you and plays basketball himself, he wanted to meet you."
"Aye man, nice to meet you," He says before shaking Aidan's hand which was literally trembling. "Family of Kehlani is family of mine."
"It's a honour to meet you sir, words can't describe how elated I am right now." Aidan says and I laugh.
Big ass words.
"Here, take this." Kyrie says, pulling off his jersey offf of his body. He turns and whispers something to a reporter before taking a pen off of him and writing the jersey.
He passes the signed jersey to Aidan who couldn't believe this interaction.
"Really? Thank you! Thank you so much!" He says and Kyrie shrugs with a small smile.
"Don't worry about it kid," He replies before dapping Aidan up. "Keep grinding, don't let nobody discourage you either."
"I won't man, I promise." Aidan says with a nod. Kyrie gives me a smile before another interviewer takes up his time.
"I can't believe it." Aidan says to me as we walk off the court. "I got Kyrie's jersey, it's got his sweat on it!"
"Thank you Kehlani, for everything. It's like you just make everyone happier, you make everything better." He says before hugging me unexpectedly. I hug him back and take in the love.