Vigilante Reader

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You first met White Tiger while busting up a drug ring

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You first met White Tiger while busting up a drug ring. It was going well, but then a figure dressed in white kept into the fray.

The two of you tied up the members before alerting the authorities. You watched from a nearby rooftop as the police hauled the criminals off to prison.

"So, who are you?" The figure walked closer to you, allowing you to get a closer look at her. She was dressed in a white suit, but the mask had eyes and ears similar to a tiger with claws. The green amulet on her belt was a tiger, too.

"Who are you, White Panther?", you asked.

"Nah, White Tiger." She held out a gloved hand, which you shook. " Well, I'm S/HN, nice to meet you."

She said,"Those were some nice moves out there. Hope we get to see each other again." before leaping from the rooftop to another.

Over the next few weeks, the two of you started working together more. She started to learn more of your magic abilities, while you learned more about her White Tiger powers.

You wouldn't admit it, but you started to get feelings for her. She was caring and she had a good sense of humor.

But then things changed...

It was a normal night. Until you happened upon some A.I.M. robots in the city. It was pretty easy work as Tiger and you cleaved through the robots.

While you spiced through robots with your spells and sword, you heard her gasp. You turn to see red spreading from the white of her suit as she collapses to the ground.

You blasted back the A.I.M bots and quickly grabbed White Tiger and left the building, barely escaping. You brought her to your apartment. You settled her body on the floor to work on the wound.

You removed her suit, except the mask. Her body was lithe and athletic, dressed in a white bra and underwear. You started casting spells to heal the wound. Once the wound was healed, you dressed her in a white shirt of yours and placed her on your couch so she could rest.

You picked up her costume and inspected it. All white with a whole where she was cut. You cast two more spells to clean the blood and fix the whole.

You waited a couple of hours until Tiger woke up, gasping. "What happened?" You picked up her repaired suit, carrying it to the couch.

"You were injured, so I brought you here to heal you." She check her abdomen where the wound was to feel no injury.

"Where's my suit? Where's my amulet? That amulet is a family heirloom. I need it!!" You held up her suit to her. She grabbed it, checking it for the amulet, letting out a sigh of release at seeing the amulet.

"Thank you. For everything.", she responded.

"No problem. Helping each other is what we do, right?", you responded.

She reached up to her mask, pulling it off. Her face was tan with dark brown eyes and hair. There was a dusting of freckles along her nose. For a second you for breakfast at her appearance. "Name's Ava. Ava Ayala."

You sat down to Ava and disengaged your mask/helmet. "My name's Y/N L/N. It's nice to meet you Ava." You pulled her up from the couch into a hug. When you both stopped, you realized her cheeks were flushed red.

To break the silence, you asked, "So, why the red cheeks? Is something wrong?" She looked up at you.

She smirked, moving her face close to yours. "Yes, actually. I haven't thanked you yet." She captured your lips in a kiss. Her lips were soft and she tasted sweet. She pulled back from you, smiling softly.

"Maybe, I should save you more often if that's what's going to happen,"you mused. You exchanged more kisses before it was time for patrol, the two of you roaming the streets, now as a couple.

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